Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KevvieBhoy on March 20, 2003, 01:30:36 am

Title: Artist Transposition in AlbumView
Post by: KevvieBhoy on March 20, 2003, 01:30:36 am
Is there a way that AlbumView will transpose Artist names for Overview and Album Details as well as the treeview.

For Example, just now Britney Spears appears as Spears, Britney in the tree view, and is displayed in the correct order alphabetically. In the icon view however she appears to be sorted as (B)ritney Spears apearing near the top. She is however sorted properly by the program and is listed under the "S" tab.

When clicking the S, She is sorted By (B)ritney Spears again, appearing before Simple Minds etc.

Anyhelp would be much appreciated.

Title: Re: Artist Transposition in AlbumView
Post by: RhinoBanga on March 20, 2003, 02:25:30 am
I didn't put it in as I thought people would still want to physically see the artist name in the proper way.

But I guess I was wrong ;)

Here's what I will do ... I will create a virtual column called transposed artist so you can sort and group by that name.

Also since it's a column you can even put it in the icon text displayed for an album.

Is that ok for you?

If so I'll do it this weekend.
Title: Re: Artist Transposition in AlbumView
Post by: KevvieBhoy on March 20, 2003, 02:40:39 am
Rhino, that would be brilliant!!!

It'd help greatly for me sorting out all my CD's, which i'm just getting round to de-boxing....18mths after moving house! lol.

Anyway, Thanks again for such a brill program and the effort you put into it for everyone on here. ;)

Title: Re: Artist Transposition in AlbumView
Post by: RhinoBanga on March 21, 2003, 01:08:59 am

I have done this already and will release beta tonight.

It looks really cool when it's used in the icon text too!
Title: Re: Artist Transposition in AlbumView
Post by: KevvieBhoy on March 21, 2003, 05:43:06 am
Can't Wait!!  :)
