Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: WolfWalker on November 20, 2002, 02:43:26 am

Title: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: WolfWalker on November 20, 2002, 02:43:26 am
is there a way for chart finder to rename various and or various artist to there real artist name.  Given the song title and maybe the album.

I have the 60's gold collection from Timelife and alot of the artist come up various.  It would only be for the artist name not any thing else.
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on November 20, 2002, 08:03:20 am

The database has the Artist name, and song name, along with year and chart info.

it has no album info and it does not guess

Artist Name And Song Name Is Required.

no gateley is working on something right now that may fix this for you. you may see it in the next few weeks if everything goes well.

Basicly what it does it will know the artist info, song name album etc.... just by the scanning of the Mpeg data.

the problem right now is the database of info is rather small untill Gateley allows users to submit data to the database.

just stick in there and lets see what magic Gateley comes up with.

I should add if J river allows use of this in the SDK\Plugi-ins i would like to use it to retain correct Info For Music Files Within Chart Finder for Music Files That Do Not Have Tags Or Correct Info In The File Name.

By the way you can cut and paste the Artist Names From Here.;sid=kURVlgtih6VbJza5XokVmi2nLF740Fu_Yh0=?ProductSKU=17095&CategoryName=1&Promo=f
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: WolfWalker on November 20, 2002, 08:13:25 am
the info is posted on the timelife web site I was just looking for a lazy way of doing it.  I will just type every thing in it the 60's generation 1969 and a couple of others.  When they where submitted to the db they just used various or various artist I would rather use the artist name.

Also some one sujest in another post of using the full right panel for chart finder can you do that.
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: WolfWalker on November 20, 2002, 08:15:10 am
idea if you could make a toggle that when track name is found and no artist name is found place artist name in field call it orginal artist or something like that.

You know the more I think about this the cooler this featurewould be.

lets take a track name say.  Leaving on a jet plane
now if the artist name was blank or various why not have a toogle that if clicked on it would look up the name in your db and see john denver or who ever and add the name to artist.  of coure there has been other artist who have done the song but if you new the orginal artist was john denver  why not correct the field with john denver instead of various or various artist.

Is there a tyncial reason why that could not  bedone
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on November 20, 2002, 10:05:56 am
Maybe I can think of something... i will add this to my think about options (i have many).
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: WolfWalker on November 20, 2002, 10:35:50 am
cool thanks king
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: JollyJim on December 23, 2002, 04:42:13 pm
Hi King

Is it possible to view the entries on the database on the chartfinder? Sorry if you've had this question before but I have'nt been around much lately.

Nice product by the way and, very best wishes to you and your ladyboss for xmas.

Best wishes - Jim

Listening to Easter Parade by Judy Garland etc etc
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on December 26, 2002, 02:47:47 pm
>> Is it possible to view the entries on the
>> database on the chartfinder?
It Is already In a grid List, You just can't view it


Why Would You Like To View it?
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: JollyJim on December 27, 2002, 12:15:15 am
Hiya King

I'm gradually trying to build playlists of 'Number ones of 19xx', 'Top 20 of 19xx' etc etc and being able to view the datatbase would act as a good checklist. I know I can see these on the web in various areas, but it would be handy to be able to do it locally. Even better would be the ability to extract records from the database, using various criteria,  to a spreadsheet or whatever.

Hope you and yours had a good xmas and would like to wish you a happy new year.

All the best - JIm
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KeystoneCop on December 27, 2002, 05:59:38 am
go look in C:\Program Files\Mark Farmer\Chart Finder (IF YOU INSTALLED TO THE DEFAULT)

the charts are there and readable by excel.
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on December 27, 2002, 06:52:16 am
>> Even better would be the ability to
>> extract records from the database
keystonecop is correct it does import into excel it is a standard CSV File Excel can read and you can then convert it to what ever you want or sort it.
Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: JollyJim on December 28, 2002, 01:39:39 am
yep -working

thanks chaps

Title: Re: KingSparta - Chart Finder
Post by: KingSparta on December 28, 2002, 06:14:22 am
I should be working On Lyrics in a month or so.

I have had a few people give me some so if i can stick them in a database and allow it to look them up (user selectable) i think that would be a good addition.

I was playing with Helium Tag editor the other day and noticed it had a Lyrics Lookup option. i tryed about 30 files and it found no Lyrics so i am not sure if it really works, but might be a good sorce of lyrics.

Does anyone know of a program that will add lyrics to music files? or find lyrics?