Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: RhinoBanga on October 16, 2002, 10:06:02 am

Title: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 16, 2002, 10:06:02 am
Go here for more info:
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: tivo1 on October 16, 2002, 11:41:08 am
just wondering...

If i ripped all my cds a long time ago...  is there a way i can d/l the images off the net... and not have to scan them???  Does AV2 do this??

If not whats the best way to go about this?

Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 16, 2002, 12:03:39 pm
AV doesn't get artwork from the net.

Go here for covers

There is also but the audio covers section is closed for the moment.
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: nila on October 16, 2002, 12:46:14 pm
I'm heart broken.
Opened up MJ today and got a message saying AV had expired.
Then saw you'd released a final copy and found that when I installed this my trial had also expired. :(

Heart broken I tell you, heart broken!!
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 16, 2002, 12:56:45 pm
Yup ... that doesn't surprise me in the least.

When AV expires re-installation, setting the clock back, etc, won't work.

Ooooo ... I just received an email regarding a credit card payment ... I wonder who that's from :D :D :D
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: nila on October 16, 2002, 01:17:34 pm
The tooth fairy?? :)

Oh yeah, and I just wanted to say I'm glad you went for the full version for the test days followed by unlocking it with a code. Might be easier to crack but so much nicer :)
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 16, 2002, 01:22:51 pm
The only thing that is crippled is writing back to the MJ database ... that reserved for the full version.

I was also going to cripple the copy artwork/create M3U lists as most people will only run these features once.

But I decided to be nice :D
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: nila on October 18, 2002, 01:29:37 am
Rhino - a bug.
If you change the sort order to say: Artist then double click on an album (this is in the overview screen), it doesn't play the album you double click on.
After a little bit of investigation on my end, it plays the album id (as shown at the top) of the album that was that id in the original album sort order.

So if counting crows is id 15 when sorted by album, if I change it to sorting by artist then click on the album that is now id 15, it plays counting crows.
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 18, 2002, 01:39:12 am
Fixed ... it will be in the maintenance release tonight.
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: nila on October 19, 2002, 12:26:30 am
Another bug,
Album details screen,

Expand genre, double click on an artist and it crashes MJ.
Title: Re: [Plugin] - AlbumView 2.0 Production
Post by: RhinoBanga on October 19, 2002, 12:58:27 am
Fixed ... it was a timing issue.