Windows => Plug-in Development => Topic started by: Mirko on September 03, 2002, 12:08:24 am

Title: Debugging plugins
Post by: Mirko on September 03, 2002, 12:08:24 am
I have developed Outlook-plugins (DLL-Files, similar to OCX only extension different I think) and use the VB-IDE to debug the OCX running with Outlook.

To set this up, I had to launch outlook (with the plugin-ocx). Then I started the debugger in the IDE (project from which the OCX is generated). Then I set a breakpoint to somewhere and used Outlook to navigate there. Bingo!

The reason why this is functional is, that OCXs always use the same adress (it's compiled into the executable) and the debugger finds a "running version" of it.

I think this should quite be possible with MJ-plugins.

Does anyone have experience with this? I'm at work now and can't try it myself. But I will (maybe this evening).
Title: RE:Debugging plugins
Post by: Matt on September 03, 2002, 12:33:27 pm
Yup, should work just like you say.

Good luck :)
Title: RE:Debugging plugins
Post by: Mirko on September 17, 2002, 08:41:33 pm
I tested it. But the debugger doesn't get the context (or maybe the fault is by me, who knows). I think, if I would like to debug plugins, I have to use a better debugger, that can "break into" other processes (maybe SoftICE can do that, have to try).

For now, the only "practical" way is to write *many* debugging-displays. This will slow down everything quite a bit, but I don't think there's an other way (yet).

Title: Re: Debugging plugins
Post by: Mirko on May 15, 2003, 08:47:07 pm
Just noticing, that this is still a little problem for me. Got some errors during MJDubFinder-development yesterday (yes, I'm still doing this even there supposed to be something similar in MC these days).

I really would like to have xpediter for windows ;-)