Networks and Remotes => Media Network => Topic started by: jweisler on September 07, 2003, 01:06:09 pm

Title: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 07, 2003, 01:06:09 pm
My Tivo is still not seeing Media Server and no suggestions have helped.

I have one PC (XP Home), and hooked up wired Linksys router to my Tivo last week.  The Tivo has no trouble seeing the files that I publish via Tivo Desktop, but nothing I try gets the Tivo to see my Media Server.  I went through the set up step by step via the help menu.  

In the Tivo HMO section of Media Server options, I have "Support Tivo HMO on port 8079 (with beacon on port 2190)” checked.

When I restart I get:

09/07/03 17:00:10 - sharer ready to accept connections
09/07/03 17:00:10 - Started auto response thread on port 5556.
09/07/03 17:00:10 - TiVo HTTP ready for connections

Media server Title window shows

Could I have something wrong on my network?  I wouldn't think so since the tivo sees Publisher just fine.

Also, my J River is the 30 day trial.  That shouldn't matter, right?

I have tried everything I can think of and have read about, but to no avail.  I’ve uninstalled, reinstalled, uninstalled Tivo Desktop and tried to run Media Server w/o the Tivo desktop – nothing works.  Obviously, I love the Media Center software and want desperately for my Tivo to see it.

Can anybody offer any suggestions?

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 07, 2003, 01:12:17 pm
The server looks like it is working.

On the Tivo, did you add that network address?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 07, 2003, 01:21:49 pm
Nothing happens when I try to "manually add a server...."

When I got Music and Photos, that ip shows up for a couple of seconds and then disappears.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 07, 2003, 02:42:35 pm
Then I think the TiVo may be having trouble with the IP address.  What IP address does it think it has?

I assume you are using DHCP and that you only have one active DHCP server on your network.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 07, 2003, 04:59:02 pm
Yes, I believe it is DHCP.  It is Time Warner Roadrunner.

I'm not sure I understand your question of "What ip address does it think it has?"  

What is the "it", the Tivo?  The media server thinks it has

So you think I may have something configured incorrectly on my network?  I never put in a host name or anything.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 07, 2003, 05:09:21 pm
Yes, "it" is the TiVo.

It might help to spend some time learning about networking.  I don't mean that in a negative way; it just may be the source of the problem.

A google search for DHCP would be a good place to start. also has good basic info on this.  Your ISP may also be a good place to learn something.

Good luck with it.  If you have questions, plenty of people here are a lot more qualified than I am to answer.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 07, 2003, 06:12:34 pm
I've spoken to my cable company and linksys.  Everything seems fine with my network (and since the Tivo Publisher is working fine, that makes sense). Also, my Tivo seems to be updating itself via internet without a problem as well.  I've even gone into the "test connection" area of the Tivo and it worked no problem.

According to the Tivo, the Tivo's IP Address is

So again, it just seems for some reason that the Tivo is not seeing the media server.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 08, 2003, 07:39:23 am
Another user reported that upgrading to the 9.1 beta fixed his similar problem.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 08, 2003, 02:39:36 pm
Yeah -- I saw that post, so of course I tried it.  Still didn't work.

Does nothing stand out that could possibly be wrong?

Also, is the Tivo "beacon" the little Tivo guy in the sys tray?  What's the difference between the beacon and the server?

I'm all out of ideas......
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 08, 2003, 03:01:29 pm
Okay -- based on something I read in another thread, I think I am onto something.

Am I right that "tivo server" cannot run at the same time you are trying to run media server?  I didn't even know tivo server was running.  I turned it off.  Then, I changed my option in media server to make it run on port 8080 -- it's the first time I've done anything that got a response.  This is what media server did:

09/08/03 18:58:27 - received a connection
09/08/03 18:58:28 - Current Connections: 1
09/08/03 18:58:28 - sharing thread started
09/08/03 18:58:28 - sending 415
09/08/03 18:58:28 - Client tried to download an unsupported file type.
09/08/03 18:58:28 - sharing thread exiting

Anyone know what I got going on?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 08, 2003, 03:12:00 pm
There is no separate TiVo server in MC.  It's part of our Media Server.  Media Server can serve files to both a TiVo and to another PC that runs Media Server.  Both can be done at the same time.  They just can't share a port.

Hope that helps.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 08, 2003, 05:49:29 pm
Just so jweisler doesn't think he's nuts, I'm having the same problem.  Just when I was ready to give up on Tivo seeing the Media Server, it suddenly registered (this was after cycling it multiple times and finally leaving it for like 20 minutes) with Tivo.

I've since had to reinstall the Tivo desktop software/Tivo Beacon, and the Tivo's lost it again.  Now I'm just hanging out hoping it'll recognize finally.  I didn't do much empirical testing, but seems like if the Server was up every time the Tivo went looking for it, it was fine.  However, the first time the Server wasn't up, it took it off its list and is now being very hesitant to put it back on.

Oh, and all my IPs are static.  Tivo sees the Tivo-supplied Publisher just fine.  Media Center sees the Media Server.  Adding the IP directly to Tivo doesn't help (no Tivo server found at that IP, it says).  I'm not running a firewall.  My network fu is fine, and I'm pretty sure it's not misconfigured.  I'm running the latest MC beta.

Let me know if you need logs of some kind, but I'm 99% sure the problem's with you guys.  Everything else is working but Media Server->Tivo.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 08, 2003, 05:58:14 pm
Thanks for trying to give me some sanity, because even if others don't think I'm crazy, I do.  I just don't understand what won't work for me.

Can you give me any more details?  I've been playing with this for a whole week, and no detection.  Media Server starts up automatically, as does the little Tivo man in the sys tray.  But the Tivo never sees the Media Server, while it almost always (not completely always) sees whatever I published in Tivo Publisher.

Any hints for me?

Other thing I noticed is that if I run a program to check what is running with what ips and what ports, none of the listings for Media Server (there are 3) have a local.  Don't know if that means anything.

Thanks in advance.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 08, 2003, 06:13:52 pm
I can't help you with your network config, per se.  I do think that the Media Server and the Tivo Publisher have some compatibility issues.  If I try to run both at the same time, my Tivo Beacon service gets sufficiently hosed that I have to uninstall/reinstall it to get Tivo Publisher to see it again (rebooting won't do it).

I've noticed that if I add the server manually, about 20 seconds later, I sometimes get the string of messages you had:

09/08/03 19:07:01 - received a connection
09/08/03 19:07:01 - Current Connections: 1
09/08/03 19:07:01 - ready for another connection
09/08/03 19:07:01 - sharing thread started
09/08/03 19:07:01 - sending 415
09/08/03 19:07:01 - Client tried to download an unsupported file type.
09/08/03 19:07:01 - sharing thread exiting

This was with the Media Server running on automatic port (it picked 80) and with it running with the Beacon.

I must say that this is all a bit frustrating.  I bought HMO yesterday on the strength of Media Center, and now it's not working again.  Do you guys need dedicated testers with a range of configurations or something?  I'm happy to follow a test plan or two if it'd help.  Right now, it seems decidedly not ready for prime time.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 08, 2003, 06:46:00 pm
I did get it to show on the Tivo again briefly, but I rebooted and now it's gone.  :T

Here's where I'm at.  


1)  uninstalled Tivo Desktop
2)  rebooted
3)  reinstalled Tivo Desktop
4)  entered Tivo Publisher
5)  disabled "Start with Windows", and exited the Server
6)  Loaded Media Server
7)  Set it to use the beacon, with a 5 sec startup delay
8)  Started it.  That was 7:43P

I'm sitting in the top-level HMO menu now, and occasionally exiting re-entering to force a refresh.  So far, nothing, but it's only been 2-3 minutes.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 08, 2003, 07:14:48 pm
For the media server to work, is the little Tivo man supposed to be in the sys tray, or no?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 08, 2003, 07:37:29 pm
I think I got it!

The answer to your question turns out to be no, you don't want the Tivo man!

Uninstall the Tivo stuff.  TivoBeacon.exe seems to cause the Tivo to not pick up any Media Center stuff, and it's installed if you have Tivo Desktop installed.

Once you have Tivo Desktop uninstalled, reboot for good measure.

When you exit fully and restart Media Server (whether it's automatically at boot or not), you should get an extra message that we haven't been seeing:

"Tivo Beacon ready for connections"

I think that's the internal emulation of the Tivo Desktop beacon.

Now go into the HMO section.  I'm not picking up the Media Server automatically, so you will probably need to add your specific computer's IP.  It's the IP at the top of the Media Server dialog.  If your IP's dynamically assigned, this has the unfortunate effect that you'll probably need to readd it every time you reboot.  

At any rate, once you add the IP that Media Server's running on, you should see the MC options on HMO.  You may need to exit back to main menu and go back into Music & Photos to get it to update, but I didn't.

So, this gets you up and running.  It's not ideal, though.  For one thing, Tivo Publisher now can't coexist with Media Center.  Since Tivo Publisher's "Monitoring" paradigm is sometimes more convenient than MC's "Import" paradigm, that's a problem.  The other issue is that this is going to suck for DHCP users who have to keep entering their new IPs on every reboot.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 08, 2003, 08:22:05 pm
Played with it more.  I briefly got it to coexist with the Tivo Publisher, but a reboot broke that.  The way I outlined above is the only way I can get it to consistently work.  I suspect this is the "old methodology", but there you go.  

I suspect that the beacon code's broken, and not just in the Media Center implementation.  My stock Tivo software isn't always being recognized either (though going in and out of HMO always fixes that, unlike the JRiver stuff), which leads me to believe that the broadcasts on 2190 either aren't being sent or aren't being properly received.  Of course, in fairness, the stock stuff seems to always work until I install the JRiver stuff.  It's possible that something MS's sending out is messing up the Tivo such that it wedges even the stock software.

Either way, this feature definitely should get some attention before it's solid enough for retail.  Right now, it takes entirely too much fiddling.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 09, 2003, 04:25:04 am
So I uninstalled Tivo Desktop, but I never got the "Tivo Beacon ready for connections" when I rebooted and started Media Server.

Also, I have DHCP, yet the ip for Media Server has never been any different than it is -- -- which does not seem unique to the Media Center.  That is the same "local ip" that other apps seem to pick up on my PC, and it doesn't have a "remote ip"
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 09, 2003, 04:37:34 am
I switched it to port 8080 instead of auto detection and now the Media Server gives me the "Tivo beacon ready for connections" message, but still nothing on the Tivo showing up.  When I click on the ip that I added ( I get the "No servers were found" error.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 09, 2003, 05:49:07 am
Yeah, DHCP doesn't give you two IPs or anything.  It's just a matter of whether there's always a particular IP attached to your machine or whether it's given to you out of a pool of possibles.  Because of how DHCP works, it's entirely possible to get the same IP assigned to a given machine repeatedly (either by design or by coincidence).

At any rate, as far as the configuration goes, my Media Server is set to Tivo HMO on 8079 + Beacon on 2190.  The Tivo won't autofind the beacon, but it does update as soon as I add the addy for my computer manually to the HMO screen.

Is your Media Server set to the third HMO option, as above?

Oh, and I only get the "Beacon ready for connections" when I first start Media Server.  Subsequent stop/starts don't show the message.  I assume the Beacon's only spawned once, even when the server itself is closed down.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 09, 2003, 07:15:25 am
geoelectric - I'll check on the beacon stuff. It used to work. Can you tell me what version of the TiVo software you have?

jweisler - what version of the TiVo software are you using? I'm in the middle of trying to get a new version of Media Server out, so this make take a couple of days...

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 09, 2003, 12:53:20 pm
John:  Comcast/AT&T-branded Series 2 (40 hour)

Software Version 4.0.1-01-2-230

This is the latest version with the TV Guide grid in it.

Feel free to contact me independently at if I can help test something.

jweisler:  I didn't think to ask before, but you're not running ZoneAlarm, BlackIce, Norton Firewall, or anything like that on your Media Server machine are you?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 09, 2003, 02:07:36 pm
Tivo Software:  4.0.1-01-2-240

Yes, I do run ZoneAlarm, but I've tested with it shut off as well.  The Tivo Desktop publisher works fine with ZoneAlarm running.

Still no luck on my end.  Media Server displays:
09/09/03 18:02:18 - sharer ready to accept connections
09/09/03 18:02:18 - Started auto response thread on port 5556.
09/09/03 18:02:18 - TiVo Beacon ready for connections

but  nothing on the Tivo.  Desktop uninstalled.  Media Server ip on port 80.  I've keyed in that ip again into Tivo manually but still nothing.  If i click on the ip i get the "no servers found at message"

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 09, 2003, 04:30:56 pm
Uninstall zonealarm (to test).  Shutting it off is not enough.

Search here for other posts on this.  Search about 400 days back.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 09, 2003, 06:54:43 pm
uninstalled zone alarm completely -- still no luck.

I'm thinking I might have more of a chance right now of winning mega millions than getting this thing up and running.......
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 10, 2003, 07:58:39 am
Hi Y'all,

I misspoke: I needed the version of the TiVo desktop software you are running. But I just checked and it looks like v1 is it, nothing newer.

I'll have a new version out in a day or two, please give that one a try and let me know.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 10, 2003, 02:58:21 pm
Thanks John.  I'll wait to hear when you have something for me to try.  My brain hurts from trying to get this going.  I sit all day at the computer at work, and I come home and start right up with this stuff.......

One question:  overall, will I be better off with or without the Tivo software installed?  Right now it is uninstalled which means I don't even get the least out of the music option since I get get Media Server going.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 10, 2003, 05:39:41 pm
Thanks, John.  Yeah, I am (well, was) using version 1.

I don't know that they aren't tweaking HMO in their embedded software releases too, though.  Just something to think about.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 12, 2003, 08:18:25 am
Hi Y'all,

Yes they are tweaking stuff in the embedded releases, but they tell me about it.

jweisler - try the beta version 250 or later.

geoelectric - what happens when you run with TiVo's beacon, and enter the IP address by hand? Does it work? In your message in the bug thread, you said it works without TiVo's beacon but only when you enter the IP address by hand.

Both: a small explanation on the beacon. The beacon is used for automatic discovery. The TiVo broadcasts a message saying "are there any servers". This broadcast is sent to all machines on "the local network" (see below). If any are, they respond.

But, "the local network" is not what you think it is. It has a technical definition that is not intuitive. The local network is that area you can reach without crossing a router. Routers do not route UDP broadcast packets.

What this means: automatic discovery may not work, but you can still use the server. You just have to enter the IP address by hand. TiVo remembers it for the next time.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 12, 2003, 12:22:43 pm
Hi Y'all,
geoelectric - what happens when you run with TiVo's beacon, and enter the IP address by hand? Does it work? In your message in the bug thread, you said it works without TiVo's beacon but only when you enter the IP address by hand.
Both: a small explanation on the beacon. The beacon is used for automatic discovery. The TiVo broadcasts a message saying "are there any servers". This broadcast is sent to all machines on "the local network" (see below). If any are, they respond.

But, "the local network" is not what you think it is. It has a technical definition that is not intuitive. The local network is that area you can reach without crossing a router. Routers do not route UDP broadcast packets.

What this means: automatic discovery may not work, but you can still use the server. You just have to enter the IP address by hand. TiVo remembers it for the next time.

Heyas, John.

If TivoBeacon.exe is running, the Tivo doesn't consistently see Media Server.  I've seen it pick it up at least once--on a fresh install of Media Center from scratch--but not after a reboot.  Rebooting always makes it not work again.  This is true whether or not I manually enter the IP.  I considered the possibility that TivoBeacon.exe was failing somehow.  If that happened, there'd be a total failure, since you don't seem to bring up your internal beacon code if you find TivoBeacon.exe running.  Thus, I've tried (subsequently to failure) taking down Media Server and running TivoServer.exe again to make sure that TivoBeacon.exe is functional.  It is, so scratch that possibility.

If TivoBeacon.exe isn't running, I can make the Tivo see Media Server by manually entering the IP.  This is different than jweisler's experience, however, assuming s/he's doing everything I outlined above.

Also, TivoServer.exe is recognized by the Tivo automatically, as expected.  Occasionally I have to manually refresh the list by exiting and entering HMO after booting TivoServer.exe, but other than that, it picks it up without having to be pointed there with a manual IP entry.

Just to be clear, I'm not running my own router.  My home network is a collection of four static IPs, given to me from my provider on bridged DSL.  My computer's on one, the Tivo's on another.  They're connected by a Siemens 5-port switch, which is connected to my DSL bridge.  Technically, I share a class C with a bunch of other customers.  However, my ISP uses a virtual routing scheme that causes me not to see anything across any of the other bridges.  

It's possible this scheme is playing hell with the broadcast on port 2190--after all, as I said, sometimes the Tivo doesn't pick up TivoServer.exe until I refresh, which would indicate it's not getting the initial UDP burst described in the protocol docs.  However, it -does- pick it up after exiting and reentering the HMO screen, so if there's something awry, it's not sufficiently so to interrupt the protocol.  That's why I think there's still some fundamental difference in how you're doing it vs. how Tivo Desktop does it.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 12, 2003, 12:32:00 pm
Are you setting a delay? I wonder if Media Server is starting to early. Try setting the delay to 30 seconds and see if that helps.

Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 12, 2003, 01:41:39 pm
How do I make the Tivo get beta software (250)?  

I am running on DHCP, linksys router.  Manually adding did nothing for me.  For a while I thought I may have a network issue, but not anymore.  The Tivo has no problem updating itself via the network and it sees desktop w/o a problem.  I have tried all combos of what you all have suggested -- uninstalled firewall, uninstalled desktop, installed new Media Center beta -- everything and every combo -- nothing.  I have not ever seen the Tivo see it.  

jweisler (the 'j' is for Josh -- I'm a guy).
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 12, 2003, 01:55:37 pm
Are you setting a delay? I wonder if Media Server is starting to early. Try setting the delay to 30 seconds and see if that helps.


I'll give it a shot with the 30 sec delay later today.  I'm not hopeful--I did try it with a 10 sec delay previously, and nothing changed.  I've also tried it with nothing autostarting at boot (except TivoBeacon.exe) and manually bringing up Media Server myself, with no luck.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on September 12, 2003, 04:24:17 pm
How do I make the Tivo get beta software (250)?  

I am running on DHCP, linksys router.  Manually adding did nothing for me.

250 is the latest version of media center, it's a beta.
Try turning off TiVo's beacon (control panel->administrative tools->services) and then start media server. You'll have to enter the IP manually at this point.


Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 12, 2003, 07:53:01 pm
control panel >administrative tools>services

in which application?  if i go to control panel in XP, i have not option of admin tools.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 13, 2003, 01:00:52 am
I take it you're running XP Home?  Try running "services.msc" from the Start | Run dialog.  Hopefully that'll work.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 13, 2003, 05:28:38 am
Well, that brought up the control panel and I turned off beacon.  Then I added the Media Server ip (at least the ip that Media Server tells me in the title bar

Then I started Media Server and got "Tivo beacon ready for connections", but nothing on the Tivo.

I have 10 days left in my Media Center trial and really want to get this thing to work.

Thanks for your help geoelectric.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 13, 2003, 07:11:15 am
On the TiVo, what do you see?  Try waiting a long time.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 13, 2003, 02:48:36 pm
Yeah, I second Jim's suggestion.  The Tivo protocol works like this:  when you first bring something up (either the Tivo or the computer), what you brought up shouts "I'm here" across your network (everything behind your router, as was mentioned previously).  It's supposed to do that for around the first 10-30 secs it's up.  After that, every few minutes, it shouts "I'm here" again once.

So, the net result is that if for some reason the first shoutout isn't received--and it doesn't seem to be for either of us--one of the later ones might be.  On your end, you'd see that as the Media Server appearing after 5-10 minutes (or longer) of waiting.  

Once it's there, it stays there, until it's not found again.  So, if you get yours to come up, I seriously recommend not going into HMO unless your Media Server is up and running.  If you ever go in while it's down, it gets removed from the list and you get to go through this again.  :(
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 14, 2003, 07:00:22 am
So my Media Server has been up for a while.  I just went into Music and Photos on the Tivo, and the Media Server did this:

09/14/03 10:55:02 - TiVo Beacon: received a connection
09/14/03 10:55:02 - TiVo Beacon: ready for another connection

So something is communicating properly!  But nothing is showing up on the Tivo!  


Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: IrishDerby on September 14, 2003, 01:13:38 pm
I have been working with the Media Server and TIVO for a couple of weeks now with very mixed results. There does not appear to be any coherent pattern, but sometimes the Media Server is recognized and sometimes it is not. I don't change the settings any more, I simply reboot my computer. Sometimes it works - and sometimes it doesn't. Lately, it works more often than not.
I was planning to buy Media Server when my trial runs out, but I am uncertain of that now.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 14, 2003, 01:20:37 pm
I hear what you are saying.  The annoying thing for me is that in almost 3 weeks, it has NEVER worked for me!  I feel like I am the only one that has never seen it pop on the Tivo.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 14, 2003, 05:06:31 pm
Yeah, it sure sounds frustrating.

And just to make sure, Media Center sees the server, right?  (To test, with the Server running, go to File | Library | Search for Media Servers in MC)
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 15, 2003, 04:10:11 am
No!  It doesn't:  "Failed to find Media Server"

What does that mean?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 15, 2003, 03:34:02 pm
Well, it means you have more of an issue that we previously realized.  This isn't just a problem that the Tivo doesn't see it.  Your Media Server apparently isn't responding at all.

Here what to do to narrow this down a little bit.  

1)  Close the Media Server down.  
2)  Run whatever program you were using that listed ports-in-use.
3)  Pay particular attention to anything on port 80, port 81, that area.  Also look at port 2190 and port 5556.  The first port is where the media server tries to go assuming you have it set to auto-determine the port number.  It'll try 80, then go to 81, 82, etc., whichever's free.  The second is the Tivo beacon.  The third is the server auto-discovery port.
4)  If anything's on either of the latter two ports already, that may be your issue.  Otherwise...
5)  Start Media Server.  Turn auto-determine port on, if it isn't already (let Media Server restart if you do).
6)  Enumerate your ports again.  You should see Media Server listening on whatever port is in the title bar.  You should also see it on 2190 and 5556.

Let us know what you see in step 6.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 15, 2003, 03:35:31 pm
Oh, and just to make sure, this should still all be without ZoneAlarm running.  It shouldn't mess with loopback connections (network connections from your computer to itself) but I don't trust it.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 15, 2003, 03:38:00 pm
Oh, and hey, I know this is a long shot, but if you turned on the XP firewall, that needs to be off too.

But don't turn it on, turn it off.  :)
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 15, 2003, 03:59:33 pm
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.
Thank You.

GeoElectric -- You Rock!!!!  After all of this agravation, the problem:  XP was blocking it -- the internet connection firewall.  I NEVER TURNED THIS ON!!!  Got this new computer 3 weeks ago and it must have been on by default.  

J River -- am I the only one this happened to?  You may want to put that in the direcitons.

Thank you all for sticking by me and helping me through this.  Now I'll move on to more general questions and put them in a different thread.

Thank you to everybody.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 15, 2003, 04:59:20 pm
Heh, excellent!

So, did it find you automatically, or did you have to manually enter your IP addy on the Tivo?

Now that you're basically working, you should try running Media Server alongside the Tivo Software (i.e. reinstall the Tivo Desktop and run both at the same time) to see if it works "as designed" -- my own problems may be a special case due to my not using a traditional routed network like I suspect John expected.  If that's true, you should be able to just run Media Server like you run the Tivo software, and it'll pop right up.

And yeah, John, JimH, etc., you probably want to put up a FAQ at some point covering Zone Alarm, Kerio/Tiny, BlackIce, Norton Personal Firewall, and Windows XP ICF.  Any idea why they block Media Server and not Tivo Desktop?
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 15, 2003, 05:54:44 pm
I'm not sure it was jweisler, but I am certain that I said something like, "it may be a firewall" to someone with similar TiVo problems in the last week.  A search might find it.

It isn't reasonable to expect us to take responsibility for something as complex as teaching someone how to run a firewall.  If Microsoft decides to turn it on by default, then the support should be their problem.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 15, 2003, 06:38:28 pm
I'm not sure it was jweisler, but I am certain that I said something like, "it may be a firewall" to someone with similar TiVo problems in the last week.  A search might find it.

It isn't reasonable to expect us to take responsibility for something as complex as teaching someone how to run a firewall.  If Microsoft decides to turn it on by default, then the support should be their problem.

You said to turn off ZoneAlarm, not "any firewall".  I know enough to make that association, but the average Joe doesn't know that WinXP has a firewall, or that it turns it on for TCP/IP -by default- for WinXP Home installs.   You also can't expect the typical end user to understand all the ramifications of running your software.  You're being short-sighted if you honestly think you can say it's Microsoft's problem--they aren't the ones who need $40 registrations.  Moreover, Tivo's implementation works where yours doesn't, so I do believe it is partially your problem.

More than anything, a FAQ costs you nothing and bad word of mouth costs you a lot.  Your Tivo stuff -needs- a FAQ.  -At least- mention somewhere in your documentation that Win XP ICF will prevent your software from functioning with the Tivo, and is on by default for Windows XP Home (not Professional) installations.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 15, 2003, 07:11:15 pm
Yes, I can honestly say that I think it is Microsoft's problem if they choose to close ports by default.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: jweisler on September 16, 2003, 02:45:13 pm
Despite what you may have gathered from my posts, I am actually pretty savvy.  By savvy I do not mean super tech smart -- I mean that I know a lot more than most people in the department.

My point is that the firewall comment was made and I had thought of it and tried it.  What I had no idea about was that the XP "firewall" was running -- I didn't even think to check b/c I never actively turned it on, whereas I actively put ZoneAlarm on my computer.

John -- All I am saying is that it is not up to J River to support everything, or customer service will kill you.  But a simple "note" or troubleshooting tips.  Something static.

Thanks again.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on September 16, 2003, 03:42:00 pm
I agree it would be nice.  It's just that the list is long.  Maybe geoelectric would like to write it.   Or anyone else.  I'll post it as a FAQ if somebody wants to take a crack at it.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 16, 2003, 09:31:21 pm
OK, that's constructive.  Let me have something short to you by this weekend.  I want to make sure that the XP Home defaults are what I say they are, before you state it yourself.  (I did check before posting, but I want to double-check and double-check again. :)

I see you already have a Media Jukebox FAQ going.  You could add it to that.  Alternately, you could put it in the Tivo section of the Help File, which is currently fairly FAQish.
Title: Re: Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: geoelectric on September 16, 2003, 09:32:55 pm
Despite what you may have gathered from my posts, I am actually pretty savvy.  By savvy I do not mean super tech smart -- I mean that I know a lot more than most people in the department.

Sorry--didn't mean to sell you short, and that comment wasn't aimed specifically at you.  FWIW, I didn't know the XP firewall would be running either, which is why I called it a long shot.  In XP Professional, it's off by default, and I figured you would have remembered turning it on (and probably wouldn't be running ZoneAlarm if you had :)
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 01, 2004, 09:30:18 pm
Looks like this ended a while ago, but I am having the same issue now. I work in the IT business and understand networking very well. I have tripple checked everything on my XP machine and there is  not kind of firewall running. However, my tivos can only see the Tivo Desktop, not the Media Center Server. I have been re-installing for a couple of days, but haven't found anything that makes a difference. Has anything more been discovered on this issue?
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 01, 2004, 09:37:49 pm
Go to control panel->mumble->servers.
Start the TiVo beacon if it is not running.

If you don't want to use TiVo's beacon, then you must use the control panel to stop the beacon. Don't kill the beacon with the task manager.

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 01, 2004, 09:50:26 pm
I think I've tried every possible combination, but currently I have the Tivo Beacon service running and the Tivo server itself shutdown. In that configuratoin my tivos don't see anything from the PC, even if I manually enter the IP address. If I start up the Tivo server, my Tivos do detect it and it works OK. I still can't see the Media server however. I can connect to the media server from media center on a different PC, so it does seem to be working.
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 01, 2004, 10:02:22 pm
When Media Server is ready to start sharing to the TiVo, open a dos window (start->run cmd) and enter the command "netstat -an". Copy and paste the results here.

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 02, 2004, 06:44:42 am
Here are the results of the netstat -an you asked for:

C:\Documents and Settings\nealh.ICT1>netstat -an

Active Connections

  Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State
  TCP                 LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP                LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP               LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP              LISTENING
  TCP        TIME_WAIT
  TCP        TIME_WAIT
  TCP        TIME_WAIT
  UDP            *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP           *:*
  UDP          *:*
  UDP         *:*
  UDP       *:*
  UDP       *:*
  UDP       *:*
  UDP      *:*
  UDP      *:*

C:\Documents and Settings\nealh.ICT1>

The following is from the status window of the Media Server. The times more or less match up with when I was trying to contact it with the Tivos. There were no error messages or indications that anything was happening at all on the Tivo side.

03/01/04 22:21:23 - Initializing server.
03/01/04 22:21:23 - Server initialized
03/01/04 22:21:23 - sharer ready to accept connections
03/01/04 22:21:23 - Started auto response thread on port 5556.
03/01/04 22:21:23 - TiVo HTTP ready for connections
03/01/04 22:32:18 - received a connection
03/01/04 22:32:19 - Current Connections: 1
03/01/04 22:32:19 - ready for another connection
03/01/04 22:32:19 - sharing thread started
03/01/04 22:32:19 - expected GET
03/01/04 22:32:19 - read_http_request failed
03/01/04 22:59:46 - received a connection
03/01/04 22:59:47 - Current Connections: 1
03/01/04 22:59:47 - ready for another connection
03/01/04 22:59:47 - sharing thread started
03/01/04 22:59:47 - expected GET
03/01/04 22:59:47 - read_http_request failed
03/01/04 23:09:25 - received a connection
03/01/04 23:09:26 - Current Connections: 1
03/01/04 23:09:26 - ready for another connection
03/01/04 23:09:26 - sharing thread started
03/01/04 23:09:26 - sending 415
03/01/04 23:09:26 - Client tried to download an unsupported file type.
03/01/04 23:09:26 - sharing thread exiting

Thanks for your help.
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 02, 2004, 10:55:26 am
Strange. It looks like everything is set up right.

I can think of two things: one - there is a firewall/proxy/similar that is corrupting the communication between the TiVo and Media Server.

two - there is something else trying to communicate on that port.

If you have a network sniffer available, it would provide a good hint as to what is going on.

I'm pretty sure you are not running anything that would cause a port conflict, but to be sure, shut down Media Server, do the netstat -an again and look for port 8079.

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 02, 2004, 11:43:36 am
With the Media Server shut down, nothing is listening on port 8079. I've never installed a third party firewall on this box and the built in XP firewall is turned off. Unless you know of a problem where it appears to be off but really isn't. If anyone has any thoughts, please help. Thanks
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 03, 2004, 07:06:32 pm
I may have come upon at least a starting point to figure out this problem. In my testing on my home network, I installed media center on 4 different  PCs. I was only able to contact the media server from my TIVO on one of them. The only difference I could find was that the one that worked had a wired connection to the TIVO. All the other were connecting through 802.11b. Are you aware of any issues using your software over a wireless link?

Unfortunatly, the PC I got it to work on isn't practicle to use, so my probrem really isn't solved.

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 04, 2004, 12:43:05 pm
Verify that you can connect from any of the 4 pcs to any of the 4 other pcs using Media Server (e.g. either narrow the problem down to the TiVo or show that the problem applies to MC in general).

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 05, 2004, 01:27:45 pm
I have confirmed that the media center software on all of my various PCs can talk. Everything connects to everthing else. I even did a brand new bare metal instal of windows xp on a machine today. The only software installed on it is the Tivo Desktop and Media Center. As with all the others, it will talk to other PCs with Media Center, but neither of my Tivo's can see it over the wireless link. Hope this info helps. I really bought your software primarily to use with Tivo.
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: JimH on March 05, 2004, 01:36:27 pm
I saw a problem like that a few weeks ago that turned out to be a wireless adaptor problem.  The version of the adaptor (Linksys) was too new and didn't work with the TiVo.  Does the TiVo see the PC when the TiVo software is running there?
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 05, 2004, 02:46:59 pm
Yes, the Tivo works fine with the Tivo Desktop software and I can transfer recorded shows from one Tivo to the other with no problems. I am using a linksys adapter and I was aware of the version problem. I did manage to track down the correct version of the adapters. My Wireless Access point is a Liksys too. They are on the network, I can ping both of them from any PC and they get all of their programming updates over the network too.
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 05, 2004, 03:32:16 pm
Try setting Media Server to listen for the TiVo on port 80. It'll take a couple of minutes for the TiVo to recognize it. Let me know if it works

Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: rguy23 on March 05, 2004, 05:18:37 pm
I had to add the IP address of my PC into the Tivo manually, but once I did that the Tivos finally found the Media Server. It takes between 1 and 2 minutes for them to show  up on the list, but at least it works.

Any idea what's causing the problem and why this fixes it?
Title: Re:Tivo still won't see Media Center
Post by: John Gateley on March 08, 2004, 03:30:45 pm
I need a little more info: is the 1-2 minute delay with the TiVo on port 80?

If so, this is normal (and you probably have to add the IP by hand, as you noticed).

I think (given that 80 and 8080 work) something is being filtered, probably by the wireless router. This is why 8079 isn't working.