None of your screenshots are working...
The following stuff will be available soon: :-)
MiniSteel - The "mini-me" version of "Blue Steel"
SteelyTrack - TrackInfo Templates for "Blue Steel"
SteelyHair - "Blue Steel" Hairstyle, but easy to comb...
SteelyPop - for the use with Rhino Banga's GetPlayingNow-Plugin
JLee,Thanks Knickelfarz. It was just the TransColor value that I was missing (Tomy00's have a pink background) but I've sussed it now.
just go to the <LIST> section of the skins "main.xml" and edit the "Bitmap=" part. The name of the "Bitmap" has to match with the name of the picture you want to use.
If the picture is a GIF file, for example, the whole entry would look like
<Entry Name="Rating" Bitmap="MyRating.gif" NumberImages="3" />
Of course, the picture itself has to be copied into the skins folder...
How do I add Web Radio to my media library as in your screen shot.When the station is playing in MC, you can add it to a playlist and then also to the library. You can then also assign images, comments (I'm adding links to the homepage/playlist of the station here...) and stuff. For some of the stations I mostly listen to, I made "coverart" images from screenshots of the stations homepages. You can download them here if you like: (
Also how do I get the funky visual you are showing in your screenshot?Use a "TrackInfo" template that shows visualization... you can then chose between different visualization by right clicking on the visualization...
... how do I access the Deep House station you are showing ? I can't seem to find it in the listings.Type "Deep House" into the "All Stations" box and hit "Search"... it should find the right station...
What are the properties you used in the track info template style.css file to match to Skin?I will post some TrackInfo templates in a few days, with matching background and buttons... By then...maybe you can take a look at the main.xml of "BlueSteel" to get the exact HEX colors of the skin?
Can you give me some hints .. Im trying different colors but nothing is perfect!
Just a thought for the Mini-Me versions. I think that one of the PixOS Mini-Me skins has the ability to expand and compress. That might be a good way to go from simple to complex.Well, I'm working on two mini-me skins... one opens EQ, playlist and the other stuff in windows next to the "main" window. The other one can expand/compress and offers "tabs" for switching EQ/Visualization and PlayingNow/Playlist when it's expanded. Here's a top secret preview ;)
I couldn't resist tweaking it a little.Nice, I like it dark ;)
What TrackInfo are you using on the screenshot?Mmh, it's one of those semi-finished products... :P