More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: AdamDale3 on October 25, 2003, 09:12:29 am
Since upgrading to 9.1 (which LOOKS fantastic BTW!) I'm having some weird probs...
My MP3s are on machine A (living room) and all works fine from there - I keep the library updated on this machine (either by accessing it directly or remotely from machine B).
Machine B (bedroom) used to connect to the same library over a network share (the M: drive) but I've decided to swap back to the Media Server. When I scan for a media server now it finds machine A, loads the library but I have 2 probs:
1 - The library I see doesn't match the library I see on machine A - it's close but not up to date, kinda like a week old version of it!
2 - on Machine B, I can't play any tracks cuz the FILENAME field says : m01p://\Music\<artist>\<album>\<track num>\<track name>.mp3
M:\Music is where my music used to be kept when I mapped via a network share. I have now removed the M: drive from machine B but I still get this.
I've tried removing the default library and loading new ones etc but still get this 'old', incorrectly mapped library.
Any ideas?
Hmmm... things get stranger...
I have just switched back to using network mapped mode...
On machine A (the main server), it says library location is D:\ (the root of the D drive).
I map an M: drive on machine B to D:\ drive on machine A.
I load the library it finds there (mediafiles.jmd I assume) and I still get the OLD, out of date library!!!
I can at least play my music now, but the changes I made to the library on machine A this morning are NOT showing up on machine B. The files in D:\ (or M:\ depending where u look from) have a LAST MODIFIED Date/Time of 25/10/2003 14:36 so they are obviously the ones I just changed - so where is it getting this library from???
Totally confused now! Pls help! :)