Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on November 14, 2003, 02:11:24 pm

Title: OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 14, 2003, 02:11:24 pm
Something I have been working on

A Picture Of My OTR (Old Time Radio) Tagger

It is helping me tag my 23,000+ OTR files and new ones I get.





Edit: Added More Options And 2 New Pictures Of The Program
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 17, 2003, 10:40:16 am
Anyone Interested In OTR Files?

The Program Seems To Work Well, Maybe A Bit More Work Here And There.

If anyone has any Ideas Let me know i think i have everything i wish to see in it. maybe if someone has an idea i have not thought of i can put in it.

Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 18, 2003, 09:19:55 am
Yesterday I Added Undo

This Undo Works Two Ways

1. The First Way Is You Can Set It For The First Time You Run The Program It Will Remember The Orginal Tags. It Will Then Save All The Tags To The Custom2 Field. Even If You Wish To Come back A Year From Now You Can Sill Undo Any Changes.

2. The Second Way Is The Standard Type Of Undo Where The Program Will Remember The Undo Changes Prior To Any Changes. You Can Still Undo Any Changes Since The Undo Is Saved In The Custom2 Field.

Any fields that were orginaly blank will be updated with any new tags the program can find if the user attemps to save or does a batch.

Since The MC9 SDK Does Not Allow Me To Generate Tag Fields On The Fly I Just Selected This One*. *=(Hint, Hint)

See Picture 3 Above (Updated)

Also all fields can be updated or just the one you wish, you can even manual update all undo tags with the current tags.

here is a sample of the undo info saved to the custom2 tag

[+0]Yours Truly, Johnny Dollar 1948 - 1962[-0][+1]YTJD 510303 e087 32-22-m 30m19s The Celia Woodstock Matter[-1][+2]1951-03-03 (0087)[-2][+3]Www.Spartasoft.Com[-3][+4]0[-4][+5]Other[-5][+6]YTJD 510303 e087 32-22-m 30m19s The Celia Woodstock Matter.mp3[-6]
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: sraymond on November 18, 2003, 12:16:33 pm

Looks very useful...  but for me, "old time" radio is music from, like, the 80's.

I assume your collection isn't copyrighted, right?  Care to share a few of your favorite and expand my culture a bit?

Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 18, 2003, 01:04:34 pm
I assume your collection isn't copyrighted, right?
No they are not

FYI most (Like 99%) of OTR files do not hold a current copyright. as a matter of fact the only copies for most OTR's come from User recordings of the time.

I happen to like the following:

Boston Blackie 1944 - 1949
Richard Diamond, Private Detective 1949 - 1953
The Shadow 1932 - 1954
CBS Radio Mystery Theater
The Adventures Of Sam Spade 1946 - 1951
Broadway Is My Beat 1949 - 1954
The Whistler 1942 - 1955
Dragnet 1949 - 1957
Inner Sanctum Mysteries 1941 - 1952

Care to share a few of your favorite and expand my culture a bit?
I will send you mail
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: JeffB on November 18, 2003, 05:55:14 pm
Only OTR I have is the original uncut broadcast of 'War of the Worlds'.
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: Michel Lefebvre on November 19, 2003, 10:21:08 am

I'm interested...
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 19, 2003, 06:16:41 pm

I'm interested...

I am thinking about wiping up an install for it this weekend.

I have meetings (All Day) for the next few days Nice Hotel However, Lunch was not bad.
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: Michel Lefebvre on November 19, 2003, 10:29:17 pm
Cool, When you're ready, count me in to help test it.

Have a good week of meetings (if that's possible :-) )
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 21, 2003, 08:12:23 pm
By the way a few OTR sites have gone down in te past few weeks today i found out why.

it seems some of the shows like The Bing Crosby Show have music on them since the music is under copyright protection The RIAA had the ISP pull the website.

It seems this was without notice.
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on November 23, 2003, 08:03:46 am
I have put a build on my ftp server (it is not on the http server)

I would use it on test files Tagger.ZIP (http:// Tagger.ZIP)
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on December 15, 2003, 02:28:39 pm
This Program Has Been Updated (Same Version #) Tagger.ZIP  (http:// Tagger.ZIP)

Many Improvements

Pictures In This Forum Are A Bit Old However

One Of The New Options:

In Many OTR files They Are Not Tagged At All Or The "Name" Is Cut Off At 30 Chrs.

What I Have Done Is Compair The "Name" Field With File Name If Found, It Checkes To See What Title Is Larger If The One In The File Name Is Larger It Will Grab That And Use It For The New "Name"


FileName: Baby Snooks - Baby Snooks Is Missing.mp3
Name: Baby Snooks Is Miss

New Name: Baby Snooks Is Missing

Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: Havana on December 20, 2003, 06:00:41 pm
Great idea.  I've never even heard about OTR before.  It makes sense that it's out there.  Does anyone know where I could find some OTR blues?  Now that would be completely cool.
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on December 21, 2003, 10:09:25 am
The Program Has Been Updated.

The Pictures Above Have Been Updated (And I Added One For The 4th Tab)

Here Is The Link (Use It At Your Own Risk)
Link: Tagger.ZIP (http:// Tagger.ZIP)

I Added More Shows To The List

"*" will be added to the Show Name If Not Found In Your List (Like: "*The Shadow")

"Unknown" Will be added to the show name if the show name is blank and can not be found.

Fixes A Bug when it sends tile file name to "Name" it was striping off too many chrs (sometimes)

Episode Finder Should Work Better For One. It Seems Sometimes It Would Find Episode "0" And That Would Stop The Search For The Other Parms.

So Far I Have Ran 34,000 OTR Files Thru It And It Works (Since I Started This Project I Have Added 12,000+ Otr Files To My Collection)

Is It Perfict? No It Does Make Mistakes From Time To Time Normaly With Short Names Shows Like

"Shadow" Any Show Or Title With "Shadow" Will Be Marked As A Shadow Show If Not Found By Another Show Prior To It Getting To This Show In The Show Log.

Also: If Jack benny Was Guest On Another Show It May Select That This Show As Being A Jack Benny Show.

The Good News Is You Can Always Delete This From The Show List.

You can now select what fields will be in the search

You can set the episode search from 1 - 10,000, default is 1899 since all shows would normaly be above year "1900" and then the program would also not make a mistake with the date and episode #, Shows Like Superman, Perry Mason, Amos And Andy etc.... May Need To Have The Episode # Increased a Bit. This Also Will Make This Option A Bit Faster Since Before It Always Went From Episode 5000 To Episode #1

This Option Will Always Go From The Highest Episode # To The Lowest, This Seems To Enhance A Correct Match On The Correct Episode #

The Program Has A "Order List" option, This will allow the longest show search string to be looked for first. this enhances the match for the correct show name.

If Anyone Has Any Ideas Let Me Know.

If Anyone Has Any Old Time Radio Pictures Let Me have Them, You Can Upload Them To My Ftp Server Upload Dir (Listed Above).
Title: Re:OTR Tagger
Post by: KingSparta on December 22, 2003, 12:13:34 pm
Here Is A Link To My OTR Tagger Web Page

It Has Links To Other Sites, OTR Pictures, FTP Tools, OTR Logs

My OTR Tagger Web Page (