More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: snapperocks on November 18, 2003, 10:54:55 pm
:( Hi
Influenced by the raves of My IE2 from a poll you people ran, I downloaded it and foolishly made it my default browser. I was impressed but when I went to open a link inside a page it crashed everytime. Also it would automatically open Interact with IE2. I didn't want that hijacking so I went to their Forum and followed instructions on how to uninstall the programme.
Now when I go to open interact in the Media Center
Help menu I get this message
File "" is not found.
This is the same for Updates
It says failed to read Version Info File.
Would appreciate your advice and help
getting this URL link to Interact back in my Help menu.
Thanks in advance of a happy outcome.
The proper URL is...
How you get this back into the Help menu is beyond me. You may have to poke around in the registry...or reinstall.
Try FireBird next time
:-[ Still in big trouble!!
I uninstalled 9.1 304 and installed 9.1 296 and I still can't access Interact through the Help menu. I could try My IE2 and it would probably work. But I don't want to, I want to use Internet Explorer.
I couldn't find anywhere in the registry to put in the correct URL either.
snapperocks :(
You could try a system restore back to before you installed My IE2 - providing your OS supports this function. I know that ME & XP do.
That url is from the MC's help menu ( and it works with MyIE2 here.
Yes I have tried the System Restore but to no avail
snapperocks :(
I also can't open Interact with IE2 now either
Go into MyIE2 and undo the default browser, uninstall. Go into IE or something else good (not firebird) and make it the default browser.
Go into IE or something else good (not firebird) and make it the default browser.
Can't wait to see the next posts ;D
Dragyn > Go into IE or something else good (not firebird)...
ToS #8
If you, as a user, make a claim about the quality or general ability of a browser to perform in a given situation which happens to be contrary to pre-existing data, but then fail to provide proof to support your claims, you are likely to be receive harsh responses to your posts. The Interact staff might not take action against users that post these harsh responses.
I have followed all the advice given.
IE2 is uninstalled, Internet Explorer is now my Default Browser. However I still get the same URL that MyIE2 somehow changed so Of course Explorer can't find and open it.
The update link is working so thats progress.
But very frustrating still need a solution
snapperocks :(
Come On Guys & Gals I can't believe you don't have a fix for for this Please Help""
John Thompson have you any suggestions?
Don't forsake me.
snapperocks :( :(