Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Pink Waters on December 11, 2003, 12:24:20 pm
Well i wanted just to give a preview of my prograss in that skin
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Glad to see you again, ToMy00
Sorry can't get your screenshot ?
After seeing your last skin, I would love to see this one... BUT,
Page Cannot Be Found
Well done 8) Looking forward to first "beta"!
Wow... looking really nice. Can't wait to download it. :)
That will be absolutely goodlooking skin..
ToMy00, if I can remember right, you made Windows Media and RealOne skins too. Please can you update those skins, at least action windows, they are both great skins but we cannot use them with v10.
Looks gorgeous :)
Could you possible update ur other skins too so we can have a v10 of them so I can use them again? :)
Pegasus Beta 1[/u]
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I need people to feed back me on this skin posting their openions about this skin to support me..![/u]
Pegasus Beta 2[/u]
- fixed playbar position
- built frames
- built scroll bars and buttons
- completed mainframe skin
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Overall it's nice.
The rounded corners don't look quite right. It's as if there's too much darkness/shading on the graphics.
The dashes and start/end markers which make up the position bar do not look so great at higher resolutions and maximized. They stretch horizontally quite a bit.
I am all for subtle imagery, but the highlight state for items in the tree might be more effective if it had more contrast.
But these are quibbles - the skin looks very nice. Thanks for your efforts!
I LOVE it.
Esp. LOVE the player controls - they just look mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
U truely are WOW at skins - fully props :)
Have to ask.
Matching Mini-Me skin??
It'd make soooo beautiful a skin set :)
Esp. with a matching track info skin.
fantastic skin - the transparent 3D effect is really advanced and works really well.
just some feedback for you if you want it:
could you skin the Media Library column headers (album, artist, album)
at the moment they are just plain grey - not sure if that's the most esthetic solution. They are also a slightly different size than the arrows to scroll up along the right hand side of the screen, if you see what I mean - if they could be the same size that would be cool, Hopefully you can see what I mean, but I can probably post a screenpic if you need.
Keep it up, its going great - possibly the new default skin for MC10??
fantastic skin - the transparent 3D effect is really advanced and works really well.
just some feedback for you if you want it:
could you skin the Media Library column headers (album, artist, album)
at the moment they are just plain grey - not sure if that's the most esthetic solution. They are also a slightly different size than the arrows to scroll up along the right hand side of the screen, if you see what I mean - if they could be the same size that would be cool, Hopefully you can see what I mean, but I can probably post a screenpic if you need.
Keep it up, its going great - possibly the new default skin for MC10??
post a screenshot
See picture below - what I am talking about is especially the very bottom right corner.
Thanks very much Marko, my host obviously is more anal than i thought, for whatever reason.
ph_bradley's pic link is busted, so here's what he's on about ......
Marko, how do you get that Import list??
I'm dying for something like that :)
Marko, how do you get that Import list??
I'm dying for something like that :)
Here ya go, a lot easier to do than to type, I can assure you.....
1. Create a playlist group called Import List.
2. Add the smartlists below to this new group. (Number them to keep them in order)
1. Past 24 Hours --> [date imported]=<=1440
2. Past 7 Days --> [date imported]=<=10080
3. Past 4 Weeks --> [Date Imported]=<=40320
4. Past 8 weeks --> [Date Imported]=<=80640
(I played around with adding ~sort=[Date Imported]-d but is irrelevant when in panes view)
3. Right click Media Library, create new empty view scheme, call it "Recently Imported"
4. Now make children for this view scheme, one for audio, image and video. (using the media type rule in each VS setup). Setup panes and columns most suited to the common tasks you perform on each media type after importing. Choose whatever you need, but the 1st column must be the playlist group "Import List"
That's the basics. Obviously, you set up the sort rules and columns etc. to suit the way you work. Also, selecting the parent, recently imported, will list all media types imported in the last 8 weeks, so if you like, you could set panes and columns for those too. If you want different timescales, just use a calculator, and the knowledge that 1440=24 hours and adjust accordingly.
This is a great "working" viewscheme, imho ;)
Pegasus Beta 3[/u]
- changed option list colors
- fixed tab colors
- fixed scrolls color
- changed list rating
- changed topbar text color
- changed updown/left/right/down images
- fixed frame top bar
- changed target bar
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I know I'm dumb but ..... what changed? No changelog??
I noticed the stars have - but anything else?
Also - You should do them as .mjp files for us super lazy folks so we don't have to then use explorer to install it :)
one pretty major thing you might want to address.....
The image displayed in the skin manager has the wrong copyright info (unless of course you got a new job)
nothing more than i added the beta 3 history....
scrollbar up/down arrowboxes are still mis-sized compared to column headers
could the headers be some kinda clear bluish plastic like the other bits - just plain grey makes it look unskinned - if it is and I'm just being impatient, I apologise
Love your pegasus skin. I am just wondering when you are going to release a Playing Now plugin skin. I think it would be a great idea. That way people can have the same theme for both
Made a matching track info page:
Whole page is defined via the css file and so can be tweaked VERY easily.
Made a matching track info page:
Whole page is defined via the css file and so can be tweaked VERY easily.
its damaged.. it says: unable to display selected track info template.
Unploaded a new zip file with it in.
Lemme know if that works :)
LOVE the skin!
It works Nila.
Nice jobb.
comments/suggestions welcome :)
skin is great - track info looks great from the screen shot.
When downloading trackinfo, or attempting to dl, I get
a "invalid package file" and cannot proceed with the download?
I'll post it somewhere myself.
Matshif got it which means it's working so it's interact messing up.
I'lll put it on my own host tomorrow morning :)
I was able to download it ok, But I get the same error as ToMy00
Hey Nila, love your skin. Would like to test you Track Info Template, but up to now doesn't work (I'm just downloading aktual MC 9.1 via Modem... perhaps it helps). Hope there will be a MiniMe once...
One little request:
Can you do, what PixOS didn't do up to now: Make the playing file visible in "Action Playing Now Window"? It's impossible to see wich file is playing, when looking in Action Windows playing now tab. Also in Media Lybrary it's only possible to see it because of the icon. But when I scrolled to the right and the icon are out of visiblity... I don't know which file is playing :'(
Thank you for spending your time for making us one of the best skins MC ever gets 8) !!
It's not my skin - it's Tommy's.
Nila, your mjp is putting the files in \CSS Dream\CSS Dream\ which is why it's not working.
to all...
To fix this, browse to "your mc install directory\Visualizations\Track Info\CSS Dream\CSS Dream\" and move all the files in there up by one directory (into the first css dream), delete the empty dir, css dream, for the sake of tidiness, then it will work.
Very nice it is too, thanks for that Nila.
Thanks for working that out :)
It's fixed and updated :)
Hope you all like and it works now!!
Nice trackinfo Nila but in the 1024 X 768 its not arranged and looks like a mess... hope you fix it
Another little thing I noticed using your Skin, ToMy:
The Volume Slider position is not correct. It's to left. Try to pull it to minimum or maximum and you'll see.
Another little thing I noticed using your Skin, ToMy:
The Volume Slider position is not correct. It's to left. Try to pull it to minimum or maximum and you'll see.
I fixed it in the next beta.
Pegasus Beta 4[/u]
- changed tree background color
- changed inactive blend color
- fixed top border and bottom border mergins
- fixed posistion slider
- fixed volume slider and thumb
- changed buttons
- changed list browse header bar
- changed list header bar
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The dots are missing at the end of your links...
Done My man :)
I love it!!
If you now make the font of the playing file different to the others (not playing files) so that I can see wich file is playing even in the action window, it would be perfekt!!!
I love it!!
If you now make the font of the playing file different to the others (not playing files) so that I can see wich file is playing even in the action window, it would be perfekt!!!
this is fixed in the next beta5
this is fixed in the next beta5
Yeah! You are the man!
Pegasus Beta 5[/u]
- fixed disabled frame button
- changed some skin info
- changed target bar
- Changed updown arrows
- changed scrollbars
- Re colored prograss front
- changed list current playing track color
- fixed close,minimize..etc frame buttons
- changed frame edit box disabled back color
- changed option window hilight color
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I am not sure if it is your skin or an MC10 bug, but everytime I try to open "Skin Effects' with your Pegasus skin MC crashes
NP with the skin effects in 9.1.316.
I'm very happy with your new skin. Very high usability.
Sorry I'm mourning again, but I liked the scrollbars up to beta 4 much better. Now (Beta 5) they are almost standard, before that it was something special.
but I liked the scrollbars up to beta 4 much better. Now (Beta 5) they are almost standard, before that it was something special.
the scroll bars in beta4 was the blue version of MediaOne skin scroll bars.
the scroll bars in beta4 was the blue version of MediaOne skin scroll bars.
Looked it up. Suprise: It's right 8) But at all: They looked better than the new ones.
But nothing changed: it's the best MC skin out there!!
Fixed the track info and made a 'CSS Dream Small' for lower resolution screens.
I have no way of uploading it though until J River comes back from holliday :)
Fixed the track info and made a 'CSS Dream Small' for lower resolution screens.
I have no way of uploading it though until J River comes back from holliday :)
send it to my email.. and i will upload it in knick's server and make a url for it in this thread..
Absolute cool. Thanks to ToMy00 for a really good skin and Nila for the matching info page.
Pegasus Beta 6[/u]
- changed playbar text/status text colors
- fixed suffle/con/colume/dsp buttons color
- changed status bar text color
- fixed playbar display/track position
- fixed frame/mainframe close/minimize..etc buttons
- fixed radio buttons color
- fixed frame topbar
- changed status bar
- changed search bar
- fixed the right corner of the mainframe button border
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k, Just e-mailed it to you :)
This is DEFINITELY my favourite skin!!
Any chance you could send me the original PS skins??
I'd love to do a few different colour variations of it by just changing the hue in the photoshop files.
An orange version would look great for a nice brighter look :)
Any chance you could send me the original PS skins??
I'd love to do a few different colour variations of it by just changing the hue in the photoshop files.
An orange version would look great for a nice brighter look :)
wait until i finish the skin (beta way) and edit it and post it in the skin thread
Nice Skin, I really like it, I think the MTI track Info template look very good inside of it (with a slight modifications to the background and lyrics)... what do you think??
Very nice ToMy, glad to see you back in action :)
Any plans for a dark version too?
Any plans for a dark version too?
you can use skin effects :)
nila also asked me to change the hue of the skin to make another colored version..
you can use skin effects :)
I'd love to, but 10.0.27 crashes whenever I try and use it...
you can use skin effects :)
I'd love to, but 10.0.27 crashes whenever I try and use it...
report it in MC build thread
There u go, CSS Dream for smaller resolutions.
Enjoy! :)
There u go, CSS Dream for smaller resolutions.
Enjoy! :)
anyway nila to make a bigger coverart on the track info on the right and down of it the frame of the lyrics/bios etc ?/
so we can see a bigger size of the cover art