Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: succorso on December 18, 2003, 11:48:39 am
The goal is to make Media Jukebox my htpc mp3 player. It's important for me to play the songs in order, see the album art and control it with a remote.
So, how do I make the albumview plugin start at startup, make it look like it does on the download page (currently the top pane is the list of albums and the bottom 2 panes are blank :-[ ) and then control it with arrows from a remote control ?
Anyone ? Thanks in advance for the help.
The closest you can get is...
There are a couple things on Starup page. You can set it foe Plugins, But that will only bring you to the Plugin Page.
Currently there is no way to start in a plugin.
Doesn't MC have a "last location" option too?
I'd check but I am in the middle of reinstalling my machine.
Don't think so....
Just the Start up in the Options./
It's the first entry in the dropdown.
Well don't I just feel silly,,,,,