Windows => Plug-in Development => Topic started by: WickedEwok on December 30, 2003, 11:47:55 am

Title: IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: WickedEwok on December 30, 2003, 11:47:55 am
Hi Matt and Nikolay,

It looks to me (and I might be crazy) that IMJFilesAutomation->Sort() is still broken, in that it will always sort by Artist, and not by any sort settings that the user has specified.

Is there some other function I can use? I'd really like to present the user with the same tree that they see in MediaCenter.

Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: sapnho on December 30, 2003, 01:44:49 pm
This is exactly the bug that I wrote twice about here on the forum but received no feedback.  :'(
As far as I can see it, it is also the bug that causes smartlists called up through NetRemote to not be random at all but sorted by artists as well. :'( :'(
Would be great to find some sort of solution! :)
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: Mastiff on December 31, 2003, 02:06:38 am
It would be very nice if this could be fixed, yes.
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: sapnho on January 16, 2004, 11:35:49 am
Still no answer? :'( :'( :'(
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: Matt on January 16, 2004, 12:05:06 pm
It's impossible to know what setting to use, so we use a default artist, album, track #, name.

Ideally we need a new sort function that takes a parameter.  You could always build the sort into your searches for now.

Thanks guys.
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: WickedEwok on January 16, 2004, 01:48:36 pm
Thanks for the reply, Matt.

Couldn't you use the sort that is defined for that view? Or some global sort defined? Or at least take out the default artist and put album artist (auto) instead?

This is a problem for any CD with multiple artists, as the sort is always wrong.

Thanks Matt! I look forward to a fix/workaround for this issue.
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: sapnho on January 17, 2004, 03:46:26 pm
It's impossible to know what setting to use, so we use a default artist, album, track #, name.

Thanks for the answer, Matt. However, I don't understand what this means. Why apply any sort rather than the view sort?

This a big issue for all NetRemote users using MC as multiple artist albums are just not playable. I suspect this is also the reason why called up smart lists always have the same order. MC is great but not always ideal as a front end. This is why many people use NetRemote together with MC. Not being able to exploit the vast power of Media Center would be very sad.

So if you could solve this issue, you would make many many people happy. ::)

Thanks! :)
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: nila on January 17, 2004, 10:00:09 pm
It's impossible to know what setting to use, so we use a default artist, album, track #, name.

Ideally we need a new sort function that takes a parameter.  You could always build the sort into your searches for now.

Thanks guys.

I tried this Matt and the data returned was still unsorted.

I used the same string in MC's search bar and it was sorted, for the plugin though it wasn't?

Does it definitely sort it if called with the SDK?
If so I'll try again but I'm pretty sure it wasn't sorting (could have lost the sorting when I grouped by albums I guess).

If it's definitely meant to then I'll keep playing with it.
Title: Re:IMJFilesAutomation sort still broken?
Post by: Rob L on February 20, 2004, 07:57:46 am
Nah, sorting's definitely not working.

I have a view scheme defined called "random" (at the moment, I was using Girder to sent MJEXTMAN commands to play then when I press a particular button, but there are reasons why I wanted to do it using the automation interface instead).

Unsurprisingly, that View scheme has "sort:[random]" specified.

When I use GetViewItem and then GetFiles, it just returns a completely alpha-sorted list of all the files. It's totally ignored the "sort:[random]" bit. Even calling Sort on the files returned doesn't change that.

Even calling DoCommand on the View causes it to play the files in alpha sort order!

(That's with MC 10.0.74)