Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: geekbeats on January 04, 2004, 07:36:38 am
I asked before and someone helped me out a bit but in the end nothing was really solved. Heres the low down:
I store all of my mp3s in nicely organized folders/subfolders. I organize them according to Genre>Artist>Album. Within Each Album Folder I store a corresponding Cover Art jpeg, named 'folder.jpg'. Within each Artist Folder, alongside the Album Folders I place a corresponding image of the artist, also named 'folder.jpg'. All of this of course is so i can see all these pretty lil pictures in windows xp. anyways now i discovered media center and im in love with this program. i started fiddling around creating my own custom Song Info templates when i thought of the possibility of not only displaying my cover art of the song/album playing , but also displaying the artist image i talked about earlier. so anyways ive tried all kinds of different html to achieve this but it doesnt seem to work! Just to clear things up again ill describe what i want: I WANT TO DISPLAY BOTH COVER ART AND ARTIST IMAGE ALONGSIDE EACH OTHER IN THE SONG INFO TEMPLATE.
pleasee help!
i know you guys are smart , help a dumbass out! :) Thanks
U cant do it.
Good idea
Does not support Multi Images in or out of tags
I Also think it should suport Album Front, Album Back And A Artist Image
Can't the HTML use scripting to deduce the name of the Artist image? There would just need to be a TRACK_INFO field that contained the desired path.
I'm guessing by Nila's answer that there is no such TRACK_INFO, but it seems like an easy addition to the API.
Ur post gives me an idea Scott - this could PROBABLY be done with javascript.
Just have to play with it a bit.
Ur post gives me an idea Scott - this could PROBABLY be done with javascript.
Just have to play with it a bit.
So what's the variable? TRACKINFO_INSERT_PATH?
well this is presuming that he's set the cover art in MC to his cover art for the album.
TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE <-- that's the path to the album cover.
U then just have to work out the position of the last and second last / and remove that part of the path which will give u the path to the artist one.
well this is presuming that he's set the cover art in MC to his cover art for the album.
TRACKINFO_INSERT_IMAGE <-- that's the path to the album cover.
U then just have to work out the position of the last and second last / and remove that part of the path which will give u the path to the artist one.
That's easy...
var path = location.pathname; // This is the entire file name, relative to \
var pathEnd = path.lastIndexOf("\"); // This is the index of the "\" character, before the file name
var dirLoc = path.substring(0, pathEnd); // This is the directory in which the file is located
var theFile = path.substring(pathEnd + 1, path.length); // This is the file name
Should work just fine, though I haven't tested it.