Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Mck2657 on January 04, 2004, 08:40:50 am

Title: Two Plugin Questions for MC Newbie
Post by: Mck2657 on January 04, 2004, 08:40:50 am
Hi folks,

First let me say that I really like MC... I'd been looking for something that can handle my volume of MP3 files and MC is great for that...

I've got 2 problems related to plugins..

1.  I've downloaded the .zip file from Spartasoft for the lyrics finder, but I can't figure out how to get it to install?  I've tried copying the files to the plugins folder, installing into the plug ins folders, installing from within MC (It only appears to look for the dll's).  I'm sure the answer is simple, but it's escaping me...


2. I'm having an issue transferring mp3's from MC to my Creative NX 20gb.   I've downloaded and installed the plug in from MC, however when I connect my NX I immediately get a 'Server Busy' dialog box from MC.  If I choose "switch-to", my start menu pops up. At this point, I'm locked in a loop where retry gets me know where and switch-to pops up my start menu.  I force an end task via the Task Manager and relaunch MC.

I can now find my NX under handhelds, however the server busy dialog again pops up (which it continues to do repeatedly when connected).  It eventually displays the tracks on my NX.  I can now drag files to my NX in the action window, and the "click here to continue bar" comes up.  When I click on it, I get another Server Busy error, I click the tranfer button and get the "analyzing files" pop up. After clicking through many more of the Server Busy pop ups, eventually the files transfer to my NX.  Now, however, the transfer dialog box doesn't go away (or if it does, the analyzing audio files dialog box) comes up.  I then have to force quit the program again and restart it.

Since this whole process can take 20+ minutes plus to transfer 10 tracks, it's driving me nuts.  I've tried uninstalling everything I can think of that my be causing a conflict (i.e. Musicmatch, Itunes, Creative's software and driver, Notmad), but it continues to happen.  

I appreciate you reading the novel I've written here, are there any ideas on how to correct this?
