Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Tanushan on January 15, 2004, 06:43:32 pm

Title: Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 15, 2004, 06:43:32 pm
i) the ability to show how progress of the playlist, eg. track 12 of 32 in a 32 track playlist

also when the window comes up in the bottom right corner, media center can't be used, in other words i can't select a file in mc for those few seconds when the box is being displayed

Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request
Post by: nathanchavez on January 15, 2004, 08:49:27 pm

Both of those features are currently available...

the ability to show how progress of the playlist, eg. track 12 of 32 in a 32 track playlist
This is up to the individual skin disigner.  For instance 10th's Brushed Metal skin allows this.

also when the window comes up in the bottom right corner, media center can't be used, in other words i can't select a file in mc for those few seconds when the box is being displayed
I do not know if it is possible to do anything with this window other than changing song to Rhino about that.  I do know it is possible to change the amount of time the windows appears be editing the PlayingNow.ini.  (C:\WINDOWS\PlayingNow.ini)  Under the "popups" section.
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2004, 01:06:41 am
also when the window comes up in the bottom right corner, media center can't be used, in other words i can't select a file in mc for those few seconds when the box is being displayed

It's because the window is shown/hidden synchronously.   As nathanchavez the only thing you can do in the short term is decrease the times.   I see how much work it will be to change this behaviour.
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 16, 2004, 02:24:51 am
now i used brushed metal and am getting this error message

could not save image to the file....
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2004, 02:41:23 am
Sounds like you have logging/ftp enabled.   You get this if the FTP transfer hasn't completed when PN tries to save the next image.   It can't do it as the FTP client still has it locked.
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 16, 2004, 03:08:56 am
how can i fix it? i've tried everything!
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2004, 03:27:23 am
You haven't told me if you have logging and or ftp enabled.

If you have switch them off to see if the issue goes away.

Also does using one of my own supllied skins work ok?   If so then it may be a problem with the skin itself in which case you should contact the author of it.
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 16, 2004, 03:35:27 am
thx man i fixed it and yes everthing works well

just one minor question, is there a way to put the duration of the next / previous song in there like <> of some similar command?
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2004, 03:48:33 am
Very simple ... to get the duration of the next track use:


And to get the previous use:

Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: nathanchavez on January 16, 2004, 11:28:04 am
Just curious...but did you install the plugin somewhere else then the defaults?  I remember I had that problen once too.  I had to edit the ini with the correct path.  Right now it's set for the default instillation path.  If that is the case please post.
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 16, 2004, 09:38:04 pm
cool thanks for your help, is there anything u haven't included? ;D

also is there anyway to make the text in the playing now window scroll when it can't fit?
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 16, 2004, 10:54:16 pm
cool thanks for your help, is there anything u haven't included? ;D

Well it doesn't make the tea ... but I'm sure I could do something about that if I really wanted to :D

also is there anyway to make the text in the playing now window scroll when it can't fit?

No but I have an alternative solution which will be in the next version ... tooltips!
Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: Tanushan on January 17, 2004, 03:38:55 pm
one more question is there a command for the length of the entire duration of the playlist to be shown, like <"playlist.duration"> of something?

Title: Re:Playing Now question or Feature request EDIT: NOW ERROR MESSAGE
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 17, 2004, 03:50:09 pm
No ... but I may consider it for the future.