Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: RhinoBanga on January 20, 2004, 02:31:53 pm

Title: Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 20, 2004, 02:31:53 pm
Well it's been a long time since the last 1.2.1 beta and it's still not production due to the new features I've put in:


Notice the hotspots which have been configured to control MC and the tooltips.

Here's what's new since v1.2.1.99:

1) Added ToggleSound hotkey in Popup section of PlayignNow.INI to toggle the sound.   Check the documentation for more info.
2) Added EnableSound option in Popup section of PlayignNow.INI to enable/disable sound.   Check the documentation for more info.
3) Added HotSpot objects, check out the TransparentBackground skin for an example showing playback control.
4) Middle mouse button now pops up a list of playing now tracks, clicking on one will play it.
5) Added tooltips to HotSpot, Icon, Image, Text and Thumbnail objects.   Check the documentation for more info.
6) Added <Application.HomePage> and <Application.SupportPage>
7) Added Type option on Text objects, supported values are HTTP or Normal.   HTTP type is clickable.
8) Modified TransparentBackground skin to show off new features, e.g. BIOS tooltip when over artwork, hotspots, URLs, etc.
9) Fixed issue where the wrong foreground colour was being used for text objects.

There is a known issue where the graphical ratings are slow to redraw on some skins.   I'll fix that soon.

I'll also update the documentation on the new features upon production.

Here's the URL: (
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 20, 2004, 03:18:42 pm
The issues I would watch out for:

1)  WordWrap is now the default
2)  Your object size calculations are correct.   When doing hittests (e.g. is the mouse over a particular object) these neex to be correct or else overlaps will occur.

Everything else should be hunkey-dorey so you should not have to uninstall.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Rizlaw on January 20, 2004, 03:57:49 pm
Very impressive and much appreciated work. Keep it up.

Just a tad confused. Downloaded and installed OK, but Plug-in Manager shows version #:
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: dpbeatley on January 20, 2004, 04:42:35 pm
Ditto on the drolling thang! :o

While we're on the subject, I've noticed that those on Interact that use PlayingNow have some nice home-grown skins. Share anyone? Also, I've noticed that some include the skin in their signature. Now for the life of me, I've tried, and tried but I cannot get it to *insert* into my posts.

Is there any magic involved? The steps required would be greatly appreciated. And to think I do this for a living and still go brain-dead at times  ?
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: dpbeatley on January 20, 2004, 08:16:26 pm
Ok, so that's how it done. Sounds like alot of steps - will stick to the simple MC "copy listening to..." for posting. Saves time and in my case $$$$. I scan here while doing work - *sigh*
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 21, 2004, 12:38:32 am
Very impressive and much appreciated work. Keep it up.

Just a tad confused. Downloaded and installed OK, but Plug-in Manager shows version #:

Maybe you had MC loaded when you installed PN?

Try rebooting.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Marko on January 21, 2004, 02:15:58 am
/me checks his skins.....

This is such a cool plugin for listening while working.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 21, 2004, 04:03:04 am
Thanks dude.

I'm also going to see if I can get in:

1)  A playback position slider.
2)  The ability to popup the current playlist on a hotspot.
3)  FTP on a hotspot so you can send it to your website easily.
4)  Different images for a hotspot depressed and hover state.

Although don't hold your breath for #1.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: nila on January 21, 2004, 05:48:23 am

your doing a WOW job on this ;)

Full credit where it's due - I'm the bomb!!
Ooops, I mean you are!
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: LonWar on January 21, 2004, 07:17:08 am
This is the stuff that makes MC so great!!
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Bryan on January 22, 2004, 11:34:13 am
Is there a way to invoke the popup on demand?  Hotkey or something?  I recall some mention of this in another thread but can't locate it and am unable to recognize anything in any of the support files that indicates this is possible.    

Sorry for the slightly off-topic question..

Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 22, 2004, 12:02:03 pm
Win+P is the default.

This shortcut and others are all documented int he help file.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Valissystem on January 22, 2004, 03:13:11 pm
This is really good.

Is there any chance that the toggle sound feature could be part of the right-click menu (and saveable) ?

Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 12:38:27 am
Possibly ... but I suspect that you could have a text field that is overlapping the ratings.   Check that first and if it doesn't seem to be that then email the skin and I'll check the issue out.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 07:06:12 am
Is there any chance that the toggle sound feature could be part of the right-click menu (and saveable) ?

Done.   It will be in
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Bartabedian on January 23, 2004, 09:59:04 am
Kudos again RB!

This little thing has now entered a new realm. It's become an easily manipulated and very informative mini-me skin, really. And I've become addicted to editing the thing. I took your transparent skin and expanded it a bit, created previous and next small thumbs each with a tooltip that tells you what's next and their clickable as the previous/next buttons as well. The current playing thumb has your "bios" tooltip setting (very very cool, btw) plus it's the play button, how cool is this thing?

Thanks for your stellar work once again. (Oh, a [breath-holding] volume slider on the thing would be awesome if it were to be possible.)

Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: JustinChase on January 23, 2004, 10:58:27 am
Great work on this handly little app!

I am trying to figure out how to make it keep the current playing now track info until the actual end of the song.  It changes to the next song about 2-3 seconds before the next song actually starts playing, which has led to me rating the upconing song, instead of the current song.

I thought I found how to have the pop-up come onscreen sooner (haven't restarted yet), but it still changes too soon.

Any ideas?

Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 11:16:12 am
By default PN should come up 10 seconds before the end of the track.   MC itself switches the track around 5 seconds before the actual end of the track. There's nothing I can do about that.

As proof watch the MC playing now window and you will see it skips forward and display's negative numbers before the track starts playing, e.g. -0:05
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 11:18:17 am
Kudos again RB!
Thanks for your stellar work once again. (Oh, a [breath-holding] volume slider on the thing would be awesome if it were to be possible.)


I'll add it to the list ... that should be simple to do as it works the same way as ratings.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: wtf on January 23, 2004, 11:43:17 am
I've downloaded PN but haven't had a chance to play with it yet.  Can it control MC over a network?  I'd like to run an image displayer/simple controller on a touchscreen or laptop which interfaces to a main computer running MC and the audio output.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: JustinChase on January 23, 2004, 11:56:45 am
I guess I'll have to learn how to create my own skin so I can add the previous track, nad rate it that way.

Still, very cool, thanks again.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 12:03:52 pm
I've downloaded PN but haven't had a chance to play with it yet.  Can it control MC over a network?  I'd like to run an image displayer/simple controller on a touchscreen or laptop which interfaces to a main computer running MC and the audio output.

No, sorry.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 12:04:30 pm
I guess I'll have to learn how to create my own skin so I can add the previous track, nad rate it that way.

Still, very cool, thanks again.

Check out the PreviousNowNext skin for an example.   It does it.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 23, 2004, 04:52:25 pm
Ooooo ... now that's a great idea.   Have Debug=True in PlayingNow.INI and it draws boxes round major objects.   Look for it in the next version :D
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Marko on January 24, 2004, 02:16:12 am
nice. this will be sooo handy.

btw, rolling back my mouse driver today to see if tooltips will then work here. Whether it does or not, I'll be sticking, and my advice to anyone currently using intellipoint 4.x is most definately do NOT upgrade to the version 5 drivers. They are truly awful.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: mickjp on January 25, 2004, 11:56:38 am
Very impressive and much appreciated work. Keep it up.

Just a tad confused. Downloaded and installed OK, but Plug-in Manager shows version #:

I've had the same problem as RIzlaw,  I've tried it after reboots, downloaded with and without a download manager, etc, but still the same problem.  ANy ideas?  Playing Now is the main reason I bought Media Center (10.0.43).

THanks in advance
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 25, 2004, 12:49:32 pm
Found the issue and it will be fixed in the next version.

MC requires that you tell it your programs version number instead of it picking it up dynamically from the .DLL/.OCX ala Windows Explorer.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Zarius on January 25, 2004, 10:02:57 pm
Hmm... I've found will lockup my computer if I use the transparent skin, then click on any (at least the pause) player control button, then click on the skin anywhere else (eg album art, or name of the song).  I tested this several times and then got bored of rebooting my machine :)

Can anyone else do this?
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 26, 2004, 02:06:20 am
What OS are you using?

Can you drag the skin OK?

Does it go bad when you bring up the right-mouse menu?
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Zarius on January 26, 2004, 05:44:07 pm
Windows XP (SP1), as far as I recall the right-mouse menu worked (didn't use it extensively, but I changed skins) and I believe I could drag the skin fine and I know I could click on it fine - both until I clicked on a player control... then an attempt to click would lockup the computer... I didn't check clicking a player control then dragging - I'll test this when I feel like rebooting my computer again :)

On another note... I've noticed PN doesn't come up whilst a movie is playing... is this just not working or not possible? (it does however come up whilst .asf movies are playing, I've found.)  <fantasy>It would be great if PN could show a small preview of the playing video (actually playing) instead of the first frame/album art :) (eg copying the overlay channel or something? I've noticed my video card can do that out to the tv.)</fantasy>
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: Tanushan on January 27, 2004, 12:02:50 am

how about scrolling track info  ;)

e.g instead of cutting it off the window, just scroll it

Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: RhinoBanga on January 27, 2004, 02:11:08 am

I develop on WinXP and have not seen this issue.   Neither have any others that I have asked.   When PN locks your computer can't you even get TaskManager up to kill the process?   For PN to lock your whole computer indicates something else is going on.   What mouse hardware/software are you using?   Also what version of MC are you using?

I've noticed PN doesn't come up whilst a movie is playing

That's because by default it's been told not to.   Check the ExcludeExtensions entry PlayingNow.INI.
I will add asf to the list of default excluded entries.

It would be great if PN could show a small preview of the playing video

I'll put it on the investigation list for v2.


Scrolling text isn't going to happen in v1 of PN.   It is something I am considering for v2.
Title: Re:Playing Now 1.2.1 Beta 2
Post by: nila on January 27, 2004, 04:01:37 am
Hey Rhino,
what'd be GREAT would be if there could be a 'delete' button on Playing now so that we could delete songs as we listened to them if we wanted.

I'm going through tons of songs now listening to them and some of them are just, how do I say it, 'terrible'. I leave MC minimised and use playing now so it'd be great if I could be like: AHHH!!! Kill this, get rid of it, it sucks!!! ' lol ;)

Cant remember if it's possible from the SDK thou or not, if it is....