Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on February 06, 2004, 05:52:47 pm

Title: EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 06, 2004, 05:52:47 pm
I finaly got a Picture For Everyone To Look At Of My New Project

Basicly The Plug-in Does This

1. It remember the EQ Settings You Set For Each Music File In Your Collection, And When The Song Plays It Will Set The EQ For You Each Time It Plays.

2. It Will Scan The Genre And If You Have A User Preset For That Genre Will Set The EQ.

3. Along With The User Genres It Also Knows The Media Center Presets and Willl Set The EQ For A Matching The Genre For Them As Well.

You Can Turn On Or Off The Plug-in

You Can Turn On Or Off The Use Of The Auto Genre EQ Presets.


Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: ghappe on February 07, 2004, 04:37:07 am
Sounds great to me, (q) will it also "set" the DSP settings or just the equalizer?


Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 07, 2004, 05:21:38 am
Sounds great to me, (q) will it also "set" the DSP settings or just the equalizer?



I really have not looked into that to see if the SDK has DSP control
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 07, 2004, 01:26:26 pm
Sounds great to me, (q) will it also "set" the DSP settings or just the equalizer?



Just looked, i see no options In The SDK to control the DSP other than the EQ Settings.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: ghappe on February 07, 2004, 03:37:08 pm
Hey Chickenman,

well, you can't be better then the tools given to you, still, being able to manage the eq this way would be a big advantage, so if you can, then, yes please

Greetings and friendly meetings,

Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 07, 2004, 04:11:37 pm
I did not have time to work on it today

I do have a small problem with something, not sure it is my problem or the SDK problem but in for some reason When i set eq then try to get eq settings back it is off by 3.

I will do some more testing, i went thru the code and it looks fine but not sure yet.

I also want to add some more code for something

maybe after I write 3 reviews tomorrow (so a few people that work for me can get a raise) I might put out a build tomorrow.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: drosoph on February 07, 2004, 09:21:54 pm
On second thought, I would definitely give this a whirl ... It does sound interesting in your implementation ... I believe that someone else gave this a shot before ... but their implementation was not nearly as robust ...

I think it was Auto EQ ...;action=display;threadid=18809
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 08, 2004, 08:41:25 am
If You Wish To Play With This Plug-in

It Is On My FTP At: Or On My web Site At (
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: hit_ny on February 08, 2004, 03:17:13 pm
Just looked, i see no options In The SDK to control the DSP other than the EQ Settings.

Yep, have asked for this in requests. It would make a big difference.

Another thing i was wondering is whether Gapless play and Crossfade(settings) can be set as well.

Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: matshif on February 10, 2004, 05:47:17 pm
Problem after build .66.

I get this warning:

EQ Master
Run time error '91':
Object variable or With block variable not set
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 10, 2004, 05:49:16 pm
I will download .66


Working Fine Here.

Reboot, Reload MC10

BTW: There is no (very few) error traps in the program right now.

let me know if it happens again, and what was going on at the time.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: matshif on February 10, 2004, 08:58:22 pm
I will download .66


Working Fine Here.

Reboot, Reload MC10

BTW: There is no (very few) error traps in the program right now.

let me know if it happens again, and what was going on at the time.

I did as you say, but still the same message.

When I try to open up EQ, there's nothing.

Nothing going on, that is no other programs runing.

I uninstalled and installed EQ and reboot.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 11, 2004, 05:28:55 am
When I try to open up EQ, there's nothing.

Not quite what i had in mind.

So when you start MC do you get an error?

is any music playing when you boot mc?

does the error happen if music is not playing?

what is mc doing when you get the error?

how long is mc running when you get the error?

do you get the error before going to eq master or befor?


0.0.02 has some more traps in it, just in case
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: matshif on February 11, 2004, 09:45:58 am
I get the message when I start MC so nothing is playing.

When I then click on EQ Master in Plug-ins it's empty.

Everything started since build .66

Can you follow me now?
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: matshif on February 11, 2004, 03:52:38 pm
Coming home from work I went for 0.0.02 and now everything looks perfect  ;D
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 11, 2004, 04:54:22 pm

Latest MC build might be faster or slower and it was just hitting your system at the wrong time when the Timer in EQ Master started to run.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: ghappe on February 12, 2004, 11:24:23 am
Hello KingSparta,

I’ve check out the EQMaster today, looks great but, for me, it does much more than it should.

As a data architect I would suggest that the only place in the system that you can create an equalizer setting is in the MC equalizer, and than give it a name.

Any plug-in, i.m.h.o., should just pick up the GENRE in a given track and, if this was available, apply the named EQ settings to that track in Playing-Now.

Anything else would result in extra tag-fields, meaning more maintenance, less cross application or version interoperability and more work for the developer.

In my personal collection I've got 70 Genre's, 45 EQ settings and +75k tracks, and therefore I would not dream of individual, per track, EQ-settings.

The approach in Nila's plug in, mapping Genre's to an Alias, is also to maintenance sensitive, (You could drop a EQ setting without “telling” the individual tracks) I'm afraid, so..
I’m just waiting for something that's just setting the EQ preset to the GENRE tag in the record.

But, the program, and especially the "apply which setting when" logic looks very logical and will probably suit lots of user just fine.

Keep it up, do,

Kind greetings,


Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 12, 2004, 11:37:15 am
I don't see a problem with it the way it is.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: ghappe on February 12, 2004, 04:06:32 pm
Evening KingSparta,

Like I said, there’s nothing wrong with this nice little program, it does all it was designed to do, problem, however, is the conceptual dataflow.

If you have a parent-application controlling some data-elements, in this case Genre’s and EQ-settings, and you allow a child-application, like a plug-in, to add data to those datasets, it should sync back this data to the parent-application or you have a, potential, recovery problem, as if I would remove the plug-in the tags could contain data that has no meaning in the parent-application, in this case mediacenter.
This may, of course, sound rather theoretical but according to the book a dependent user-exit should, if at al possible, make use of the parent-applications data-set and leave it in a consistent state from the parent-applications view, or else you have a lot of meaningless data when you get a version that does not work with the depended application.

And don't take me wrong, your work is admirable but this one could bite you in the a.. when mediacenter changes something that makes using the plug-in impossible.

However, this is, of course, a personal view on data-dependency and there must be thousands of other arguments, and some of these are bound to be better.

So, keep up the good work.

Kind greetings,

Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 12, 2004, 05:12:40 pm
the tags could contain data

as long as the user does not check "Save To Tag" in the plug-in manager it will not save to the tag, and the plug-in uses MC's database.

that is the users choice.

I thought about creating a database but this was the easy way, and cleanup could be done by just having the user remove the field from the MC database, so this way is cleaner.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 12, 2004, 07:06:11 pm
Everyone Dump 0.02 and get 0.03

My dumb mistake broke the eq band reading
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: pipsqueak on February 18, 2004, 05:36:54 pm
i cant get the settings to turn green like you have in the screenshot - i have clicked all possible orders of the buttons that i can think of.

as a result none of them work

? help please?
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2004, 05:45:42 pm
i cant get the settings to turn green like you have in the screenshot - i have clicked all possible orders of the buttons that i can think of.

as a result none of them work

? help please?

[X] Turn On Eq Master
[X] Use Genre Presets

Enter Genre In A Field

Press "Get Current EQ Settings" For That Genre.

what version of eq master do you have 0.04 is aval for download.

It works fine in 0.04 i just tested it.
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: pipsqueak on February 18, 2004, 05:58:27 pm

i do that and nothing happens. i will try to reinstall and see if that helps
Title: Re:EQ Master
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2004, 06:14:04 pm
This will happen if the user did not create the "EQSettings" field in Media Center.

If you read the help file it will tell you how to create a field in Media Center.

The Media Center Does Not Have This Option For A Plug-In to create a field, if it did this would be easyer on the user.