Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: jbhelicon on February 18, 2004, 04:58:42 pm

Title: Failed to install skin
Post by: jbhelicon on February 18, 2004, 04:58:42 pm
This has been a long term problem for me with MC, versions 9 and 10.
Pretty much everytime I download a new skin (Minimal, say) when the download progress bar goes to complete, I get a an all-black error box which by random clicking I can get to close - when that happens, MC says that it failed to install skin foo, and is reverting to the default skin. Only reason I know its an error box is because once, through some magic combination of window clicking, I got it to come into focus, and the error message was of the form 'failed to install skin'.
Plain vanilla XP machine.
Any ideas?
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: jleerigby on February 18, 2004, 05:18:03 pm
Skins are versionised.  For MC10 you need a version 3 skin.  You'll probably only find these in this forum.

If you edit the main.xml and change the first line to read <MJMS version="3.0"> then the skin will probably load but don't expect it to work properly.
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: jbhelicon on February 18, 2004, 05:37:31 pm
But I have the same problem with V9; is that expected?
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: jleerigby on February 20, 2004, 01:44:47 pm
But I have the same problem with V9; is that expected?
Yes if it's not the correct version.
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: jbhelicon on February 20, 2004, 02:53:58 pm
So, i guess I must be missing something fundamental here.
I'm running Version 9.1.316 of MC.
I download a V9.0 skin - Minamal, say
<< >>
And it fails to install.
Is there a difference between 9.0 and 9.1 skins?
Or is Minimal and the others i've tried broken?
Or do I have some funky problem on my individual installation?
Thanks for yr help on this!
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: LonWar on February 20, 2004, 06:10:08 pm
Yes there is a BIG difference between 9 and 9.1 skins...
Look for the Whats here thread and install a 9.1 skin from there. If that works, cool that's your problem, If it doesn't work try uninstalling and reinstalling.
Title: Re:Failed to install skin
Post by: jbhelicon on February 23, 2004, 04:28:23 pm
Understood. That works. Thanks for the help!