Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: DJ_Hazelwood on February 28, 2004, 06:32:13 am

Title: Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on February 28, 2004, 06:32:13 am
MultiInfo is a track info template for Media Center 9/10


It uses cascading style sheets (CSS).
This makes it possible to configure the template for almost every MC-skin.

After installing the template for Thunderstorm is used.

Style-sheets for some other skins are included in the package.

Here are the links:

MultiInfo V1.10
Download MultiInfo MJP (
Download MultiInfo ZIP (

Version history
first release
added some space between the different tab-areas
changed 'Vis' to 'Vis1' and 'Vis2': lets you choose where to display the visualization
Added some space on the top (for use in fullscreen-mode)
Changed the stylesheet-definition: now it is very easy to modify the box-width and the vis-size (see multiinfo.css)
Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameters for vis-positions (see multiinfo.css)
Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameter for box-height (see multiinfo.css)
Changed the stylesheet-definition: added parameters for fonts (see multiinfo.css)
Some small layout-changes.
Removed vis2 (as you can define the position of the vis, this is no longer necessary)
Splitted the css-file in two files: multiinfo_base for genereal definitions; multiinfo_skin for skin-specific definitions  
(thanks to cascius for some really good  ideas (;action=display;threadid=20343))
Added parameters for different positions in the css-file: pos for visualization-toggle, pos for up/down-buttons, pos for navigation-buttons
Reworked css-system
Added 'setup'-section: lets you quickly change the used skin/layout
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: dragyn on February 28, 2004, 01:50:52 pm
Looks great! Wish I could do stuff like that.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on February 28, 2004, 02:07:32 pm
Looks great! Wish I could do stuff like that.


The first skin i tried it with was your great Opus MC   ;)

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: LonWar on February 28, 2004, 03:51:52 pm
That is so amazing DJ, Thanks so much for doing this...
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pocket on March 09, 2004, 09:52:02 pm
I love it too.  I would only like it if the visualization toggle would put the vis below the whole dialog or cover the  text portion of it.  I tried to modify the code, but I don't know what I'm doing so I screwed it all up.  Help would be appreciated!
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on March 10, 2004, 12:46:15 am

I'm not at home this week, but next week i will have a look at that.
Maybe i can help you.   ;)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pocket on March 12, 2004, 09:18:08 pm
no.  thank you :)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: paulr on March 13, 2004, 01:41:52 am
Excellent work!  I love this template!
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on March 25, 2004, 09:57:21 am
Added style-sheet for Thunderstorm-Skin (first post)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: matshif on March 25, 2004, 10:23:56 am
Great DJ  :D

Would it be possible to have it for the greyscale effect too??  :P

PS I like the apple (red) color.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: LonWar on March 25, 2004, 10:40:09 am
Thanks DJ...
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on March 25, 2004, 02:03:31 pm
Great DJ  :D

Would it be possible to have it for the greyscale effect too??  :P

PS I like the apple (red) color.

Yes, greyscale would be cool  8)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: LonWar on March 25, 2004, 08:19:24 pm
Hi DJ, Can you tell me what the color # was that you used for thunderstorm?

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on March 26, 2004, 12:28:43 am
Hi DJ, Can you tell me what the color # was that you used for thunderstorm?



The colors i used are:

tabs background-color:#6B1E35
panes background-color:#4E4F61
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pocket on March 28, 2004, 05:48:08 pm
Did you ever get around to that visualization toggle display effect (see earlier post by me)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on March 29, 2004, 02:31:33 am
Did you ever get around to that visualization toggle display effect (see earlier post by me)

No. You posted that you don't need help on this.  ?

So i did nothing.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pocket on April 01, 2004, 09:27:57 pm
Oh! I think I was misunderstood.  You said "Thank You," and what I meant to say was "no, the thanks goes to you!"  I *still* need help!  
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 01, 2004, 11:12:30 pm
Oh! I think I was misunderstood.  You said "Thank You," and what I meant to say was "no, the thanks goes to you!"  I *still* need help!  

Aaah! Now i understand.  :D

OK, give me a day or two to have a look at it.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 01:45:49 am
I love it too.  I would only like it if the visualization toggle would put the vis below the whole dialog or cover the  text portion of it.  I tried to modify the code, but I don't know what I'm doing so I screwed it all up.  Help would be appreciated!


I've added a second vis-button. Now you can choose where to display the visualization.

Hope you like it!
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: gpvillamil on April 02, 2004, 02:47:54 am
These are great. Should really ship with MC as part of the package, they're so good.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 02, 2004, 04:04:19 am
hi everyone!
i agree with you all about this being the best track info out there!! it really rocks :) . i only have 2 problems with it that bother me a bit. the first one is that when in full screen mode the auto hide bars keep showing when using a mouse to scroll down lyrics,bios etc... so that they hide the buttons and you cant use the buttons in full screen is there any way to correct this annoying thins? perhaps lower the buttons? i need the auto hide bars for movies etc so i cant hide them for good. the second issue is that the lyrics box is to small, can the lyrics button be inlarged so that it fits the whole screen? that way on most songs you wont need to use the up down buttons?  once again i really love the plugin and if i knew how to do these stuff id do it myslef  :-[ but i really dont understand anything about programing :)
thx alot
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 07:08:50 am
These are great. Should really ship with MC as part of the package, they're so good.

Thank you soooooooooo much  ;D  ;D  ;D

hi everyone!
i agree with you all about this being the best track info out there!! it really rocks :) . i only have 2 problems with it that bother me a bit. the first one is that when in full screen mode the auto hide bars keep showing when using a mouse to scroll down lyrics,bios etc... so that they hide the buttons and you cant use the buttons in full screen is there any way to correct this annoying thins? perhaps lower the buttons? i need the auto hide bars for movies etc so i cant hide them for good. the second issue is that the lyrics box is to small, can the lyrics button be inlarged so that it fits the whole screen? that way on most songs you wont need to use the up down buttons?  once again i really love the plugin and if i knew how to do these stuff id do it myslef  :-[ but i really dont understand anything about programing :)
thx alot


In the next version the buttons will be positioned a little bit lower (for fullscreen-mode).
And i will think about a possibility to enlarge the boxes.

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 02, 2004, 09:11:39 am
thx alot DJ_Hazelwood!!

the larger box will make it much more functional for the lyrics bios etc..

you rock!!  ;D  ;D  ;D

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 09:13:15 am
thx alot DJ_Hazelwood!!

the larger box will make it much more functional for the lyrics bios etc..

you rock!!  ;D  ;D  ;D


You can try it  right now ;)

I've just uploaded the new version.

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 02, 2004, 11:54:15 am

that was quick  8)  :P .. love the new position for the buttons! ill wait for the next version or so for the large text box so i can get really lazy and read the lyrics without the hassle of pressing buttons  ;D

thx alot again for this great info sheet

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 12:29:17 pm
ill wait for the next version or so for the large text box so i can get really lazy and read the lyrics without the hassle of pressing buttons  ;D

Sorry, i forgot to explain. You can change the size of the text-box by editing the css-file.
I've added a short documentation (first post).
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 02, 2004, 01:18:57 pm
thx DJ_Hazelwood!

is there a way to change the height rather then only the width? i can change the width but it dosent allow to view more of the lyrics, is there a way to change the hight as well?

thx alot again

Zeltak :)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 01:34:31 pm
is there a way to change the height rather then only the width?

Done  ;D

Version 1.04 is uploaded.
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 02, 2004, 02:03:06 pm
works like a charm!!  :)

finally the track info of my dreams :) :) , one last Question if its ok, can i change the text color and size? anyway thx alot again i appriciate all your work alot

Zeltak :)
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 02, 2004, 02:07:14 pm
Can i change the text color and size?

The text-colors are in the css-file, so you can change them without problems.
The text-sizes are in the html-file (index.html), but in the next version i will put them into the css-file for easy changing.

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pipsqueak on April 02, 2004, 09:02:31 pm
DJ Hazelwood

just downloaded this for the first time - very impressed.

2 points /questions though.

1)  the program is using the multiinfo_z file for the layout, not the multiinfo file

2) is there a way so that the down/up buttons dont engage if the text doesnt require it?



also is there anyway to change the menu buttons (id like to match the tabs up with alans new atagger fields - tones, syles etc.

i know i could do it manually (ie. use atagger to drop info into these fields, but id like to actually change the fields that the infop template looks at

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 03, 2004, 03:53:43 am
just downloaded this for the first time - very impressed.

Thanks  :D

1)  the program is using the multiinfo_z file for the layout, not the multiinfo file

This is corrected in the actual version

2) is there a way so that the down/up buttons dont engage if the text doesnt require it?

Currently not, maybe i will find a solution in the future

also is there anyway to change the menu buttons (id like to match the tabs up with alans new atagger fields - tones, syles etc.

Maybe in the future  :)

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 03, 2004, 04:00:44 am
V1.06 is up    ;D
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: zeltak on April 03, 2004, 08:07:17 am
WOW, it just keeps on getting better :) :). thx alot DJ_Hazelwood ! i managed with the new css files to adjust it exactly to what i need, yet i have another 2 Questions if you dont mind  :P. is it possible to adjust the artist info (as in the album, song name, and track name- the "infpos" part) so that i can add in the same way that its done in the Viz studio time of song and time left and add other features? i tried looking through the css file and html and kinda ruined all my work  :-[  (good thing i saved it  ;D). another Q is if its possible to switch between the Viz button and up and down and switch between the up and down itself (up in the left and down on the right) and enlarge them- i find it much more intuitive.

much appriciated again  :D

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 03, 2004, 08:56:53 am

At the moment it is not possible to add other fields to a text-box without changing the index.html. I will think about it, maybe i can find a solution.

You can enlarge the buttons by changing the according width-values in the multiinfo_base.css.

In the next version (today or tomorrow) the .navpos-part will be splitted in 3 areas:

.togpos = position of the vis-toggle
.scrpos = position of the scroll-buttons
.navpos = position of the navigation

So you can position the button-groups wherever you want  ;)

And ...

... the up/down buttons are changed now. You're right, it's more intuitive.

Thanks for you input  :)

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 04, 2004, 05:18:58 am
Uploaded V1.07 with some improvements (positioning of the navigation-areas).

Please report any bugs/suggestions here.

I'm not online for the next 2 or 3 days, but as soon as i'm back i will work on it again  :D
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: LonWar on April 04, 2004, 08:42:32 am
This is really a grat template.... Thanks for the work!
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pocket on April 04, 2004, 02:40:27 pm
Thank you!
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pipsqueak on April 04, 2004, 03:14:02 pm

thanks for the new version. i just noticed, however, that text in the comment section butts right up to the line on the right ocscuring last last letter
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 06, 2004, 03:36:57 pm
V1.10 is up!

Now you can easily switch between the different skins and layouts.
Some skins and layouts are included.

Suggestions for new layouts are welcome    :D

Hope you like it.

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 06, 2004, 03:38:03 pm
i just noticed, however, that text in the comment section butts right up to the line on the right ocscuring last last letter

Can you give me a screenshot?
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: pipsqueak on April 06, 2004, 03:41:37 pm
yeah pm me your email address - (or teach me how to upload screenshots  ;)  )
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: cascius on April 06, 2004, 04:09:35 pm
Ahah DJ, I'm glad you like that styleswitcher idea. :P It works great man! Same with the layouts. I have to say I'm very impressed with your coding. It's really nice.

I should get a class from you to teach me how to incorporate all the variables such as layouts, etc...

Great work, love it!


PS: I think your track info should be included in the final version of MC 10.

Oh and also, send me an IM when you get a chance.  ;D
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 06, 2004, 04:20:04 pm
Ahah DJ, I'm glad you like that styleswitcher idea. :P It works great man! Same with the layouts. I have to say I'm very impressed with your coding. It's really nice.

I should get a class from you to teach me how to incorporate all the variables such as layouts, etc...

Great work, love it!


Thank you!

I worked on that before, and i was sure there must be an easier way to change styles.  :P

The only thing that's missing at the moment is .... graphics  ;D

I've thought about it - and it's really not easy, especially if you want to use different layouts.
Maybe there's a way, i'm not sure.

But: we will see .......
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: cascius on April 06, 2004, 05:01:26 pm
Hey, check your PM, I just replied to you with a solution to the graphics :P

Let's see if that can work.

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: IlPadrino on April 06, 2004, 09:38:06 pm
The only thing that's missing at the moment is .... graphics  ;D

I've thought about it - and it's really not easy, especially if you want to use different layouts.
Maybe there's a way, i'm not sure.

But: we will see .......

XML and XSLT to produce HTML (or XHTML).
Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: cascius on April 07, 2004, 04:36:03 am
Don't U worry about it Il, we're working on it and we'll have a version out before soon :P

Title: Re:Track info template: MultiInfo
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 09, 2004, 03:13:25 am
As MultiInfo V2 is up now i'm closing this thread.

You can find the new version here:;action=display;threadid=20544 (;action=display;threadid=20544)