More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: jeffspl311 on March 11, 2004, 10:10:53 am
This is my first post, and I just have to say I couldn't love MC more. It's just awesome.
OK, maybe I could love it just a little more...
I have many compliation CDs, and they are of various quality. I end up with identical tracks in my library that vary only by my subjective [Rating]. When creating a smartlist for all the tracks I want to play I only want the best one to show up, or if the tracks are identical in all ways, I just want one chosen at random out of the bunch.
(1) I do not see a way to exclude all the duplicates except for the one with the highest rating.
(2) I do not see a way to exclude all the duplicates except for one random track when even the ratings are identical
Can someone tell me how to do this? Or developers please take note and consider it a feature request...
Thanks for the kind words Jeff.
No Duplicates (~nodup) was changed in MC 10 to leave one instance of the duplicate, so I think it'll do what you want now. Check it out at the top of this board.
Another way to avoid IDENTICAL duplicates: use DoubleKiller (find it via Google), it's a freeware utility that scans your drive for identical files, and removes them. I used it just before importing my media files into Media Center, works great!
Thanks for being so responsive Matt. This combined with your awesome product is really going to spoil me.
I am hoping that the new MC10 implementation of (~nodup) will have some heuristics to choose the one to leave in the list, like...
(1) Being based the current sort... the highest one in the list survives. This would let me sort by [Rating] or [Last Played] or whatever I want, and retain the one dup that I preferred.
(2) Some predefined rules like always keeping the highest rated dup.
Just put a ~sort before the ~nodup (or the new ~limit) if you want certain ones to remain. It'll always leave the first ones in the list.
More details on ~limit here:;action=display;threadid=19829
Yea, I read about ~limit, but I didn't see anything about the changes to ~nodup... that's why I started this thread in the first place.
Thanks for the info. It's perfect.
You guys *so* get it... I'm a user interaction designer and part time DJ and you have built the product I would have designed for myself. Thanks and keep up the great work.