More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: Matt on March 12, 2004, 09:59:27 am

Title: G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Matt on March 12, 2004, 09:59:27 am
Check it out:

Thanks to Andy for his amazing work.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: zeltak on March 12, 2004, 10:08:12 am
Looks great!

how exactly do you download it for mc? there seem to be no option in the link there

Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: bebop on March 12, 2004, 10:10:07 am
way to go,Andy!!! Love G-force!!! ;D
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Matt on March 12, 2004, 10:11:41 am
I don't think it's available yet, but should be soon.

We've seen it in action, and it's beautiful.

Feel free to shower Andy with thanks and encouragement emails :P
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on March 12, 2004, 11:05:37 am
That looks GREAT.

How can I use it with MC?

Is it just a plug-in?

I must have it.  Matt you better not be teasing me. >:(
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: jleerigby on March 12, 2004, 11:27:06 am
Great news indeed.  Can't wait for the download to be available.  

Thank you for your hard work Andy.  

There are a lot of people here who will be very grateful including me.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Nolonemo on March 12, 2004, 12:41:54 pm
Drool    ;D
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Doof on March 12, 2004, 01:44:58 pm
Wow. Looks great! I can't wait for it to become available. :)

Another nice thing about him doing this is that it may encourage others to follow suit.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: xen-uno on March 12, 2004, 02:54:18 pm
Very Geiss-like...groovy!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: KingSparta on March 12, 2004, 06:23:07 pm
Thats So 60's, Man

Listening to: 'Around 12-15 Am' from 'Best Of Smooth Jazz' by 'Alex Bugnon' on Media Center 10
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Doof on March 13, 2004, 12:04:06 am
Thats So 60's, Man

You sayin' the 60's weren't cool? :P
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Cindy_B on March 13, 2004, 01:42:20 am
Oh.....My.....GOD!!!!!   I can't wait!!!!!!! ;D
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on March 13, 2004, 12:49:01 pm
anyone have any idea, no matter how vague, when this will be available for MC?

Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Doof on March 13, 2004, 02:03:35 pm
It'll be available when G-Force 2.6 is released.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on March 13, 2004, 02:30:24 pm
Do we have any idea when that'll be?
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Doof on March 15, 2004, 11:22:26 am
Well... you did say "no matter how vague". ;)

But no, not that I can see. I'm sure the author has some idea, but it doesn't look like he's sharing...
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: 221bBS on March 15, 2004, 11:56:00 am
 :o Sweet...I can't wait. I remember this from when I was using MMJ
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on March 15, 2004, 05:24:39 pm
Well... you did say "no matter how vague". ;)
Yes, but I didn't realize one could be that that vague :o
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Doof on March 15, 2004, 05:38:24 pm
You ain't see nothing yet. :P
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: xen-uno on March 15, 2004, 05:41:34 pm

Peace Brother!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: glynor on March 26, 2004, 10:39:02 pm
Any news on this?
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JimH on March 26, 2004, 11:48:28 pm
Andy's decided he can't compete with 3D pong.  We'll try to convince him to go on.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: glynor on March 27, 2004, 12:14:36 am
I can't say I'm surprised.  I mean, how could you compete with 3D pong, really?   ;D
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: chaznet on March 27, 2004, 04:14:23 am
G-Force is the best...  You can preview it now by downloading the free-standing version, it'll work with anything that generates sound, including MC.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JimH on March 27, 2004, 08:16:56 am
The version that supports MC is still under construction.  Shouldn't be long now.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JimH on April 07, 2004, 06:28:56 pm
We hear Andy's ready to pull the trigger.   8)
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: cascius on April 07, 2004, 06:34:21 pm
Wow, this looks very promising! Me can't wait!

Good job Andy!!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Nolonemo on April 07, 2004, 06:59:43 pm
We hear Andy's ready to pull the trigger.   8)

Hubba Hubba!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on April 07, 2004, 07:20:43 pm
So the big news is finally out.  Woo Hoo!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: equalizer on April 08, 2004, 04:30:12 am
In January I had E-Mailed him because i was a gold user, and asked if he could make it support MC 10. I am so glad after our email talks, that he decidied to make it..

I can't wait.

Mid-April is when he talking release..  (total speculation)

P.S. - Believe it or not be he never even heard of MC before i had emailed him..  that came as a total shock.

Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: glynor on April 08, 2004, 06:58:34 am
/me drools with anticipation.   ;D

heh.  I didn't know it would do that (turn it into an actual action).
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: gpvillamil on April 08, 2004, 07:15:01 pm
In the meantime, go ahead and download G-Force, find G-Force.exe (the standalone version) and run it. Start MC and play some tunes.

On my system, the standalone G-Force picked up the default audio feed and worked fine. Looks magnificent.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: glynor on April 09, 2004, 03:40:26 pm
It certainly does!  I'm drooling over the ability of 2.6 to use cover art, display track names, etc.  And, just to have it easily accessed from inside MC.

It definately has that "OMG" value when you show it off to the MC-uninitiated.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: elpaolo on April 09, 2004, 04:43:27 pm
I think something like this has been a like time coming for MC.  That something being a winamp-quality 3rd party viz.  Winamp, afterall, has always boasted the best visualizations, no?  (Geiss, G-Force, those magic dancing girls, etc.)
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: JustinChase on April 10, 2004, 12:36:33 pm
Check it out

It works awesome!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: lee269 on April 10, 2004, 12:41:17 pm
The smooth transitions are what impresses me. Just spent 30mins with my eyes glazed over and the sound turned down. It looks good.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: paulr on April 10, 2004, 04:00:24 pm
This is a great visulaization!  I was hoping for something like this in MC for a while now, and after seeing G-Force in Winamp, well, I really wanted it in MC! :)

$10 well spent IMO.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Robert Taylor on April 10, 2004, 05:25:18 pm
I just coughed up my $10 - Cheaper than an acid tab, a beautiful work of art!

All MC users should buy the gold version of this plugin!

Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: fex on April 11, 2004, 05:17:14 am
Just invested my $10.

It's amazing.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: gpvillamil on April 11, 2004, 05:54:33 am
Amazing. It rocks. I am delighted - I only ever used Winamp for the visualizations, so now that's fixed.

FYI - for those of you used to G-Force with other programs, be aware that G-Force on MC actually uses whatever resolution MC tells it to use via "Configure Display..." settings, not the manual resolution commands. I see this as a plus...

G-Force on MC is the best implementation I've seen. It supports cover art AND the full keyboard command set, which is not possible on any other system.

Definitely worth the $10 and expresssing your appreciation to Andy for his amazing work!
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: hit_ny on April 11, 2004, 07:33:13 am
G-Force on MC is the best implementation I've seen. It supports cover art AND the full keyboard command set, which is not possible on any other system.

Question is can i use album art in the trial version in MC ??

or do i need to upgrade.

from his page zapparently this should be possible as MC allows cover art to be passed to G-force.

Any one know how to point G-force to MC's cover art dir ?
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: gpvillamil on April 11, 2004, 07:47:24 am
You need to upgrade to use cover art in G-Force with MC. (It takes 30 seconds and the cost is really peanuts.)

Once you've installed the full version, every time track info comes up so will the cover art. No additional config required.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: hit_ny on April 11, 2004, 07:53:48 am
ok thx for that gpvillamil

How does cover art in G-Force compare with the picture cube in MC's 3D Viz ?
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: gpvillamil on April 11, 2004, 08:04:20 am
The cover art is displayed in the lower left hand corner of the screen, together with the info on the currently playing track. It comes up whenever the song changes, and whenever you press "T" on the keyboard.

2nd screenshot here shows how it looks.

G-Force is very, very configurable so I'm sure you can do all sorts of things with the cover art.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: Magicland on April 13, 2004, 11:01:07 pm
It finally works!. I downloaded it when it was released, it worked fine on one system, and crashed MC on the other. I finally had to delete it, as I couldn't access the visualizations to change it without playing something, and that caused MC to crash. Apparantly Andy had a bug in there which caused it to crash on machines with an AMD processor. v2.6.1 has fixed this.
Title: Re:G-Force for MC !!!
Post by: chaznet on April 14, 2004, 04:24:49 am
The internal 3D MC visualizations are an abacus compared to G-Force...  You should 86 them and lisence/include G-Force with MC-10...  Would make the $10 I just spent kind of worthless though :)