Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: cascius on April 02, 2004, 04:58:14 pm

Title: Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 02, 2004, 04:58:14 pm
Hi everyone,

Here's the second release of my Skinned Track Info based on DJ_Hazelwood's track info.

Features included in this version:


Download Skinned Track Info ( in dir: ...\J River\Media Center\Visualizations\Track Info\)
Download Vis for Skinned Track Info ( in dir: ...\J River\Media Center\Visualizations\Vis Studio)

Have fun,


:::::::::List of things to implement::::::::::
- create hover effect on menus
- fix text alignment problems in the main section
- drop down menus
- different layouts to accomodate different screen resolutions, etc...

PS: feel free to add to the wish list, I'll see what i can do.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: LonWar on April 02, 2004, 05:02:39 pm
That's pretty cool....

Any way to make the Tabs customizable?

ie, User 1 can change Notes to Album Review, or whatever....

And I love the vis's man... Keep it up.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 02, 2004, 05:10:31 pm
Glad you like it imjustagamer.

Any way to make the Tabs customizable?

ie, User 1 can change Notes to Album Review, or whatever....

Well this can be done by changing the actual html file. Another option would be to use drop down menus similar to the ones on my site: with tons of different settings. This could also include all the different skins in 1 menu.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: drb on April 02, 2004, 05:15:29 pm
First I thought the 'green' color was not matching.

Now I am beginning to like it. it loooks great after visiting your website also. Please do keep that color also.


Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 02, 2004, 05:18:32 pm
Thanks drb,

this version is best ment to match this work in progress skin:


Unfortunately it won't be available for another few days as there's still much to be done.  >:(

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: LonWar on April 02, 2004, 06:03:31 pm
Glad you like it imjustagamer.

Any way to make the Tabs customizable?

ie, User 1 can change Notes to Album Review, or whatever....

Well this can be done by changing the actual html file. Another option would be to use drop down menus similar to the ones on my site: with tons of different settings. This could also include all the different skins in 1 menu.

Sounds Pretty cool....
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 02, 2004, 06:12:06 pm
Just had another thought Imjustagamer:

Custom fields could possibly be done using cookies; if MC supports them.

There could be a tab that would bring you to the customize page where the user could select which fields to show in which tab. It might also be possible to create different set of settings which would be equivalent to different users.

I'm not sure how hard this would be to implement though. I would probably need some help from someone used to databases.

I'll look into it once i've made some progress on other things.

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 03, 2004, 12:45:28 am
seek approval from DJ_Hazelwood to keep modifying his skin

Hi cascius!

I've just downloaded your template and i really like it.

I am always searching for improvements in the template.
In my current version (it is V1.05, i think you used V1.00) there are more parameters in the css-file (position and size of the visualizations, size of the text-box, fonts, ...).

Of course you can use my template for your work, if i can also 'take' some ideas out of your templates from time to time  ;)

Maybe we can work together, feel free to contact me.

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: alias on April 03, 2004, 05:32:08 am
Glad that's settled. Looking forward to you two working on this.

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: JustinChase on April 03, 2004, 10:25:10 am
looks great!

Sorry if this sounds naive, but I have not taken the time to try to learn 'skinning' so take thsi for what it's worth.

Can this skin allow for rating tracks along with watching visualizations?
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 03, 2004, 12:24:04 pm
Yo DJ, I'm glad you offered to work together. I think we could have a lot of fun. And by the way, yes, i used version 1.00... I only realized that after uploading my first version... That kinda sucked but who cares... The most important thing is to have fun and make something cool and usefull out of it. Let's talk and figure out what we should do for next version. I have a few ideas that could make it very cool, and i bet you have even more.  8)

I guess what would be very cool is an interface where the following things would be easily implemented:
- different skins/css files specific to each MegaSkins available. I'm thinking a dropdown menu switching from one css file to the other would be great. I just don't know how to do that. I'll ask around for it.
- different layouts also available through drop down menus. Kinda similar to what you have done with the viz1 and viz2 options, but with more options.
- finally but probably harder, the option to save different default layouts presets; such as user presets as Iamsuchagamer mentioned. My thought is that this might be done through cookies. But i have very little experience with those.

Anyway, from your coding you obviously are great with css and DIVs. I'm more of a photoshop guy/skinner. I think we could come up with somethimg really nice for media center.

What would really help at this point is to get a bunch of feedbacks from MC users to see what they'd like to see implemented in track infos and work from there.

Glad you liked what I've done, cause i surely like your work,



Yes, it allows vizualisations but not rating tracks yet. Hopefully we can find a way to do it.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 03, 2004, 08:25:53 pm
 ;D Just found a really cool java script that's gona rock our world. It's called styleswitcher.js and will let us switch styles to accomodate the different MegaMe skins within the track info itself. It also comes with explanations on how to use cookies to save those preferences...

 8) 8) 8)

Testing it right now and looking real good.

I will post more on this as soon as I'm done with implementing it.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: LonWar on April 03, 2004, 09:42:50 pm
**Bows to your superior Knowledge**

Sounds amazing man, can't wait!!
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.1
Post by: cascius on April 03, 2004, 10:24:11 pm
Thanks man,

Actually my knowledge isn't that great, just learning as i go along.  ::)
The good news is that this java function works great within MC. So what I'm doing right now is rewriting the css and html files so that everything works as smoothly as possible. I'm also making a photoshop template so that making a new skin will be as simple as modifying one single photshop file. The slices will already be setuped with the right names for each slice.

The only thing that's kinda worrying me is that because this track info uses tons of graphics, there won't be much room for changing text size. For that I might have to make different versions for different text sizes. But that's irrelevant at this point. :P

Alright, I'll keep working on this tonight unless the hotty I'm dating calls me.  ;)

Oh yeah, almost forgot to mention: the cookies work great. So for example if the last time you used that track info it was with the opuMC skin, it remembers it for the next time you use it. So cool!
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 05, 2004, 08:39:35 pm
Updated to v 0.3.  See first post for more info.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: pipsqueak on April 05, 2004, 11:50:41 pm

firstly oh my, im impressed. very stylish set of skins.

Secondly for those about to download cascius's work, beware the fact that its REALLY EASY TO SETUP (never try to be too smart). I spent about half an hour trying top drop the files into DJHazlewood's folders on my pc, and get his program to 'see' the new skins. i couldnt figure out the problem. Then by chance i realised that these skins have a seperate menu line in MC

Thirdly the ability to switch skins from within mc is fantastic.

2 questions:

1) when can i get the lime green psycadelic mc logo like the screen shot

2) is there any way to make the info box larger - for things like bios and album reviews it would be nicer if more was visible at any one time

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: Sauzee on April 06, 2004, 12:10:14 am

Thank you ! These are fantastic! ;D
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 06, 2004, 12:36:31 am

firstly oh my, im impressed. very stylish set of skins.

Secondly for those about to download cascius's work, beware the fact that its REALLY EASY TO SETUP (never try to be too smart). I spent about half an hour trying top drop the files into DJHazlewood's folders on my pc, and get his program to 'see' the new skins. i couldnt figure out the problem. Then by chance i realised that these skins have a seperate menu line in MC

Thirdly the ability to switch skins from within mc is fantastic.

2 questions:

1) when can i get the lime green psycadelic mc logo like the screen shot

2) is there any way to make the info box larger - for things like bios and album reviews it would be nicer if more was visible at any one time


Thanks Pip,

1- It will be available soon with a few more sets of vis too
2- yeah, that's gona be implemented in the next version. There will be different layouts with different box size and more boxes too.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: LonWar on April 06, 2004, 07:16:02 am
Gotta say, This is amazing....

Gotta love the way you can change skins.... Truly auwsome...

I think this was asked already... Is there/Will there be a way to make the box bigger? It only takes up half the width of the screen...

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 06, 2004, 02:15:13 pm
Yes, Imjustagamer, my goal is going to have at least 3 layouts:
- the current one
- one with about the same height but the vis would be on the right, kinda simitrical to the cover art
- on with another boxes underneath the current one, and of the same size + a square box to the right with the hieght of both boxes. This will either have vis or cover art in it.
- this will be switchable the same way the skins are.

UPDATE: currently working on this. Shouldn't be a big deal :P

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 07, 2004, 05:38:02 am
UPDATE on this project:

DJ_hazelwood and I are currently working to combine his great interface with my skining ideas. Therefore this version will most likely become obsolete within a few days if not hours.

Many thanks to all of you that gave feedbacks and hopefully I'll see you in DJ_hazelwood's thread with more suggestions.

Just to let you know though, I'm having a lot of fun working on this as it is something I've been looking forward to be implemented and that I really enjoy the good spirit of this community.

Thank you J River for this great software,

-Cascius/ Olivier ( I'll go by that name from now-on)
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: drb on April 08, 2004, 09:19:04 am
gone out for a while. great skin.

this might be dumb q.
I am bit confused. I thought yours was a Mega-skin. But the download link says different. Can u please clarify.

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: LonWar on April 08, 2004, 10:15:01 am
gone out for a while. great skin.

this might be dumb q.
I am bit confused. I thought yours was a Mega-skin. But the download link says different. Can u please clarify.


The Mega Me is here :;action=display;threadid=19222

This is the Track Info Templates
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 08, 2004, 07:35:32 pm
Yeah, I've put my MegaSkin work aside for a bit as I thought that working on Multi Info was more important.

Just to let you know, DJ and I are making some great progress with it. The time difference cuts down a bit on the efficiency though. Still, we're working quite fast in my opinion.

Anyway, I won't tell you anything about what's about to come about and keep some suspense...  ;D

Have fun,

Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: Jonas on April 09, 2004, 03:07:46 am
Very nice template!

I just hacked together some Javascript to make the height of the template follow the height of the window/pane where it is shown.  Doesn't work with all the skins due to the inner image repeating but at least I can view a bit more of the lyrics at a time.  This has been my #1 problem with most templates, either being too tall or too short, but the nice CSS structure of this template made it much easier to modify.
Title: Re:Track info template: Skinnable MultiInfo V 0.3
Post by: cascius on April 09, 2004, 03:12:52 am
Thanks Jonas.

Just to let you know though, this version is now obsolete.
Go to this thread to get the newest and much improved version:

MultiInfo: Track info template for MediaCenter (Version 2)
Link to thread (;action=display;threadid=20544)

~ ;D~ ;D~ ;D~ THREAD LOCKED ~ ;D~ ;D~ ;D~