Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: cascius on April 18, 2004, 09:38:19 pm

Title: SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 18, 2004, 09:38:19 pm
Version 4.1 is out!

This skin is perfect for using MC in a dark environment, where the glow from the screen can be a pain.

SB 4.1 Orange:
::::::::Download:::::::: (    ::::::::Screenshot:::::::: (

SB 4.1 Citrus:
::::::::Download:::::::: (    ::::::::Screenshot:::::::: (

SB 4.1 Beta Hairstyle:
Beta Hairstyle (

SB 4.1 Track Info Template:
Get it here:;action=display;threadid=20544

SB 4.1 Icon Sets:
Orange Icons (
Citrus Icons (

Simply extract the content of the zip package you desire to the following folder (or where you installed MC): C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center\Data\Default Art
Both Icon Sets conatin a folder called backup with the original graphics in it.

List of changes in 4.1:
- Changed many graphics (i.e. buttons, corners, display/search/status/progress bars, more...)
- Changed the brightness of some text to lower the contrast
- Added "Citrus" color scheme

Hope you like it,

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: LonWar on April 18, 2004, 09:42:29 pm
Nice, Very nice!!

However, It's kinda hard to see what buttons are what (Play, Stop) until your mouse goes over...

Love the darkness.
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 18, 2004, 09:44:53 pm
However, It's kinda hard to see what buttons are what (Play, Stop) until your mouse goes over...

Eheh, I've done that on purpose. I think it looks kinda kool like that and since I already know which button is what, I don't find it that important to have the graphics. But, if you guys feel it would be better otherwise, I can change that easily. Just let me know.

I think I need to change a few colors here and there too. The white text seems to be a little too white to my taste.

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: pipsqueak on April 19, 2004, 10:37:39 pm
oooh - ultra moody - i like it

very good for when i have friends over to watch a DVD. now the light from the 2nd monitor doesnt overshadow the dark bits in the film.

will test it out for a few days and report back..

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: gpvillamil on April 22, 2004, 02:27:10 am
Looks nice, I would make a couple of tiny changes:

1) Have some kind of subtle indication of what the buttons do when mouse is not over them
2) The current playing window seems a bit too bright with the light grey background - I would make it orange with black text
3) Square corners

This is a nice skin to use when flipping back and forth to a full screen visualization
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 03:16:56 am
Thanks GPV,

I have already implemented all those changes except for #1. I'll see what i decide to do about that. I really like the way the buttons currently work as I find it less crowdy. But since you're not the first one to ask, I'll just make a version with more user friendly buttons. (I think i might keep the current buttons for my personal use though :P)

The idea behind that skin was to make a slick and dark theme for playing in dark rooms or at night. I have a very bright screen and with most other skins switching back to normal mode at the end of a movie can be very painfull to the eyes.  :-\


I'll upload it soon enough :)

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 04:27:41 am
Well, here's something where I could really use some feedbacks:

I've been trying a slight variant of that skin and would like to hear which version you prefer.

Basically what I'm looking for is to know whether to keep going with the 100% black one or go with something a little lighter. I think the second version isn't dark enough but a compromise could be nice.

Here's a screeny: (sorry if it's a bit big :(

moved to link (

Thanks in advance,

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: DJ_Hazelwood on April 22, 2004, 04:47:41 am
I've been trying a slight variant of that skin and would like to hear which version you prefer.

I like it dark, so i prefer the first version  8)
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 04:59:22 am
Same here  8)
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: pipsqueak on April 22, 2004, 07:32:27 am
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: LonWar on April 22, 2004, 07:50:24 am
I like the first one, It looks like a glossy black....

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: MHunt on April 22, 2004, 08:57:30 am
Nice.  I like both versions.

How about another version with a Type-O-Negative Green color (replacing the Halloween Orange colors)?

I could see one in a cool dark Blood Red and one in a dark Lazer Blue also.

Good work!
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: gpvillamil on April 22, 2004, 11:46:30 am
I like the dark.

Cascius, I would use it for the same thing as you - in a darkened room, where the glow from a screen would be distracting. The orange on black for currently playing looks cool!
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 01:06:27 pm
Wow, lots of feedbacks and all in favor of the dark version.  8)

Okie, so I'll just finish it and maybe work on a different color set as well.

I'll keep you posted,

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 04:15:56 pm
Here we go, check first spot for new version and new color scheme.

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: nathanchavez on April 22, 2004, 05:10:14 pm
I love the new skin (citrus)!!!!!    :D

I do have a few suggestings/requests:

1.  When you select artist/album the text is highlighted with a brownish color.  Could that color be changed to reflect the color of the skin (brown to citrus or brown to orange)

2.  Coud the icons be changed.  Currently you use the default icons which clashed with the skin.  Ex. The blue icons for the music notes stand out.  It would be cool is the only bright color(s) used in the skin was the accent color used (Citrus).  Then it would be AWESOME!!!!!!!

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 05:41:50 pm
Thanks Nathan, I'm really glad you like it. It turned out looking pretty darn good.

So here are some answers to your questions:

1) if i get this right, it's when something is highlighted in the list but not selected. This is due to the way MC handles that situation: it takes the color and makes it 50% transparent or so. That's why the green becomes brownish as it's mixed with the black background :( I don't like the way it looks, but there's not much I can do there.

2)Your wish has been granted :P, check out the first post for the 2 sets of icons.  ;D. (will be up in 1 minute if it's not there yet.)

I guess that means that it's now AWESOME!!!!!!! lol

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: nathanchavez on April 22, 2004, 06:03:09 pm
YEA!!!!     ;D

The skin looks even better with the icon set changed.  I just wish there was a way to change the highlighting color when a menu is inactive...
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 07:35:40 pm
New screeny with matching track info skin and Citrus icons:

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: gpvillamil on April 22, 2004, 07:53:45 pm
Brilliant, looks great!

Any tips on how to make the Windows taskbar black as well?
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: LonWar on April 22, 2004, 08:06:36 pm
Windowblinds, then use the Thunderstorm skin in WB..

Works great..

Olivier, Amazing skins.... So when's the trackinfo's gonna be released for it?
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 22, 2004, 08:10:40 pm
GPV, try the XPAMP skin as well, it looks really nice with it. It's not pure blac but it's close enough.

ijag (aka imjustagamer :P) The track info should be available with the compete suite of multi-info someitme this week end.

It's funny how things work out sometimes. Whn making the citrus version of SB, i thought it wouldn't look as cool as the orange one... Well, guess i was wrong.  :o

Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: gpvillamil on April 24, 2004, 07:27:54 pm
I used this skin at a party Friday night, works brilliantly. I was projecting visuals onto a really big screen, sometimes I had to switch back to MC to queue up playlists, etc. It was great - didn't overwhelm the room or the DJ booth.

What I really need now is a Theater View skin with a similar color scheme!
Title: Re:SB 4.0 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 24, 2004, 08:01:22 pm
What I really need now is a Theater View skin with a similar color scheme!

Good Idea! Let me see what I can do. I first need to finish multi info and then I'll work on that.

Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 30, 2004, 03:13:40 pm
Added track info templates.

Added a beta version of a fullscreen/hairstyle Citrus skin. I started working on it and it's already looking descent. Since I'm going to be out of town for a bit I thought I would let you guys try it.

Anyway, have a good week end everyone,

Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: pipsqueak on April 30, 2004, 03:16:44 pm

when do we get to see the beta?


Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on April 30, 2004, 03:33:12 pm
It's up. My comp crashed while i was modifying the first post... But now it's all there :P

Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on May 13, 2004, 04:51:44 am
Well, I'm back and I've started working on adapting a window theme to go with this one. I will most likely modify SB at the same time as well.

Here's a little screeny in the meantime:


Basic Ideas: Rather than using typical bright backgrounds with dark text, I'm going for dark backgrounds with fairly bright text. I like the way it looks so far and I found some pretty cool dark/red icons. I might make a new Sb theme in red therefore.

Enjoy the little spoiler,  8)


PS: as always, suggestions are welcome.   ;D
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: CASELOGIC on May 30, 2004, 01:51:06 am
thanks a bunch , great looking skin!
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: gpvillamil on May 30, 2004, 07:06:57 pm
Slight offtopic point, but my version of XPamp skin doesn't seem to work correctly - basically taskbar groups are messed up:

It's version 1.9, from the NeoWin site. Perhaps cascius has a better one?
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on May 31, 2004, 01:34:01 pm
Nope, that's the way it's supposed to look. Don't ask me why they chose to make it look that way though. :(
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on May 31, 2004, 04:56:15 pm
I think I am becomming a creature of the night, all I use lately is
SB Orange, Excellent skin.  Any chance of a Mini Skin to complete the set?

Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on June 01, 2004, 03:00:43 pm
I'll think about it Aox and let you know,

Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on June 10, 2004, 05:29:49 pm

I just noticed that when I have several Action Window panels minimized
the Restore button is not visible like it is with other skins.
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on June 11, 2004, 04:38:33 am
K, I'll look into that once I can run MC again. Right now my comp is a bit screwed up... Oh and Also, I'm almost done with a mini-me skin :)
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: AoXoMoXoA on June 11, 2004, 09:21:55 am
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: pipsqueak on June 19, 2004, 04:33:42 pm

1 small thing i've noticed with the hairstyle view is that when i am highlighting something in the list it becomes yellow, when i check the box of that item the check is yellow. When both of these occur on the same item i cant see the check mark


Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cattani on June 19, 2004, 05:21:14 pm
Mega-me Citrus rules !!!
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: pipsqueak on June 25, 2004, 11:05:50 am

Hows progress coming along with the windows skin? cant wait to have everything matching on my media pc...

one more point ive noticed with the megame skins. when doing such things as audio analysis when MC opens a separate mini window the colour scheme seems to break down and i get parts of the skin i used previously. Could you take a look at that thanks

other than that - you know i love these skins
ps. still waiting for the shakedown skin for multiinfo...   ;D
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: jaguar.x on August 05, 2004, 03:57:33 pm
Cool skin, very nice!!
Title: Re:SB 4.1 MegaMe Skin
Post by: cascius on August 22, 2004, 07:49:49 am
Thanks Jaguar,

I've been extremely buzy with other more crucial things for the past month or two. Hopefully I'll be able to find some time in the close near future to touch up my skins and upload them.
