Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: CDvd on June 25, 2004, 01:39:52 am

Title: New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: CDvd on June 25, 2004, 01:39:52 am
After playing with Windows Media player 10 I started a skin based on it.
The skin was not created from zero, I started from thunderstorm, made intensives "Print Screen/copy/paste" and made use of some parts of other skins (shining armor).
The skin is far from finished (I even don't know if I will have time to finish it) but if someone is interested, will I have the right to made it availlaible?
Will microsoft or apple or someone else be very angry?
Small screenshot :
Title: Re:New skin (WMP10) and rights questions
Post by: bennyd on June 25, 2004, 06:46:17 am
This looks very nice, I would defenitly want it
Title: Re:New skin (WMP10) and rights questions
Post by: LonWar on June 25, 2004, 08:42:11 am
As far as Microsoft being annoyed... It's just really using there colors, This does not Copy WMP10, (You can tell the difference)

As far as the Thunderstorm author and Shining Armor, I would say as long as the SA author JRiver (I think they probably own the skin) agree you should be ok....

Can't wait to have it, Looks amazing!
Title: Re:New skin (WMP10) and rights questions
Post by: CDvd on June 27, 2004, 10:02:33 am

You can give it a try to the latest version and download at :

Screenshot of this first release :

Any comments are welcome :)
Title: Re:New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: Seviien on June 27, 2004, 11:09:24 am
Feel free to use whatever you want from the Shining Armor skin.
Most of the work i did on it was to modify the main.xml file so that things JRiver implemented along the way in versions 9 & 10 worked.  I also photoshopped some images, but used other people's work as a basis for most of the raw images.

I'm just happy other people can find use for it/enjoy it.
Title: Re:New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: LonWar on June 27, 2004, 08:17:31 pm
It's looking REALLY good...

The only thing I am not to keen on is the Menus, They are pretty hard to see...

Other then that.... Really cool!
Title: Re:New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: CDvd on June 28, 2004, 01:33:05 am
Hmm... You're right!
I changed the menu background (it's now darker), and submited the skin.
If nothing is wrong it will be availaible on the Mega Skins page.

Title: Re:New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: LonWar on June 28, 2004, 07:04:12 am
Is this still the right page for the skins:

I only see 1 there...
Title: Re:New Mega skin (WMP10) available, and rights questions
Post by: Sauzee on June 29, 2004, 12:45:03 am

Looks good. Many thanks.