Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: iCamp on July 12, 2004, 11:23:08 pm
It's nice to see the site get an overhaul but it's having a mean affect on our Media Center plug-ins.
How serious is this?
I'm sure that was the idea when they re-did it. Things like style or mood are now listed in numbered lists rather than in a delimited form, makes it more difficult to rip off. As for how easy it will be to update apps that use the info... who knows really... much of the site causes errors and timeouts right now, maybe we will know more when it works right...
I was curious to see if the "New Insiders Club" gave you access to XML or a Web Service to get info directly for a fee, but it timesout when I go to the link.
Nope, insider's club gives nothing like that, all I got was a 'head's up' that the site was going to be changed and a couple of days preview before the public unvieling.
It certainly has ruined a good thing with our plug-ins. :(
Bios finder has been removed from my plug-ins page
Bios finder has been removed from my plug-ins page
May it rest in peace, it will be sorely missed.
Looks like "The Godfather" tagger will support the new allmusic. Doesn't help me much, I'd rather have aTagger working again, but i guess it is better than nothing.
The whole AMG thing is a pain. It looks better but is much worse to use.
I tried "the godfather" and hated it. I can tag faster manually within MC than Godfather can do automatically.
I think I'll just wait for @l@n's 2.0 version of aTagger.
try using tagrename from
works with or summut
Not that this at all matters...
But in an odd nod at how small this world is, I just found out last night that my father used to be an executive at the company that runs AMG. He left in 2001, though, so this isnt his fault :)