Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Seviien on July 29, 2004, 11:42:54 am

Title: Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Seviien on July 29, 2004, 11:42:54 am
A while back I put together a skin that resembled iTunes.  My goal at the time was to make something that felt similar but had some unique elements to it.

I got rather bored lately, and so decided to tweak the skin so as to look as much like iTunes as possible.  It isn't perfect, but it looks about 95% like iTunes.  The only things i didnt change were things that the skinning engine in MC doesnt allow me to touch.

Screen Shot:

I was wondering if anyone had any interest in me making this available, or if the popularity of "brushed metal" skins had waned.
Provided there is interest, I could use some help with packagin the skin into an auto installer.

Additionally, I also tweaked the default icons for playlists and such to look like they do in apple's software.  Given the way that MC works, these wouldnt be part of the skin, but they are available and work if anyone is interested.

As an aside, the conspicious change in main button placement that took place in MC just prior to the release of iTunes for windows combined with how well the main buttons skinned really makes me wonder if jriver did any work for apple...
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: matshif on July 30, 2004, 08:58:50 am
I have used Shining since the first days. Let's have a look at the new one.
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Sauzee on August 01, 2004, 03:17:12 am
I'd love a copy. :D
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Seviien on August 01, 2004, 11:49:36 am
I'll upload the skin as soon as comcast's webspace stops being uncoperative.

My girlfriend noted that she like "Shining Armor" better than the MiTunes skin, because the new greenish lcd bubble was unattractive.  I'm always one to make her happy, so I'll be making 2 versions of the skin available: one with a greenish main display bubble and one with a white display bubble.  I'll also put up the custom art for anyone who wants it.

Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: LonWar on August 01, 2004, 01:18:32 pm
If you need space to host it... I have set up a gmail account for MC files... It can be upto 10mb chunks.;action=display;threadid=22788
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Exotic_BMale on August 03, 2004, 08:20:07 pm
Dang Nice lookin' skin!!!
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: jaguar.x on August 05, 2004, 04:01:42 pm
nice & clean, good job!!
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: digitaltrapper on August 25, 2004, 03:33:56 pm
any chance to get those default "itunes" icons that are used on the sidebar for playlists, etc? they are not part of the original posted skin.

Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Seviien on August 25, 2004, 04:41:51 pm
To my knowledge, you cannot modify the tree icons in MC using a skin.  You can replace them, though, it's just your modifcations will be in effect regardless of whatever skin you are using.

I released the icons along with some other custom art when released the skins.;action=display;threadid=22909
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Valissystem on September 13, 2004, 05:29:24 pm
To my knowledge, you cannot modify the tree icons in MC using a skin.  You can replace them, though, it's just your modifcations will be in effect regardless of whatever skin you are using.

I released the icons along with some other custom art when released the skins.;action=display;threadid=22909

Well, I'm not a skinner, however I remember asking a question around a year or so ago about this and I got the impression from one of the replies from Matt that it was theoretically possible to overide the default icons within a skin. I never verified this however.

Nice skins BTW. Anyone have any suggestions for a mini-skin to complement them?
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: sdgrizdan on September 14, 2004, 09:16:07 pm
Nice skins BTW. Anyone have any suggestions for a mini-skin to complement them?

The PERFECT complement skin would definitely have to be the Ipod mini-skin found on the mini-skin DL page, or simply w/ the link below:

Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Sauzee on September 15, 2004, 03:29:30 pm
Cute ;D
Title: Re:Screen Shot - iTunes Skin
Post by: Valissystem on September 15, 2004, 07:57:05 pm
Nice skins BTW. Anyone have any suggestions for a mini-skin to complement them?

The PERFECT complement skin would definitely have to be the Ipod mini-skin found on the mini-skin DL page, or simply w/ the link below:

I had seen that one. I was wondering if there was an "iTunes in compact mode" lookalike anywhere.  :)