Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Dragyn on August 22, 2004, 02:32:33 pm
If you want butterflies on it, I'll put butterflies on it. Any suggestions would be helpful. Help me help you.
My main trouble spots is the top bar and action window. :-\
Dragyn, I love Opus..mainly because it's blue (my favorite, I just don't like those metal type skins). My only request would be the buttons (play, stop etc). Love the shape, but is it possible to make them light up (as opposed to just the little center markers)? If not, it's ok, 'cause as I said, I love it the way it is, the off white background makes it easy on the eyes, yet really easy to read for those of us with failing eyesight, or those who are too vain to wear our glasses (not me, of course ;D ) I also like the rounded corners you had on one of the skin - Am looking forward to seeing the product. PS did you get a piece of the action, or just verbal accolades for making the skin for the Best Buy version? ;D Would they have to silence you if you told anyone??!! 8)
I can make the buttons light problem. I'll be adding more blue to it. Expect to see something this week.
Oh, and I know absolutely nothing about best buy. ;)
I thank you, my eyes thank you, and will keep a look out for developments. ;D Bet
here's the new action window:
Looking great!
I hope you're planning on making it "shrinkable" like some of your other skins, so it can shrink down to just the player controls.
This one doesn't have any curves. It's like opulence but this one will be able to shrink all the way. Opulence doesn't shrink all the way because of the way the top is put together.
One thing I don't like is using curves in the action window because some of the things are square (tag info). I don't know if it will stay that way or not. I guess Opus does the same but is less noticable.
Lookin' really good, Dragyn! ;D
thanks. this sure is making me tired. too much thinkin'.
Hey bro. Im here in Shanghai and stopped into an I-Bar to check my email and perused the MC forum and here you are. Just a couple quick suggestions. Please dont take my words as harsh, they are just coming from an incessant visual tweaker.
1: I think the action window should have the same bar as the caption. Reason being the same as you mentioned. Many things in the action panes have square edges and they look funny with rounded edges. It worked in Opulence because there were no edges, but I noticed it being a problem in Opus. I like the idea of making the action pane look like the Start menu, however, since this particular port is from a skin that is meant to look like classic, I think it would be more pleasing and more uniform if the entire skin were modeled after the explorer style.
2: Consider, if possible, making the left/right and top/bottom pane dividers/sliders similar to that of the windows explorer. Just a simple bar that is colored the same shade as the menu area. That would give it more of an "explorer-like" feel.
3: Dont change the status and menu bars. I think they are great the shade they are. As long as they match the cooresponding menu area colors in the Codename VS.
4: Consider also, if possible, making the tree area, groups area, and files area all the same color as the background of the main window area in explorer.
5: Finally, and this is just my extremely obsessive compulsive, anal retentive, meticulous side kicking in, is it possible to scale down the title bar area to match that of the default size of the Codename VS. Perhaps it already is and my resolution is decieving me. If that is the case, I can take the time on my own to resize the image.
Extra for good measure: Shouldn't the "close" button be red like the Codename VS?
OK, that's enough of my crazy nitpicking. Hope you're not ready to hunt me down and break my fingers. Should you be in need of any more ideas or constructive criticism, I'm available on Mon- Fri and my hours are 9:... ;D....I mean, just let me know
-edit- I just noticed something as I was looking again. The menu items in the title bar. I noticed that in the Lunatic Silver/Blue/Green skins the designer was able to somehow get the menubar under the title bar. Is it possible to do that on this one? I know its just some more nitpicking, but I think it would make a great impact on the aesthetics of this skin. Please feel free to post your thoughts about my suggestions on here. You dont have to worry about offending me, after all, you are the designer and I would imagine you are far more skilled at this than I am. I have never been much of a builder/beginner. Im more the idea guy. But, I've been told that I'd make one hell of a reverse engineer. Anyway, Im off again. -edit-
1. Have to think about this one. The explorer style has nothing there except a divider.
2. This I might leave as default (with the arrows). So yes, it will probably look like that.
3. I never showed the status bar / menus so I don't think were talking about the same thing.
4. Have to think about this one.
5. The thing with the titelbar is that if you go too small, the seperator in the toolbars overlap and really look weird. In any event, there will be 2 versions just like I'm doing with Opus.
Close button is red on mouse over/pressed. That's how it's shown in my version.
I'll have to take a look at Lunatic to see what you're talking about.
just spent the last 3 hours working on a new action window you requested just to discover that nothing lines up.
here's the only part of the new action window that works:
The inactive state (minimized) gets stretched and offset. It's ok for simple things but nothing like this.
There's no active/inactive icons so I had to make outlines to go with the inactive caption bar.
The minimize button is offset by 1 pixel if there's only one showing (no close). I found this when using outlines from above.
I don't think there's any way around this.
As long as I'm getting technical...
List View Headers are offset by 1 pixel.
No skin related icons for tag info. This really throws off the look.
Scrollbars are still not using all the images. I know I said this one before but was told otherwise. :-\
No mouse overs in windowed mode.
Dragyn, I currently use your Bright Blue skin, and it's aesthetics are great IMO. The new skin looks like it has the same type of feel, at least from what I see in the screenshot, and the colored title bar on the action window is a very nice fit. The curves compliment the round buttons and I really love the shades of blue you have picked. You have a good eye, trust it. Bet
I know I've been slackin lately. I said I would update that skin and I know others have been looking for I'll probably do that until I can figure something out. :-\
Wasn't complain' - I bow to your tech expertise! There's no way I could ever do anything like a skin...heck I do a little victory dance when I get my pics up to my site without losing everything in the great ether of the web! I do believe one can only be a slacker if one is being paid for job ;D
3. I was referring to the "File, Edit, Tools, etc." menus that were in the title bar and the status area under the action pane and the playing now window in your picture. What I meant was that that color should remain the same as the menu area and status area of the explorer and then the window area of the tree and group and file list areas should be the inner window color, like where all the icons are in explorer. Also where the "play, stop, etc." buttons are and the track info and search area should also be that same color.
Everything else is ok since it cant be done. Perhaps there may be a way that you can set it up to do like explorer does when you bring up the left pane. When it brings up a little flat looking window with a simple "x" in the top right corner. I dont know if that would function properly, but it would give you a little more leeway with the positioning of the icon as there wouldnt be any type of button to line things up with other than a possible "mouse over" state. Once again, this is probably all just being overly picky but I hope you can use some of these ideas.
I have this idea of what it would look like in my head, but everytime i try to put it to words, it gets all jumbled. So when I get back Ill try to put together a mock-up of sorts and then post a link here for you to look at so you can see what I'm talking about and tell me if itll work or not.
Anyhow, gotta run, its getting late here and were heading out to Hanzhou tomorrow. Ill be back on in a few days.
Haha, Sorry, I just realized that I didnt punctuate a single word in this post.
You are the #1 'skinner' around here. I think I can speak for all of us, when I say you and your work is great. I pretty much only use your skins and I think a lot is in the same boat as me. Do it in your tempo. Everybody is just happy that your doing this for us (and for yourself I hope.)
BTW: I think the action window looks great as it is there.
Thanks for all your hard work,
Thanks Rasmus but I don't do the graphics, I just port them over. I'm sure there are others here that can do better.
Is this looking like anything you want? (see first post)
I think you should make the command buttons like the ok button in real CN Opus (ie, kindda flat though still raised and kindda squar)
Slider should be long and have either right conors or rounded though still near right conors.
All in my oppinion of course.
Do you mean something like this?
(play button shows mouse over and pressed)
I know some want round buttons. Maybe I'll release a patch to it.
Should the icons inside the buttons change on state change?
Should I make the display area bigger and have the progress inside? What about the DSP buttons...should they be the same as the player buttons? Or should I just use the icons instead?
What about the volume? Should I keep it like Opus?
Should I keep the titlebar the same? How about add the Media Center icon to it?
I want to get this released this weekend so any help is appreciated.
- the round slider and round buttons(preferably that light up) the best, but with the whole scheme those rounded edged ones are tres nice...can the whole button light up instead of just the icon inside it with a mouse pass over ? The title bar is great as is, but where would you add the MC icon to it? Are you talking as a muted backdrop for the text inside the title bar? that would be nice. ;D
The first post in this thread shows what I have up to date. I took out stuff I didn't do yet.
I added the icon next to the app name.
I'm gonna work on the round buttons but I'll have to make those. The button itself lights up. The icon remains the same (as of now).
wao, lots of questions :)
Should I make the display area bigger and have the progress inside? What about the DSP buttons...should they be the same as the player buttons? Or should I just use the icons instead?
Hmm, hard one theer. I think the progress line should be under it. In other words, keep the display the size it is now. I think you should just use icons for the DSP etc. but I might look cool with small play-style buttons. Acctually it would be pretty cool with small buttons rather than icons, though the placement is essetial for it not to look weird.
What about the volume? Should I keep it like Opus?
I would make it as Opus (not opulence) though I would think the 'pointer' should be squared (again with round corners) rather than a arrow. Kindda like on the Blade mini skin.
Should I keep the titlebar the same? How about add the Media Center icon to it?
I think it looks fine as it is now. I think it looks classy with the MC icon. Please consider to make a full screen version with square corners.
The player buttons:
I think they look really nice as they are there. I think they should liteup on hover and be presset on pressing (Strange sentance :) ). I like to square look of them, though the might would look nice being just a wee bit more round. I'm thinking OK-buttons from the screenshot at deviantart.
Hope it helps and thanks in advance for putting all the work into this,
ok, I'll put the progress under. I'll play with the DSP buttons for awhile.
Gonna have to look at Blade because I don't really know what you are talking about.
I'll keep the titlebar the same.
The player buttons do light up...hmmm...
here is another pic. (animated)
Thanks for all the suggestions!
Dragyn, it is looking very, very nice...I now see what you mean about the MC icon. thanks for all the hard work on this. Bet ;D
What about the volume? Should I keep it like Opus?
I would make it as Opus (not opulence) though I would think the 'pointer' should be squared (again with round corners) rather than a arrow. Kindda like on the Blade mini skin.
ok. this was confusing because you were referring to the older versions of opus. I see what you mean though. I'll post 2 pics of current and older style.
Thanks bebop. It's starting to come together.
Ugh..I think I'm gonna scrap those buttons. They don't fit the design too well after looking at MC for a few hours.
Back to the drawing board.
Dude, this is exactly what I had in mind. I can honestly say that it is matching exactly what I was thinking. Youve done an amazing job again. I know you say youre just porting and that you dont do graphics. But its takes a heck of a lot of patience to get this stuff right, and you've managed to do it... again. I can't wait to get back home and try it out.
By the way, I think the player buttons look great. And the titlebar/menu area rocks too. Makes it look like a real Windows app.
Ok, gotta run.
Thanks Jared. I decided to use the player buttons afterall but I made some slight adjustments.
As for the DSP, Shuffle, buttons I used the same buttons as the player.
I just have to do the progress bar for the playing track and it's basically done. Any ideas?
I think my brain just shorted out. I'm gonna go to the store and pick up a new one. Hopefully when I get back, I'll be able to finish this up. :P
Dragyn...this is looking fantastic! the aesthetics are wonderful, well done indeed! what brand of brain are you one labeled AB- Normal last time I went... ;D thanks for all the hard work. Bet
Got mine in Ikea...
Looks great.
Progress bar:
Why not name it the same color as the 'playing-now-info-place' or search-box. Rounded square corners. Drop shawdow.
School tommorow. Been working all weekend. A ton of homework. 4 papers due.
Like short sentences. ;D
Nice, simple and beautifull... Love it!
Disabled checkboxes (the ones you see when tagging mode is off) are visually too bright... it feels like they weren't disabled.
(not a big deal... I just had to find something to persuade myself that you're skin is not perfect ;))
And still wondering where you can put butterflies....
Thanks Dragyn.
This is a really nice looking skin. Very simple and easy on the eyes.
The progress bar is a little busy, hovever. It would look much nicer if you just made it solid.
actually those check boxes are not skin related. They come with the other art inside MC. I can release a modified icon file to match this skin.
edit: see first post
progress bar is something I still have to do. I agree it doesn't look right. still playing with it.
thanks everyone.
Got it, applied it. love it!!! Thank you, thank You, thankyou! ;D Bet
I know i can probably just wait until i get home but I can't seem to tell. Is this the Codename Blue scheme or is this the Codename Alpha scheme. Ive been away from my laptop for about a week now so maybe my eyes are decieving me, but it looks just like the Alpha color scheme. In any event, this thing rocks. I can't possibly stress enough just how much this skin rocks, in a subtle, aesthetically pleasing, classic kind of way.
I wish I had your patience. I've had to recently give it a break on the skinning and modding scene. I've come to realize that a laptop is a dangerous investment. When I used to do this stuff on my desktop, it was ok, cause i could get as mad as I want and not worry. If I punched the screen on my desktop monitor, the most damage I would do is break my knuckles, which all in all would only cost a couple hundred dollars at the hospital. However, now that I only operate from my laptop, I have to practice a lot of restraint and patience, because if I punch the monitor on my laptop, I wont hurt myself, but I'll be making about a $2000 dent in my pocketbook that is not covered by warranty.
Laptops should be sold with a "Flaming Temper Warranty" for those of us who only get irate when computers incessantly insist on doing exactly what we dont want them to do. However, perhaps its the lack of such warranty that is keeping most of us from acting out our frustrations to their fullest extent.
Anyhow, once again, I'm gone.
Your Welcome Bet! 8)
It's the blue version. Alpha has more of a purple tint to it.
I'm gonna look for a laptop soon but they're kinda spendy. If I could, I would bring MC to work with me. :P
Look for an update sometime this week. It'll hit me soon on what to do with this. :-\
been playing with this some more.
how's this look...or is it too plain lookin'
edit: using this for now. let me know how it works.
8) oooohhhhhh.....very nice...dnloaded it, installed really, really lovin it! ;D Thanks, Dragyn!!! Bet
ps...if it isn't too hard, could you make the buttons turn blue with a mouse pass over (soert of like the little ones top right). Bet
which buttons would those be?
OOps...sorry 'bout that ::) ...the play , stop etc. buttons are the ones to which I was refering. Bet
I can do that. I planned on re-doing that corner anyway so it's not a problem.
Thankyou!!! ;D Bet
Just a quick note. I'm back and I've applied the skin and it rocks. I've already made an adjustment for the maximized window look to the title bar bitmap and adjusted the xml file so that the glyphs line up properly.
If you would like the file (im sure you can do it yourself, but It can save you time) just PM me with your messenger or email info and I'll send it your way.
I also made a slight adjustment to the "close" glyph. I dont know if anyone else does this or has noticed it. but in most of the "Luna" or "Classic" type skins, you can just throw the mouse cursor to the top right corner of the screen and click and it will close the active maximized window. I use this alot, and im sure many people do and dont even realize it. Its very convenient because it saves you from having to center the cursor on the "close" glyph every time. So to focus on that idea, I adjusted the "close" glyph so that it has a wider and taller active transparent area which covers the entire top right corner, instead of just the glyph itself. It still looks the same, but it allows you to just throw the cursor to the top right and click and close without the extra step of "aiming".
If you would like that file also, just let me know.
Ack. After typing all of that, I just realized something. My adjustment of the title bar file will probably not work for you, as I use a 1680x1050 resolution. Hmm, well, either way, if you can make use of it, let me know.
By the way, did I tell you that this skin rocks my world? Once the Alpha color scheme rolls out, my laptop will be complete.
Dragyn, just noticed that it doesn't totally this just me? Am I missing somethning here, or is that part not done yet? Just askin' problems Bet
Thanks Jared. Added Maximized. Please see if I meet your expectations on that.
This should be a part of MC since it does on-the-fly skinning now. Might have to drop a note in the request box.
bebop, I'm not sure what you mean. Sure it's the skin not MC?
Is it just me or have you been one step ahead of me this whole time? :-[
By the way, nice work on the maximized version. Mine didnt have the smaller status bar area.
No. Actually you've been ahead of me. I would have never thought of the close button. Any more ideas?
Thanks again!
Ive got a question. I was playing around with the main titlebar bmp. I didnt change any of the xml before this happened. But for some strange reason, after modifying the bmp, although not changing the dimensions, MC started behaving strangely. Whenever I open MC, the vertical splitter now reverts to a different position than the one I left it at.
It doesnt really make any sense to me as I only modified a few colors in the bmp. I had this same problem with the original Opus skin. But when I went through and modified it, it changed back. I just dont know what I did to make it change back.
Added Round Buttons. Please be careful with it.
I don't know Jared. Maybe a bug?
Dragyn..guess it was just my clumsy minimizes ok now. But added the round buttons and round action window and now I don't have a "close" button up there on the upper right. It's there on all the other skins...just not this one...Hope you are having a great long weekend. Spent most of mine over on the mainland in Vancouver. Bet
ps.. just tried opening my help window to check my version number and there's no close button for it either....I was locked up and had to do the task manager thing to get out of that window. B
What version of MC are you running?
Have you tried reinstalling the skin? Click on Install, then Round Buttons, then Round Action Window.
It works on my end but I'm using the latest alpha version so I don't know whats up.
Using vers 10.0.161...will give another try tomorrow. Kinda tired tonight, so could make mistakes. Had a busy weekend in the city. All those crowds just tire me out! Will get back to you tomorrow. Bet
I had the same problem when I first installed the maximized version. If youre up to it, I can tell you how to edit the xml file to fix the problem. It's very simple. This is how I fixed the problem on my end. I'll give you a list of steps to make it super simple.
1. Go to your Media Center directory, then MegaSkins, then into Codename Opus.
2. Right click on the main.xml file and choose edit. Dont worry about backing it up because if you mess it up you can just reinstall the skin.
3. To make it easier to read, maximize the window.
4. Right near the top there should be a section labeled like this:
5. On line 11, in the middle of that section, there should be a line labeled "Closebutton"
6. At the end of that line, it should say OffsetX and OffsetY
7. This is exactly what those variables should look like:
<Entry Name="CloseButton" Bitmap="MFCB.png" NumberImages="3" Alignment="2" OffsetX="0" OffsetY="0" />
That should fix your problem, or at least, thats how I fixed the same problem on my system about 2 days ago when I installed the maximized version and had no close button.
Thanks Dragyn, that was the problem, a re-install was all it took. ;D
Thanks for the tip, Jared, haven't messed around with code since the DOS days...but was going to give it a go if the re-install didn't work.
Glad it work. I'm trying to make some blue buttons for ya. Having some difficulty getting the colors to match.
Now are there any other requests/changes? Last chance before I make it final.
I'll change anything, patch anything. Is there something you don't like? Something that looks out of place? Something that needs: to be bigger?, to be smaller?, different colors?, more colors?....whatever?
Alpha is about to find a home here. I don't know if I'll be doing any of the other colors.
Thanks Dragyn, you'r my hero!! ;D
Well isn't that lovely...hehe. thanks :P
Got some bad news though....this skin isn't that great. After using it for a few hours, it's lacking - way too plain lookin' for my tastes.
Expect to see some major changes. I've gotta spice this baby up. Of course, I'll make some classic patches for those that like that simple look.
Alpha will be on hold until then. -- Dragyn out.
The look is great, as ever with the Opus series; but can we have some more 'sympathetic' backgrounds please. White is just too harsh in low light conditions. I have nearly blinded myself once or twice!:o)
How does the white background in opulence work for ya? It's not the same white as in Codename.