Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: CDvd on August 30, 2004, 09:29:18 am
I'm using the cool King Sparta's plugin "Folder Sleuth" for watching and automaticaly importing new files into MC.
The plugin seems to work well except the fact that I have to add folders manually every time I restart MC!!
(I do press Save Settings after adding folders)
I have see noone complaining about that, is it a Folder Sleuth's bug, or does it happen only to me?
it happen to one other person that i know of
It had something to do with the system would not alow the program to save to the registry.
not sure why, could be a Anti Virus Program stoping it or something else.
Hi everyone
I'm having this problem too. I'm running MC11 (11.0.190 Beta). I'm also running Ad-watch and NAV 2004, and have tried disabling both these but still have the same problem with Folder Sleuth not being able to save settings (I restart and it has lost the folder watch list).
Does anyone have any ideas of how I can fix this (or maybe just how to manually import the required information into the registry (to get around the problem)
Thanks in advance
when i get done with chart finder i will look into this plug-in and update it
'The Way It Is' Charted At 01 In 1986
Listening to: 'The Way It Is' from 'Ripcast 1.9' by 'Bruce Hornsby And The Range' on Media Center 11
Any news on this King? I am having the same problem.
Same Problem As What?
Folder Sleuth Is No Longer Supported, Check My Site For An Update.
Like "Auto-Update"
sorry king I would have thought it was obvious what I was refering to (thread title and posts).
But thanks for the info on the new plugin, i'll give it a go.
You Would Be Suprised.
But I thought It Was Saving, It Never Worked Correctly.