Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on September 12, 2004, 09:58:55 am
A Plug-In I Am Working On
If you have any Ideas Let Me Know
All Data Fields Should Be Covered, Some Fields Can Not Be Changed But Will Be Displayed (Bit Rate, Size, File Type Etc...)
here is how some of the data will be passed to the program (it will be encripted later)
<People></People><Places></Places><Events></Events><Playback Range></Playback Range><Access Rating></Access Rating><Album Artist (auto)>Al Green</Album Artist (auto)><Volume Name>F:</Volume Name><Complete Album></Complete Album><Album Type>Single artist (incomplete)</Album Type><Removable>0</Removable><Day></Day><Month></Month><Year></Year><Date (filename friendly)>19740101-000000</Date (filename friendly)><Filename (name)>Al Green - Sha-La-La (Makes Me Happy).mp3</Filename (name)><Filename (path)>F:\My Music\1974\</Filename (path)><Artist - Album (Year)>Al Green - Sounds Of The Seventies 1974 (1974)</Artist - Album (Year)><Year - Album>1974 - Sounds Of The Seventies 1974</Year - Album><Dimensions>? x ?</Dimensions><Content ID></Content ID><Content Distributor></Content Distributor><Content Type></Content Type><Text></Text><Album Gain>-11.911650437575121</Album Gain><Mix Album></Mix Album><Tempo></Tempo><Mood></Mood><Situation></Situation>
this cover art is Art listed that users have for this song, and that is listed for this artist
This looks pretty cool. When are you going to make a plug-in that will link MC with DVD Profiler? Just hoping. Thanks
I have no idea what "DVD Profiler" Is and Doubt It Can
DVD Profiler is a program that catalogs dvd collections. You install it and then enter in the Barcode Numbers of your DVD. It then downloads the cover art and bios of the Film. Then it allows you to export the information that was downloaded about the movies includind the Cover art in xml format. Other programs like DVDLobby allow the import of that file which then allows DVD Lobbly to have an interface much like Media Center in Thumbnail mode. Basically if a plug in could be wrote you could have lets say the mpeg2 or mpeg4 files impoted into MC and then import the xml files from DVD Profiler. What this would do is give you the Cover art and the "TAG" in simple terms for the movie. Then you would click on the Thumbnail and the movie would start. The main advantage to this would be that if you lost your librairy as it stand now, you would have to go to each movie file and reconnect the coverart file manually. This is very time consuming. DVD Lobby and DVD Main lobby have demos on their sites and well as does DVD Profiler. It is very neet those programs are. But the cost more and the power of MC keeps me here. Offering a plug in like this I think would make MC the ultimate Media connection between the PC and TV.
Thanks for reading this.
King, call me dense but I don't get what this plug-in is doing. It appears to be a handy way to view/update specific data about a song. Is that about right?
BTW, since you seem to be taking about updating your Bio finder? That was a great plug-in.
BTW, since you seem to be taking about updating your Bio finder? That was a great plug-in
Requestes & Ideas For This Program
This plug-in will get bios, Lyrics, Cover Art, Notes, Genre and Other Data from my server that has been submited by other users.
My Idea For Genre Is that it will allow it to use all the users Genre submits and find the Genre that is most popular for that song and allow you to change your Genre to what most people think it is (if you wish).
It Will Allow you to download Multi Images Of What Users Have As Cover Art For That Artist And Album.
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0000).jpg (Cover Art #1)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0001).jpg (Cover Art #2)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0002).jpg (Cover Art #3)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0003).jpg (Cover Art #4)
And Allow You To Manualy Select Or Auto Select Based On Your Size Pref And Mayb How Popular A Cover Art Image Is.
So If More People Have
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0001).jpg (Cover Art #2)
Selected As Cover Art And It Fits Your Size Specs It Will Be Used For Your New Art.
Safe Mode, Will Not Overwrite Any Of Your Data, And Will Only Add Data To Your Database If That Field Is Empty (Thats Already Working).
That Is A OverView Of What I Hope It Will Do
This sounds really cool King...
Can't wait to see it in action!!
This plug-in will get bios, Lyrics, Cover Art, Notes, Genre and Other Data from my server that has been submited by other users.
My Idea For Genre Is that it will allow it to use all the users Genre submits and find the Genre that is most popular for that song and allow you to change your Genre to what most people think it is (if you wish).
It Will Allow you to download Multi Images Of What Users Have As Cover Art For That Artist And Album.
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0000).jpg (Cover Art #1)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0001).jpg (Cover Art #2)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0002).jpg (Cover Art #3)
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0003).jpg (Cover Art #4)
And Allow You To Manualy Select Or Auto Select Based On Your Size Pref And Mayb How Popular A Cover Art Image Is.
So If More People Have
BeatlesTheWhiteAlbum(0001).jpg (Cover Art #2)
Selected As Cover Art And It Fits Your Size Specs It Will Be Used For Your New Art.
Safe Mode, Will Not Overwrite Any Of Your Data, And Will Only Add Data To Your Database If That Field Is Empty (Thats Already Working).
That Is A OverView Of What I Hope It Will Do it's like we would all be sharing tags. That is very cool.
Kind of like a Wiki tag editor.
Perhaps a system where we can vote on the accuracy of one person's submission over anothers? For example, if DataMaster displays 5 varrying cover art images for The White Album and I disagree with one I could enter a negative vote lowering that image's credibility while issuing positive votes for the more accurate images.
- it's like we would all be sharing tags. That is very cool.
The Vote Thing Sounds Interesting (Well See, If I Can Pull This Off I Will Put It In).
Sounds really cool, would sure making updating stuff much faster, I especially like the safe mode idea.
The Popular Genre Option Is Working Now..
And Is dependent On How Many Users You Look At So If You Look At one User And It Has A Genre That Will Be The Popular Genre, If You Look At 100 Users Data It Will Take All Of The User Submited Genres And Figure Out What Is The Most Popular Genre.
If there Are Two Genres That match the same then it will select the first Genre as Popular (Alpha Sorted)
I like This Song, It's Really Freaky
Listening to: 'Freak Like Me (Radio Edit)' from 'Do You Wanna Ride?' by 'Adina Howard' on Media Center 11
That addition sounds really cool...
So when do you think you will have a version out?
not soon, just working on it part time.
I was thinking about the voting thing, what i can also do maybe is count the fields with data, and the bytes in what was submited. and more weight would be given to submited data files with more data.
for most of my files i have about 40 fields that is submited with them, and one of them was like 5000 bytes.
that would be seen before a submited data file that had 39 fields 5000 bytes
still thinking about it.
Current Events
1. As it is now everything works on the first tab of the program
2. I think I will remove some of the Fields that can't or should not be changed
3. I basicly decided to use this as a format to save the Data to my server there is a draw back and that is if a user has two or more songs from two albums. So this may change not sure at this point.
What would be nice is if J river would allow or put there fingerprint data into the database, and then this field could be used to create the file name. i would not hold my breath on that however (I have asked).
/T/ = First Letter Or Number In "Artist"
/titopuenteandhislatinense/ = Artist "Tito Puente And His Latin Ense"
/roundmidnight/ = Song Name "'Round Midnight"
/85F-FFFF82C6.txt = User ID
If i had finger print data maybe the user id would look something like:
Folders are created by the program on the server as it is needed to store the data
4. Yesterday I was thinking this program could be like a "Undo" program where if you lost your tags for some reason you could just put it in batch mode and get all the tags back from your last save (Maybe "Undo Master")
5. My Birthday Was 20-Sep-2004
6. I got My rebuilt 18 inch Flat Screen monitor back from Gateway after they Promised it to me on Three dates. Because of this i may not buy another computer from them.
PS: I Ran 50,000+ files thru it to test it.
'Hella Good' Charted At 12 In 2002
Listening to: 'Hella Good' from 'Rock Steady' by 'No Doubt' on Media Center 11
Current Events
1. As it is now everything works on the first tab of the program
2. I think I will remove some of the Fields that can't or should not be changed
3. I basicly decided to use this as a format to save the Data to my server there is a draw back and that is if a user has two or more songs from two albums. So this may change not sure at this point.
What would be nice is if J river would allow or put there fingerprint data into the database, and then this field could be used to create the file name. i would not hold my breath on that however (I have asked).
/T/ = First Letter Or Number In "Artist"
/titopuenteandhislatinense/ = Artist "Tito Puente And His Latin Ense"
/roundmidnight/ = Song Name "'Round Midnight"
/85F-FFFF82C6.txt = User ID
If i had finger print data maybe the user id would look something like:
Folders are created by the program on the server as it is needed to store the data
4. Yesterday I was thinking this program could be like a "Undo" program where if you lost your tags for some reason you could just put it in batch mode and get all the tags back from your last save (Maybe "Undo Master")
5. My Birthday Was 20-Sep-2004
6. I got My rebuilt 18 inch Flat Screen monitor back from Gateway after they Promised it to me on Three dates. Because of this i may not buy another computer from them.
'Hella Good' Charted At 12 In 2002
Listening to: 'Hella Good' from 'Rock Steady' by 'No Doubt' on Media Center 11
Happy Belated Birthday Buddy....
Happy Belated Birthday Buddy..
At the Party we had 2 people (me and my wife) A Small Cup Cake With One Huge Candle (Just Kidding), We Went to The Outback Stake House For Dinner, It was Good.
It has also been one whole year without a drink (Beer, Wine, Vodka, Gin etc..)
It has also been one whole year without a drink (Beer, Wine, Vodka, Gin etc..)
You're a far far better man than I am. You probably knew that. ;)
5. My Birthday Was 20-Sep-2004
Happy B-day King!
KingSparta, I find it hard to read when you randomly capitalize words. :)
Happy birthday!
I find it hard to read when you randomly capitalize words.
I Know I Have Been Told This Many Times, It Is A Tick I Have. I Am Taking Pills For It (ZoLoft 50Mg).
try 25 mg
I wonder what NaTeDoGG means.
I made a slight change in the file name i think this will stick
New: (236 = Duration Of 236 Seconds, 192 = Bit Rate)
In Case you have many versions of the same song the duration & Bit Rate should not be the same.
1. My Cat Woody Lost His Jewels And Claws
Woody Was A Kitten i found 6 months ago when me and sue went for a walk, since he came out from the woods we called him woody.
2. Send And Receive Images Works
3. Added Options For Safe Mode: "Never Replace, Replace If Empty, Replace If Shorter, Always Replace (Not Recomended)
4. Tweaked it a bit
Woody should be more careful.
1. My Cat Woody Lost His Jewels And Claws
He got married?
1. My Cat Woody Lost His Jewels And Claws
He got married?
No but he I heard him Listening to: 'Return Of The Mack' by 'Mark Morrison'
I find it hard to read when you randomly capitalize words.
I Know I Have Been Told This Many Times, It Is A Tick I Have. I Am Taking Pills For It (ZoLoft 50Mg).
PrObABly aLl tHAt Vb ProGRaMmIng. ;)
Woody doesn't sound like much of a name for a cat with no jewels...
1. woody is home and resting
2. the program is comming along currently it will download upto 10 covers for you and then display them for you to select one of them.
needs much more work and testing.
since my vacation is ending on sunday i will work on it when i have time.
one of the things i want to also do is if there are no covers for this song offer you a selection for all albums from that artist and you can then select from that list also.
i have thought about voting and raiting the data from a user, this could be done in auto mode, by the number of fields you select or is auto selected for you to fille your fields. so the more fields filled from a users data this number will increase. it would have two fields one for auto mode and one for manual mode. and you\it would basicly rate the data in the background without you neededing to do anything.
any comments?
i have thought about voting and raiting the data from a user, this could be done in auto mode, by the number of fields you select or is auto selected for you to fille your fields. so the more fields filled from a users data this number will increase. it would have two fields one for auto mode and one for manual mode. and you\it would basicly rate the data in the background without you neededing to do anything.
any comments?
Not sure if this fits with your architecture but maybe one way to rate the quality of the data would be to keep track of the data an end user accepts. The more it is accepted, the more accurate the data.
Not sure if this fits with your architecture but maybe one way to rate the quality of the data would be to keep track of the data an end user accepts. The more it is accepted, the more accurate the data.
thats what i was trying to say above....
Happy, happy b-day King! and poor, poor Woody!!! You really didn't have him declawed did you??!!!! We have 3 kids and 4 indoor only cats ---all spayed (the cats, that is...there are laws about kids!!) but all retaining their toes and the claws attached thereto (including the kids ;D ).
You really didn't have him declawed did you?
yes, the total vet bill was $298.xx for a stray cat
he needs to go back for more shots
Back To The Program.
1. the format on how the cover art is saved
basicly the file name of the jpg image is the file size in bytes
24816.jpg (the image is 24816 bytes)
34235.jpg (the image is 34235 bytes)
this way if many people are using the same cover it just saves it once, since all images are dif the bytes shuld not be the same and it would be very very rare if it was the same.
last night it ran thru a test of 4,500 files with no problems.
basicly the file name of the jpg image is the file size in bytes
24816.jpg (the image is 24816 bytes)
34235.jpg (the image is 34235 bytes)
this way if many people are using the same cover it just saves it once, since all images are dif the bytes shuld not be the same and it would be very very rare if it was the same.
Is this how the cover art is saved to the user's hard drive? I ask because it's kind of messy for those of us using the 'folder.jpg' structure.
Is this how the cover art is saved to the user's hard drive?
yes as a temp file that is deleted later
only when you select it will it be changed to (artist & album)
Beatles - White Album.jpg
and stored in the mc cover art folder
the file name will depend on your artist and album field.
if you turn on the folder art option it will be saved to that folder as folder.jpg.
the reason for this is you can only have one file with the same name on the server so it can not be listed as artist - album.jpg if it was only one would be shown to a user.
i have been tinkering with
and that is the album name, the size of the image, if the user uploads a file without a album name it would be listed as "27682.jpg" under that song and the artist name folder.
I have come to the conclusion the MS Inet1 ftp control sucks
I have come to the conclusion the MS Inet1 ftp control sucks
King, I don't understand... How do you REALLY feel about the control? :P
Well there is a few MS Known Bugs in It That Makes Things Not Work Correctly.
I.e.: Inet1.StillExecuting
Shoot you can not even be connected and it thinks you are
If you send it commands fast enough you can get it to lock up the whole dang program (Even if there are traps or no traps). Of course maybe if i was not local to the server it may help delay commands (scraching head).
I guess I need to build in some delays and order a Papa John's Pizza for dinner, and watch Star Trek Voyager (4th Season New DVD Set Is Out And Bought It Tuesday).
It is a dam good thing i don't drink (anymore).
312,000+ Lyrics In The SpartaSoft Lyrics Database Now
Sue Took A Picture Of Me Last Night Singing In The Shower
I Bought A FTP ActiveX Control
Works Better Now.
Hi King, Havn't heard about this in a long time.... Have you scrapped it, or........
Hi King, Havn't heard about this in a long time.... Have you scrapped it, or........
No Been working on My OTR Site For The Last Month. I have spent over $1000 Doing It. (
And it looks pretty good....
Well, I for one am certainly looking forward to this plug-in.
I will get back on it soon, maybe this weekend I will work on it.