More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: butterbun on September 21, 2004, 11:18:23 pm
I discovered the lack of "watch folder" or "auto importing" after I purchased this product...
I've looked into KingSparta's plugin. But it doesn't do subfolders, and since I oraganize my songs in a album-per-folder basis, that plugin did not solve my need.
I've looked into the command line parameters. there is a command to import but the parameter has to be a filename...
I notice in Windows shell you can import a folder and it'll look through every subfoldres beneath it. Is there a command line equlvalent of this? I just need to write a bat file and have Windows to scheudule it.
And, is this "watch-folder" thing a feature of upcoming v11?
Thank you in advance.