Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Dragyn on October 10, 2004, 08:54:10 pm

Title: pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 10, 2004, 08:54:10 pm
anyone know an official color listing for those colors?

I've been looking around but nothing seems to look right.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 10, 2004, 10:09:31 pm
Dragyn - is this what you are looking for:
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 11, 2004, 06:23:26 am
yes, those are a lot better than the others I had. now I'll be able to get this done. thanks!
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 11, 2004, 06:35:26 am
in case anyone is wondering why, I'm in the process of making Opus MC (Pastel) which will basically be filled with all of these colors.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 11, 2004, 01:37:35 pm
Whoopeee!!!  Hope it includes #CBC5F5, #A5DBEB and 3ACF3FD  somewhere in the mix.   ;D  Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 11, 2004, 05:14:27 pm
yeah, I can add those. any others?

ever since I made the white version, changing the colors is a lot easier now.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 11, 2004, 07:03:48 pm
this is what I have so far. still playing with the colors...

click here (
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 11, 2004, 07:53:36 pm
OOOOHHHHHH......nice   8).  It reminds me of sherbet.   ;D The interplay of the colors is easy on the eye and not too"girlie", which can happen with pastels.   Are you gonna change the top and bottom bars(currently blue) to a more subtle shade of blue?  Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 11, 2004, 08:02:20 pm
yeah, I plan on changing all the colors...even the buttons. thinking of using different colors or just different mouseover/pressed buttons. ...or both (maybe a shade darker on over/pressed) same with the scrollbars, arrows, etc.

this is gonna be a full color version. I have the other colors available for ppl that don't like that.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 11, 2004, 08:22:21 pm
This will look very nice with my "Candy" cursors that I found at cursor Xp.   :)
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 14, 2004, 08:44:33 pm
this is hard. updated screeny. still doesn't look right. :-\
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 16, 2004, 12:31:36 pm
Dragyn...maybe if just the centers of the buttons were different colors or lit up with diff colors with a pass over, would take away some of the "busy - ness" of the look for you.  You coluld even have the progress bar have graduated colors (ie: going from lightest to darkest of your current scheme).  Working with multiple colors isn't as easy as just one or two, after all.   ;D  Bet

Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 17, 2004, 01:01:32 am
yeah...I was kinda stuck on it. I'll try and tone it down a bit and see what happens.

I've been workin on my wood version in the mean time for the last 6 hours or so... It's more oak than anything. A lot better version I think. Still have to tweak it some more..

here's a screeny of that: click here (
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 24, 2004, 04:30:46 pm
Any news on the pastel front?  Checked out those wood skins  and they are quite nice, although not my cup of tea.  My hubby was very impressed (he loves woodworking  and like Pavlov's dog, comes a running when the Lee Valley catalogue arrives!!!)   Been away from the computer alot - have my first grandbaby due any day and been spending alot of time with  the rather nervous  new mom to be.  Her hubby is now on leave and at home, so I  have some time  to play with my toys now!
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on October 24, 2004, 06:21:45 pm
thinking of the top and bottom border colors and the player buttons. otherwise it's almost ready to go.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on October 26, 2004, 01:38:02 pm
Marko - now that's a cutie...we're still waiting!  Great grandma is here for a visit, so would be nice if that new grandbaby would make his appearance while she's here, but so far he's as stubborn as his momma!  

Dragyn - yup, thanks for all the great work on the skins! This must take up alot of your time, but it sure is appreciated!!  Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on November 07, 2004, 11:30:01 pm
thanks...  I have a skin that I've been working on which will have the same sorta characteristics as codename opus and I promise I'll get a pastel version out soon.'re not gonna believe this but I lost my original copy I had. I have a tendency of putting my backups in the mc directory which is a big no-no when it comes to un/re-installing. did it once before...would have thought I learned my lesson by now.

good thing is I still have my backup psd's for opus and will not be that hard to do this.

anyway, I was tied up with something else last week but I should have something out very soon.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on November 18, 2004, 10:38:01 am
Thanks Dragyn, have been rather busy myself...finally have that grandbaby!  Gabriel Alexander Sebastian  arrived Nov. 6th and it was an extreamly difficult time for mom and babe, however both are doing much better - mom is still in hospital, though, so To-To here has been looking after the little one.  Forgot how tireing those every two hour feedings could be!!  To- To is exhausted!!  Will post some pics when I get organized.  Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: marko on November 19, 2004, 02:35:35 am
have been rather busy myself...finally have that grandbaby!


Nice one, and congrats to all involved.

Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on November 21, 2004, 10:01:54 pm
Just to let you know, I haven't forgot about this. I'm about 75% done with my new one...royale-e (

As you can see, I need to do the top part yet and the other windows (options, dsp, etc).
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on November 21, 2004, 10:30:26 pm
Thanks, Dragyn..and that royale -e skin is pretty nice, but then I am very partial to blues!

And thanks, Marko for the thought!  The new momma is finally well enough to be released from the hospital and little Gabe is finally at his new home with his folks and no longer lodging here with Papa and To To.  A pic is on my site  (, and will put up a couple more of the wee gaffer if Papa ever gets them downloaded from his camera!   Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on December 01, 2004, 09:53:30 pm
Hey's the skinning coming along?  Checked the skins page to see if royale-e was up yet.  Read somewhere here that you have been kept busy on another super secret type project...any hints?  ;D  Bet
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: Dragyn on December 04, 2004, 09:43:56 am
ehhh...I'v been out of the loop lately. I have an obsession with someone and lately it's been getting worse. I think I may need to seek some professional help.

but yeah, I'll see what I can do this weekend. at least get a beta out of something.
Title: Re:pastels
Post by: bebop on December 04, 2004, 10:33:35 am
LOL!!!  Must be a serious obsession to take you away from the 'puter!!!   Good luck!! ;D