Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: rolf_eigenheer on October 19, 2004, 04:16:09 am
MJRemoteIRPlugIn won't install. I tried with MC9.1 and also with MC10.
After selecting "download", the is downloaded without any error. A dialog box tells: "Package was sucessfully installed".
But there is no plugin available in Tools - Remote Control. There is also no new rc_XXX.dll in the plugin directory.
Has it been copied elsewhere ? Im using a german XP SP2. The program folder has another name than in the us version.
Why is WinLIRC placed in the Interface Category, not in Remote Controls ?
Is there a documention of the WinLIRC Plugin available ? Can I contact the author ?
The Hardware and also the WinLIRC Server application are running well. I tried it with WinAmp. There is also a WinLIRC plugin available.
Well this install procedure worked for v11 .:
1) Download
2) Extract to C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Plugins
3) Rename MJIRPlugin.dll to rc_IRPlugin.dll
4) Open Plugin Manager in MC and click on "Add Plugin", choose rc_IRPlugin.dll
5) Plugin will appeare under Interface -> IRRemote
Haven't tried if the plugin actually does anything but the install procedure works.