More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: John Gateley on October 19, 2004, 11:45:30 am

Title: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 19, 2004, 11:45:30 am
Media Center build 11.0.97 introduced a new server that will soon replace most of Media Server.  You can use it to share the library of one PC to another PC, even across the Internet.

At this time, this is how it works.

In MC, under the tree, under plug-ins, you'll find the Library Manager plug-in.  Set the options here and "enable" it on the server machine.

You can also convert lossless formats to MP3 or WMA or other lossy formats that can be streamed over lower bandwidth collections (home to work, for example).  This is controlled in MC's Tools/Options/Library section of the client machine.

This may be a little rough still, so please be patient.  But let us know what you think works well in the current implementation -- and what doesn't.

Remember that both the client PC and the server must be running the same build.

Today's build should fix problems with playing m4p files and with converting within the same codec (converting from 320 mp3 to 128 mp3).

Some issues are still open:
DLL installation errors (anyone still having these)
Server crashing (I need more info)
Invalid Argument on Windows 2000 (working on this)
CUE tracks not working (I'm working on this)
MPC tracks not playing (working on this)


[edit below by JimH]

Previous thread on Library Server is here:;action=display;threadid=24034;start=0
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on October 19, 2004, 12:34:09 pm
I got Media Server to work under MC11. By that I mean that I was able to connect to it from my work computer. (This requires using DynDNS and an update client, and remembering to turn it on and all sorts of things).

Now I'm trying to use Library Server but I'm not connecting. . .

I set up Library Server the same way. Media Server is not running (I checked). The Dynamic DNS updater IS running (I checked). MC11 IS running on my home computer. Library Server is running on port 8787. I'm trying to connect using my DynDNS alias and the port. That's the same way I was connecting via Media Server.

Everytime, it just says "Failed to connect to server, reason unknown." Not really useful. . .

Do I need to do something different with Library Server? Is what I'm trying to do not yet possible?

I really want this to work 'cause the converting on the fly part is what I need. Even with Media Server working, it didn't really work, 'cause songs would cut in and out all the time due to bandwidth issues.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Alex B on October 19, 2004, 12:48:14 pm
I don't think there are any functional differences between the new and old server when you are connecting and downloading the library data. At least it seems to connect exactly as it did before. The differences show up later.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 19, 2004, 12:56:01 pm
Alex is correct. That part is pretty much the same.  You can try things like:
in a browser window, see if you get anything back (replace with your IP),
or telnet 8787
Make sure port forwarding is turned on, if needed, and that no firewalls are blocking

Try running the client and server on the same machine.


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on October 19, 2004, 02:12:21 pm
Okay, I'll try the client at home tonight and see if that works. Something isn't working at the moment 'cause even when I ping it I just get "request timed out" even though the IP keeps changing (which is what it is supposed to do and means that the DynDNS client is working).

Thanks. At least now I know the problem is on my end.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: ozmael on October 19, 2004, 07:12:30 pm
Is there any thought to having Library Server convert the next song in the playlist whilst the current song is playing. With conversion turned on, you get a reasonable pause between songs whilst Library Server converts the next song. It seems to me that it could work a bit smart by anticipating the next song and pre-convert it whilst the current song is playing.

Thanks for listening.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: mhwlng on October 20, 2004, 06:37:30 am
I'm still having problems (11.0.106) that after playing a few tracks on the client, the album cover disappears from playing now

I do see messages like :
10/20/04 13:24:13 - Received request for a file: c:/Program Files/J River/Media Center 11/Data/Cover Art/Joan Osborne - Relish.jpg

just nothing is displayed on the client
restarting the client usually doesn't help
I've got to restart the server as well
then the problem goes away for a few tracks again

if the client is started, by default it uses the server's current playlist.
If I select another one on the client, the album usually stops displaying as well.

the image always displays fine on the server


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 20, 2004, 09:37:33 am
Is there any thought to having Library Server convert the next song in the playlist whilst the current song is playing.

Probably not, it's pretty hard to do because the server has no idea what is coming next.

Which codec are you converting to? Try mp3, some of the others are very slow.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on October 20, 2004, 12:59:22 pm
Happy, happy, joy, joy!! Okay, it is all working and I'm sitting here at work listening to Silky Delta by Euphoria as I type this. Yee ha!

I have Library Server converting to 96 mp3 (from vbr mp3) and it is working with no delays at all. I might try 128 to see if that works.

I found out that the problem I was having was that I had two different things on my network going to the same port. Once I fixed that, everything is hunky dory.

Thanks. I really love it when this stuff actually does make my life better. Like today.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 20, 2004, 01:02:53 pm
If you were having problems with "Invalid Arguments", have you tried 11.0.106?

It seems to have fixed itself, as far as I can tell.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: MrVegas on October 20, 2004, 04:21:19 pm
I have a dilemma.  I want to run Library Server so I can hear my massive home library here at the office.  The problem is I don't know if I can talk my network administrator into letting me install MC10 on my computer here at work.  He has real tight security on our Windows 2000 network, I always have to go to him because I don't have any install privileges.

Any suggestions?
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: JimH on October 20, 2004, 04:25:22 pm
Take flowers.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on October 20, 2004, 04:29:19 pm
No, not flowers. He's an IT guy. Bring COFFEE and CHOCOLATE.

Also, I would try to install MC first. Our network is pretty locked down, though not totally. I could install MC, but not the Flash player for IE. It might work. If not, go to Starbucks and get the biggest caramel cappucino thingy they sell, pick up a box of chocolates and then go talk more sweetly than you ever have in your life.  ;D
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: jankm on October 20, 2004, 06:48:50 pm
I'm getting an invalid argument error when I try to play a file.

Both machines have 106 installed and both have XP SP2.

The desktop is the server and the laptop is the client, the laptop is connected wirelessly to the network both are connected to the same router.

I enabled the library server on the desktop and added the library to the client. The library loads on the laptop but when I go to play I get the invalid argument. On the server the only messages have been that it has sent out the library.

Thanks for any help, let me know if additional info is needed. I never used the old media server.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Chadman on October 20, 2004, 08:45:57 pm
I still get the invalid argument with 106.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: adamsp70 on October 21, 2004, 05:56:42 am
To help spread the word of MC and utilise the new Library Server functionality, would it be possible to build a very cut-down client-only version of MC that is permanently free?

Then i can share my music/images to family members without making them pay for something they won't use (and will find frighteningly complex frankly).

The ones that then want to start using/sharing their own media can then easily upgrade to full MC and pay the fee.

This would work very similarly to the new Grouper thing ( but with MC's vastly superior media management facilities.

Just a thought, anyway....
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 21, 2004, 09:58:05 am
For the invalid argument: I need to know the name of the file, and what conversion settings you have set on the client.


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: jankm on October 21, 2004, 10:15:35 am
I don't have conversion turned on, it happens with every file I've tired. I can try some others when I get home to see if maybe the ones I was trying were too long or if their bitrate was too high.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 21, 2004, 10:57:54 am
CUE files are not going to work for a while, they require quite a bit of modification to the server (to allow seeking).

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: pank2002 on October 21, 2004, 03:45:59 pm
Invalid Argument on Windows 2000 (working on this)

This happened to me too. I get invalid argument when I sync from a windows 2000 machine to a windows Xp laptop with XP sp1. Both machines have build 106 installed. It's through a local network.

There isn't really anything interesting in the logs.
From Library Server:
10/21/04 22:09:48 - Starting...
10/21/04 22:09:48 - Trying Port 80
10/21/04 22:09:48 - Running on Port 80
10/21/04 22:13:00 - Received request for library

It's really long from media server but it's only cover arts and pictures. It hasn't logged music requests.

I don't convert the music. Most of it is mp3, some of it is ape, and a fraction of it is aac.

Otherwise, I really like the idea of media/library server! We're gonna build a wireless network at home and I'll be able to listen to music everywhere with media center without having to have copy of the music on the laptop.

I would like MC to automatic put any file created on the server automatically. Imagine this, I'm using the laptop writing a paper, but somebody needs the computer. I close word, and mc, which is running in the back, will auto detect it and sync it to the server... automatic of course.
  Or, I rip a CD on the laptop and the files will get synced to the server, and everybody will be able to listen to it, rather than having to rip it directly on the server.
  Will this ever happen?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: jankm on October 21, 2004, 03:47:55 pm
OK, set up for conversion and it works like a dream.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Krazykanuck on October 22, 2004, 03:41:39 pm
I shouldn't have to convert if I don't want to do I?
I have my files stored in APE and I would assume I should be able to share those files around locally if I want.
If I don't convert I get the invalid argument message.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 22, 2004, 04:00:05 pm
I don't think this is related to Ape, I'm still working on this problem (invalid arguments).

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Tyler Campbell on October 25, 2004, 02:02:50 pm
After upgrading to build 108, I'm getting the infamous Invalid Argument error. My server is XP SP2 and my client is running 2k. I've tried using Media Server and Library Server (no, not at the same time) and I get the error with both.  There were no problems running Media Server with build 106 or prior (and I hadn't tried Library Server until moving to 108).  When using Library Server, I am converting to 96k mp3. I get this error when trying to play any file in my library, although my filename structure is generally as follows: Artist - Album - Track# - Name.mp3

I don't mean to clutter the thread with problems that have already been reported, but this is the most important feature of MC to me.   :P  In the meantime, I'll just revert back to 106 when I get out of work and hope everything goes back to normal.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 25, 2004, 02:23:55 pm
Hi Tyler,

Let me know if reverting to 106 fixes it, that would help me a lot.

Also, try different encodings and no encoding, see if that makes a difference.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on October 26, 2004, 10:52:42 am
Problem or Bug?

This problem has been there since the introduction of the new library server plugin and is still there with version 11.0.109. It happens on both, running library server locally or remotely.

1) Selecting and playing an image slideshow after start of MC11 displays the following error:

Media Center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files
Error: Unknown errors
Please make sure that the path in media library points to the right directory.

2) If I select and play music first and run a slideshow afterwards while the music is playing, there is no problem, the slideshow works flawlessly.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Tyler Campbell on October 26, 2004, 11:15:34 am

The invalid argument only happens when conversion is not enabled on the client.  This was my oversight (although I have a feeling this is causing jankm's problems, too).  Playback is working perfectly with build 109 using every type of conversion.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 02:25:12 pm
I'm still having problems (11.0.106) that after playing a few tracks on the client, the album cover disappears from playing now

I can't reproduce this. Is it still happening?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 02:29:49 pm
1) Selecting and playing an image slideshow after start of MC11 displays the following error:

Media Center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files
Error: Unknown errors
Please make sure that the path in media library points to the right directory.

Hi Jaguu, this is working fine with me. Can you post your system info and the file names of  1 or 2 of the images in the slideshow?


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on October 28, 2004, 03:34:02 pm
Media Center Registered 11.0.109 -- C:\Programme\J River\Media Center 11\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 1725 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 120 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2900.2180 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive F:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive Y: PIONEER DVD-ROM DVD-104   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive Z: PLEXTOR CD-R   PX-W1610A  Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No  

Burning /  Drive Z: PLEXTOR  CD-R   PX-W1610A   Addr: 1:1:0  Speed:16  MaxSpeed:16  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None

OK John, probably the reason is clear, must be something with special characters, No 1 + 2 don't work, No 3 does. As most of my image files are of type 1 and 2, it seems that the characters (,&) might be the culprits:

1) m01p://192.168.1.XX:80/D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh, Vincent\Arles 2\Pic0051_1024.jpg
2) m01p://192.168.1.XX:80/D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg
3) m01p://192.168.1.XX:80/D:\Users\giorgio\A_Personal\Bilder\Cologne 1.8.04\Party 01-08-04\DSCN0803.JPG
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 03:52:15 pm
Hi Jaguu,

Are you running version 109 on BOTH the client and server?

Make a playlist containing just the two files that fail, and try to play it via Media Library.

Copy-and-paste the output of the status window here.

I tried funny characters in file names, they worked  for me.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on October 28, 2004, 04:06:39 pm
I'm running 112 on Win2k server (which hosts the library and all the mp3 files), and also 112 on an XP laptop with just MC and no files.   When I connect to library server, the progress bar shows the client downloading the library, then at the end it just sits there.   At this point, there's an error message on the server that media center.exe has crashed.  When I click ok on that message, then look back at the client, the client has an error message on a .tmp file.   I'm at work now so don't have the exact wording handy.  Give me some pointers on what settings to report back on and I'll thoroughly test tomorrow.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on October 28, 2004, 04:21:16 pm
10/28/04 23:11:26 - Received request for cover art: D:/Media/Audio/Assorted - Essential Violin (CD1)/Wieniawski (13) Romance Violin Concerto No. 2 in D minor,op.22.ape
10/28/04 23:11:27 - Received request for cover art: D:/Media/Audio/Assorted - Essential Violin (CD1)/Kreisler (12) Liebesleid.ape
10/28/04 23:11:27 - Received request for cover art: D:/Media/Audio/Assorted - Essential Violin (CD1)/Kreisler (11) Liebesfreud.ape
10/28/04 23:11:27 - Received request for cover art: D:/Media/Audio/Assorted - Essential Violin (CD1)/Saint-Saëns (10) Introduction et Rondo cappricioso.ape
10/28/04 23:12:38 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:12:38 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Architecture/Cityscapes/Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Architecture/Cityscapes/Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Arts/Van Gogh, Vincent/Arles 1/Pic0051_1024.jpg
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:15:36 - Error sharing file, file type not supported

I run it locally, but it happens also if I run it remotely.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 04:32:14 pm
10/28/04 23:12:38 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:12:38 - Error sharing file, file type not supported

It looks like this one name is losing it's end. What is the name supposed to be? Be careful when you look it up, there are several similar ones and some of them work.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 04:35:47 pm
there's an error message on the server that media center.exe has crashed.

How much free disk space on the server? How big is your library?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 04:40:19 pm

The invalid argument only happens when conversion is not enabled on the client.  This was my oversight (although I have a feeling this is causing jankm's problems, too).  Playback is working perfectly with build 109 using every type of conversion.


Hi Tyler, just gave it a try and it worked fine for me. What is the filename of one of the files that doesn't work?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on October 28, 2004, 04:51:52 pm
Just another note on the "invalid argument" situation.

After install of 11.0.112 i can now connect to a library server hosted on a XP  from W2K server without any problem, but if i try the opposit, connecting from the XP to the server hosted on W2K server I end up with the "invalid argument" (same settings, port 888). The problem (maby you figured that out already) seems to be with W2K server. Any new ideas on this problem.

I tried to connect over internet as well, media library downloads nicely but as soon as i try to play any files (only mp3) i end up with the same problem.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 28, 2004, 04:53:03 pm
Thanks Helan - are you using conversion or not in the options? Would you check on each machine?
Have you found any files that work, or is it failing for all file names? Could you post one of the file names?


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on October 28, 2004, 05:01:45 pm
0/28/04 23:45:25 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:45:25 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:46:05 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Arts/Van Gogh, Vincent/Arles 1/Pic0094_1024.jpg
10/28/04 23:46:07 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh
10/28/04 23:46:07 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:50:23 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh
10/28/04 23:50:23 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:51:15 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Architecture/Cityscapes/Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg
10/28/04 23:51:22 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:51:22 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:51:29 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:51:29 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:51:51 - Received request for a file: D:\Users\jaguu\Bilder\Cologne 1.8.04\Party 01-08-04\DSCN0805.JPG
10/28/04 23:52:12 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:52:12 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:52:58 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:52:58 - Error sharing file, file type not supported
10/28/04 23:53:15 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Audio\Enya - A Day Without Rain\Enya (01) A Day Without Rain.ape
10/28/04 23:53:16 - Received request for cover art: D:/Media/Audio/Enya - A Day Without Rain/Enya (01) A Day Without Rain.ape
10/28/04 23:53:30 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Architecture/Cityscapes/Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg


as you can see the, files break before the semicolon. Those without a semicolon work flawlessly.
Also if you start audio first and then a file with a semicolon they work flawlessly after the music started. They also work if you play them inside the default library, so basically the files in itself are OK.
It only happens if you play them alone, without music.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on October 28, 2004, 05:21:18 pm
Thanks Helan - are you using conversion or not in the options? Would you check on each machine?
Have you found any files that work, or is it failing for all file names? Could you post one of the file names?



Hi John
Library server: Convert audiofiles: not selected, Encoder: MP3, Quality: 320.

I tried a small import of only 8 files first, all of them failed to play, then i imported the whole library of 8500 files and, obviosly, i did not try the all but  I tried 10 -15 files wit the same result. After getting the Invalid argument I was unable to play any file, even local ones on the XP.

Filenames for all my files are [artist] - [songname].mp3
Hope this will help
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on October 28, 2004, 06:00:32 pm
Another interesting thing, i fired up my laptop, connected to the network via wireless connection. The connection is good and I can accsess everyting im ny network, everything but the library server (now running on the other XP). No library server found. If i Access it via internet it downloads the files fine but I end up with the Invalid argument trying to play the files.

Spooky if you ask me...
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on October 28, 2004, 06:14:43 pm
Add to last post, after posting i tried again and still no connection to library server inside network, but connection to server via internet did work this time and playe the files. Could this be related to some security issues on the network or am I just up to late (it's long over midnight here)
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on October 28, 2004, 06:35:34 pm
there's an error message on the server that media center.exe has crashed.

How much free disk space on the server? How big is your library?


On the physical drive that holds the mp3 files themselves, there is 173GB free space.  On the physical drive where Media Center is installed (and where the library is) there is 1.5GB free space.

Clarify what you are asking about library size.....

If we're talking about the G:\Profiles\administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\library  folder, then it contains 522 files for a total size of 14.4MB.

If we're talking about the info that displays at the bottom of the MC window, it says there are 5996 files (21.7GB - 13.4 days).

All drives on the server are NTFS formatted.
I'm home now and can do some more detailed testing.
On the server, I went into library manager and created a brand new empty library.  Then I imported media and selected a folder containing 30 mp3's.  I then tried to connect with the laptop and immediately MC crashed on the server.

There is no software firewalls on either computer, including the one built into XP.  There is a hardware firewall between my internal network and the internet.  That won't be applied here because both machines are plugged into the same router and both have ip addresses of on the same subnet.

Here's what I get on the server.  Notice it hasn't even gotten to the point of listing individual songs or anything.

Once I click that cancel button on that message, then these appear on the client machine.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 29, 2004, 02:00:17 pm
10/28/04 23:51:15 - Received request for a file: D:/Media/Image/Architecture/Cityscapes/Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge, Paris, France.jpg
10/28/04 23:51:22 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Architecture\Cityscapes\Eiffel Tower & Iena Bridge
10/28/04 23:51:22 - Error sharing file, file type not supported

as you can see the, files break before the semicolon. Those without a semicolon work flawlessly

I still can't reproduce it. I don't see any semicolons: ";" above. Look carefully at the two names.
The first works, and uses forward slashes. The second does not work and uses "\". Is the second
the same as the first apart from this? Or are they referring to two separate files.


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 29, 2004, 03:07:56 pm

Does the zip file exist in the temporary directory (named in the package install failure message box) on the lcient machine?

How big is it?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Tyler Campbell on October 29, 2004, 03:08:29 pm
Hi Tyler, just gave it a try and it worked fine for me. What is the filename of one of the files that doesn't work?


Iron Maiden - Best of the Beast - 02 - The Trooper.mp3  (although it works fine when conversion is enabled)

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on October 29, 2004, 03:12:33 pm
Another interesting thing, i fired up my laptop, connected to the network via wireless connection. The connection is good and I can accsess everyting im ny network, everything but the library server (now running on the other XP). No library server found. If i Access it via internet it downloads the files fine but I end up with the Invalid argument trying to play the files.

Just found and fixed a bug with this. Unfortunately too late for today's build.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on October 29, 2004, 03:51:10 pm

Does the zip file exist in the temporary directory (named in the package install failure message box) on the lcient machine?

How big is it?


The temp file gets created.  It's 12,288 bytes.  Then as soon as I click that cancel button on the crash message on the server, the client gets that failed to install package message on the temp file.  As soon as that message comes up the temp file is deleted.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 01, 2004, 02:37:19 pm

A couple of things to try to give me more info:

1) make a small library containing just a single song. Does that share OK?

2) make a library that is a clone of your present library. Does that share OK?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 01, 2004, 03:25:07 pm
Ok.  I created a new library with a single 128 bit MP3 file in it.
Enabled library server for that library.

Connected with an XP client machine.  Got the same 'failed to install package' error message on the tmp file.

Same thing with scenario B.

I tried it with 'convert audio files' unchecked as well as checked (with conversion to 96 bit mp3).

I do have terminal services on this machine so I could have you connect in and see it firsthand if you wish.  You could also attempt to connect to my library with your MC over the internet.   We could take this to email and I could give you the IP address and login info if you want to try one of these.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 02, 2004, 06:54:29 am
Hi John,
followed your suggestions given to zxsix and created a library with one single file that contains a "comma" in one of the subfolders of the pathname and connected to this library through library server -> Still the same error as already mentioned before.

Then I renamed the pathname eliminating the "comma" and voilà, it worked.

Not working:
D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh, Vincent\SaintRemy\VG-SaintRemy0124.jpg
D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh Vincent\SaintRemy\VG-SaintRemy0124.jpg

Remember: This only happens when connecting through the new Library Server. It used to work with the old Media Server since I have been having that kind of folder name structure for quite a while. And it has always worked for the default library in standard mode.

So the bug seems to be a "comma" in one of the subfolders of the pathname on not necessarily a "comma" inside the filename. This seems also to be consistent with the error messages displayed in library server log, which shows that it does not recognize the subfolder "Van Gogh, Vincent"

11/02/04 13:24:41 - Received request for a file: D:\Media\Image\Arts\Van Gogh
11/02/04 13:24:41 - Error sharing file, file type not supported

Also remember: It never happened with audio files, as I have no folder names with a "comma" in it, only with image files. Also the funny thing is that it works, if I play some audio first and add some images later on to "Playing Now"

If you need it I can send you one of those files. Please let me know your mail address in this case.

By the way I found another bug or annoyance. While connected to library server you can use F2 to edit fields. As nothing is changed on the client I think this feature should be grayed out or maybe a message displayed that you cannot make changes on the client side.

Edit: Sorry, used the wrong English term for the "," character, colon instead of comma!
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 02, 2004, 08:19:02 am
There is no colon or comma other than the drive letter f:\ in my single song test library filename or path.

Also note, that I shut down Media Center and started up the old Media Server.  I had no trouble at all connecting to the single song test library or my normal library.

I would prefer to run Media Server as I can run that as a service under Windows2000 when noone is logged in on the server machine, so I'm fine with this as long as it's not going to go away.

Let me know if there's any other tests I can do on the plugin server.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 02, 2004, 09:31:55 am
Hi zxsix,

There's a debugging version available at:

Download both to the same directory, and double click on the mjp file.

Then try to download the library. After it crashes, send me the file (gateley @


Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 02, 2004, 09:48:05 am
email sent.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 02, 2004, 10:35:18 am
zxsix: I didn't receive any e-mail...

Jaguu: I can now reproduce your problem, so it'll be fixed soon.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 02, 2004, 10:55:32 am
I resent the email again.  Just in case it doesn't get there here's the files....

libserv1.log  is the single song test library.
libserv2.log is with my normal library. ( (
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 02, 2004, 11:41:09 am
(copy of email I just sent)

The client shows that it downloaded 10kb, then it just sits there until I hit the OK button on the server crash message.  At that point I get the failed to install package error on the client.  This time it did not create a log file on the server's C: drive.
I deleted the server_library.dll before running the .mjp file just like last time to be sure it got updated with the new one.
Ran the test multiple times with same result, no log file.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 02, 2004, 12:56:11 pm
This issue has been solved.  It was unique to Windows 2000 O/S serving the library and did not affect XP as the server.
Thanks again!
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 02, 2004, 04:41:23 pm
The problem with commas in directory names will be fixed in the next build as well.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 02, 2004, 04:48:53 pm
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: cmonache on November 02, 2004, 07:54:54 pm
For the invalid argument: I need to know the name of the file, and what conversion settings you have set on the client.




I think I have found what cause the invalid argument and a work around. It appears that the following steps cause the error:

1. Install 11.0
2. Enable Library Server
3. Try to play a song you get the "invalid argument" error
4. Go into Tools -> Options -> Library and turn on Convert Audio Files
5. Try to play the song again --- It appears to work
6. Go into Tools -> Options -> Library and turn off Convert Audio Files
7. Now it works without the conversion and you appear to not get the "invalid argument" error anymore.

Not sure why it is doing this but a necessary flag must be set when setting "convert audio files." The reason why this is difficult to debug is it appears to only happen when you install any try to play from LIbary Server. If you turn on the convert audio files you can not recreate the problem.

Quick request.... When streaming WAV files from Media Library would it be possible show 1411 for the bit rate instead of "?" that it has been showing since version 10?

Thanks! :-*

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 03, 2004, 12:52:04 pm
Thanks Chris,

I can now reproduce the invalid argument error, so it should be fixed soon.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 03, 2004, 02:27:31 pm
The invalid argument problem is fixed in the next build.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 03, 2004, 02:49:15 pm
Quick request.... When streaming WAV files from Media Library would it be possible show 1411 for the bit rate instead of "?" that it has been showing since version 10?

It's not easy. If you use APE (or another lossless encoder) instead, you'll get the same quality feedback plus the bitrate on top.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Chadman on November 03, 2004, 11:53:19 pm
Invalid argument is gone with the latest upgrade!!!  

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 04, 2004, 04:19:36 am

An old error returned again with this version:

Failed to connect to a server
Reason: The request has timed out

Cleaning out of Temporary Internet Folder did not help!
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 04, 2004, 08:51:14 am
Hi Jaguu,

I'm not seeing this. Have you double-checked to make sure the server is up?

What does the status page show?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 04, 2004, 09:12:19 am
11/04/04 16:05:09 - Starting...
11/04/04 16:05:09 - Trying Port 80
11/04/04 16:05:09 - Running on Port 80
11/04/04 16:05:31 - Received request for library

That's it!

I defined a library with the same ip-address as of my pc and try to make a local connection to the default library (192.168.1.X). As the connection fails it reverts back to the default library.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 04, 2004, 09:48:59 am
Make sure each machine (client and server) can connect to itself. Start a server on the client, see if the client can connect to itself, and start a client on the server, same deal.

Try a different(smaller) library on the server...

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 04, 2004, 03:49:40 pm

I did a few more tries:

On my notebook (XP Home-SP2) there was 11.0.109 installed. Made a flawless connection to my PC (XP Pro-SP2) with 11.0.117 installed. So that was OK.

Then I installed 11.0.117 on my notebook and made again a connection to my main PC. Connection to my PC failed. Same error as already reported. Just upgraded MC11. Nothing else changed.

So it seems that the 11.0.117 client could be the culprit.

Also tried to make connections from my Win2000-SP4 PC (also 11.0.117) to my main PC and viceversa. Also no success.

Also connection from my main PC to my notebook (both 11.0.117) did not work.

I suspect the client to be the culprit as the server did respond with to a previous version of MC11.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: pank2002 on November 05, 2004, 10:07:26 am
Using build 112 I have some problems using library server. As stationary computer with win2k is sending the data and a laptop with winXP-proff receives the data. The laptop loads the db just fine, however when I try to play back music there's an error. It's the same error whether I use library server or media server. Pictures can be transfered. From the log it appears that only pictures request is received on the server. Very odd. I hope it will be fixed soon.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 05, 2004, 11:09:28 am
Rasmus, please try build 117.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 05, 2004, 01:44:15 pm
Hi Jaguu,

Did you try connecting from a machine to itself?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: BillRaff on November 05, 2004, 05:13:31 pm
Just upgraded both my desktop and laptop to 117. I too am seeing the error

Failed to connect to a server
Reason: The request has timed out

Tried going both ways and same error.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Diverdown1964 on November 06, 2004, 08:56:46 am
I'm seeing this connection problem now as well. I've been away for 3 weeks, but now that I've returned, and installed the latest on both client and server, I can no longer connect.

The plugin screen indicated that it received a request for the library, but that's it.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 07, 2004, 04:00:55 pm
Same problem. fail to connect to library server
Reason: The request has timed out
Server on Win XP
Client W2K Server

It worked in version 112, upgraded to 117 same settings.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 07, 2004, 04:05:14 pm
Did you try connecting from a machine to itself?

Yes, I did that first. Same error!
As you can see, there are more users having the same problem!
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 08, 2004, 09:58:57 am
Anyone with the library timing out problem: try to download the library, then check

C:\Program Files\JRiver\Media Center 11\MJ Server

Make sure it exists and has the correct date and time (it should be the same time you tried to download).

I'll check further. Unfortunately, this problem isn't happening to me, so it's hard to track down.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 08, 2004, 10:28:55 am
Nevermind, I think we found it. (It actually wasn't my problem :) )

Look for it to work in the next build

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Tyler Campbell on November 08, 2004, 10:42:55 am
Thanks for saving the day, as usual, John!

I intended to report the same timeout problems as Jaguu when using 117 on my client machine (win2k), but instead I'll eagerly await the next build.

(Reverting to an earlier build on my client worked as a temporary fix)

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Jaguu on November 08, 2004, 03:19:38 pm
Congratulations John,

GetLibrary problem solved! Library Server works flawlessly again!
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Diverdown1964 on November 08, 2004, 03:23:38 pm
Bingo! Working here

Thanks again
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 09:11:22 am
Still problems

w2k server and XP client, when trying to connect to library:

Fail to install package
More info: failed to unzip file 'C\xxx\xxx\xxx\temp\tmp9a4c.tmp'

Tried both with direct IP and with auto search

Information on server:
11/09/04 15:26:39 - Starting...
11/09/04 15:26:39 - Starting Auto Detect beacon
11/09/04 15:26:39 - Running on Port 888
11/09/04 15:27:48 - Server Stopped
11/09/04 15:28:55 - Starting...
11/09/04 15:28:55 - Starting Auto Detect beacon
11/09/04 15:28:55 - Running on Port 888

XP server and w2k client:
Working fine now
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 09, 2004, 10:05:10 am
That issue was happening in revisions earlier than 117.
Make sure you are running 117 or 118 and that the revision matches on both the client and the server.
I run xp client and Win2k server and it's working fine with both of those revisions.
If that doesn't do it for you, close MC, then delete the library_server.dll file from the plugin directory and reinstall MC.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 10:29:57 am
Sorry, forgot to mention the build. it is 118 on both computers.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 09, 2004, 10:33:36 am
server_library.dll should be 581,632 bytes and dated 11/05/04.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 10:41:54 am
server_library.dll up to date on both pc's and 581.632 bytes.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 09, 2004, 10:47:04 am
Helan, it looks like the client is not getting to the server. Is there a firewall?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 10:51:59 am
Another thing, I did a complete rebuild of the library on MC running on the XP. First I did a small import on a new location under a new library name and then I did a complete rebuild with all my files under yet another location and name. After MC finish and reporting done with import MC stops responding. I have to force a closedown from task manager. This happened both times.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 10:56:48 am
Yes I have a firewall but it's a router/firewall and does not affect the network inside. It works one way, but not the other (XP-->w2k: OK w2k-->XP: no go)
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 09, 2004, 11:04:03 am
The import problem should be reported in the alpha thread, not here.

Can you make a small library (one or two files) and try sharing that? Does it fail the same way?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 11:08:52 am
The import problem should be reported in the alpha thread, not here.

Can you make a small library (one or two files) and try sharing that? Does it fail the same way?


Sorry, my mistake but yes, thats what i did the first time, just a few files.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 09, 2004, 11:24:16 am
It still looks like the Library Server is not seeing the library request.

Try changing the port.

Try entering:
in a browser, see what you get back.
Replace xxx with the correct port, and be careful with the capitalization.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 11:43:20 am
This is what came back in a browser:

"I didn't understand command GetLibrary"
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 09, 2004, 11:49:02 am
What is displayed on the status page for Library Server?

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 11:49:29 am
I tried again and skipped the GetLibrary part resulting in this:

Playing Now
Media Library

(C) 2003, JRiver Inc
Remote Server v1.9, JRiver, Daniel Ellison, and Benjamin Sweet
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: JimH on November 09, 2004, 11:56:50 am
You're talking to MC's remote server.  You need to turn it off (or move to a different port) in options/startup.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Helan on November 09, 2004, 12:04:33 pm
Well I guess, if everyone else got things to run the problem must be here with my stuff. I'll do a complete uninstall and reinstall but for now i have to leave the forum. If I still have this problem tomorrow I'll come back again. Thanks for all the help.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Alex B on November 12, 2004, 06:53:50 am
MC 11.0.125

Library server conversion options are rather strange now. E.g. Windows Media Lossless 48 kbps.   :)

(Probably because the MP3 options changed. They should be remapped.)
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on November 12, 2004, 10:53:37 am
Thanks Alex, fixed in next build.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on November 18, 2004, 05:26:27 pm
Okay, I had Library Server set up to work perfectly. But then my home computer got trashed trying to install Norton Systemworks 2005. So, I've reformatted my HDD and reinstalled my software and recovered my data. And now I cannot get Library Server to work and I can't figure out why.

1.  I'm using v. 128 on both machines.
2.  The work machine has not changed at all.
3.  My router has not changed.
4.  I have a dynamic DNS thing that is up and running and working properly.
5.  I can get to my home computer (to another app), so I know the link to that computer is working and the tunnel through the router's firewall is working.

Library server is running on the home machine on the correct port (8989 in my case). I checked before I left this morning. The work computer is trying to connect to that port.

But everytime I try to connect to the library, I get the "Failed to Connect to Server. Reason Unknown" message.

What else should I check?

I *really* wish there was some written documentation on this. . .
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on November 18, 2004, 06:18:28 pm
Check on server under Tools>Options>startup.  Make sure the checkbox is disabled for the "run remote server on port: xxxx" option.

This one's obvious, but go into the pane under plugins and click on Library Server.  Make sure the last entry showing on the screen says " running on port 8989".

Do you have a port scanner at work that you can scan your home IP address to make sure it's actually getting through to that port and getting an answer?
If you don't have one, post your home IP address here and I can test that for you tomorrow.

You say you reinstalled the O/S.  If you're running XP service pack 2, make sure the built-in firewall is disabled or it will block all incoming traffic.  It's enabled by default in SP2 so you have to go turn it off manually.

Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: JimH on November 18, 2004, 06:42:12 pm
The program has to be finished before we can write the instructions, but searching here should provide a lot of info.  

If you're sure you have the right port on both sides, then it may be a firewall issue or a configuration issue with the router you use.  Maybe the router was set correctly, for example, but the IP address changed on the new PC.

Check that you can connect locally, using the new PC as both the server and the client.

Double check the options for Library Server.  
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on November 18, 2004, 07:21:20 pm
Well, it's not the IP because I can get to the computer on port 8080 to another app.

Yes, I did check that Library Server was running on the right port.

I am running SP2, but I was running that before with the firewall enabled and it was working fine. I don't have any other kind of firewall except for whatever is built into the router. Is that enough? I'd hate to open my whole system up.

Do I need to turn off "running remote server on"? or does it just need to be running on a different port? (I ask because I'm toying with using NetRemote inside the house, which needs this. Although I probably don't need both turned on at the same time, but I'd have to remember. . .)

I don't think I have a port scanner (what would it be called if I did?). My home IP is -- [removed] -- I have a DynDNS client on the home computer that tracks and posts my ISP given dynamic IP to

Thanks. I'll keep checking.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: JimH on November 18, 2004, 07:28:53 pm
You don't have to have your whole PC open.  Just the port.

Whatever may be running on 8080 must be shut down if you want to use that port.

Remoteserver can be running provided it is on another port.

I would not recommend posting your home details here.  I've edited your post.

Here's what I saw when I entered the address you gave:

Server Name: LinksysStorage
   Version: V2.3R25
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: tlongacre on November 18, 2004, 09:24:09 pm
well, well, well, this is strange to me, but I figured it out. It was that the actual IP changed. It used to end in 100, but now my home machine is listed as 105. When I changed that for the application in the router, I could connect. Hmm.

Thanks for your patience and suggestions.
Title: Re:Library Server, Part 3
Post by: JimH on November 19, 2004, 07:17:40 am
Thanks for reporting the solution.  It may help someone else.
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: rfehr on February 03, 2005, 10:03:24 pm
I probably should be starting a new thread but I'm hoping that John Gateley
 is monitoring this one.

Are there any plans to implement a multi-user database for MC either at the Library server (plugin) layer or at the DB itself?

What I'd like to do (and what I've infered that a lot of people would like to do) is have a single (possibly headless) media server which is nothing more than a database and streaming engine, along with multiple client devices.  Some client devices ("consumer" UPnP clients) would only read and sink streams.  Others, like MC would be able to read and write to the database.  Most (all would be my perference) ripping and downloading would be done on client PC's but all the content would be stored on the server and availible to any other connected client.  Playlists, etc. created on one client would also be visible/availible to all.

Ideally, this is done with some sort of authenticaion/access control but simple collision avoidance and modification notifications would be more than sufficient.

If this is not on the horizon, does the MC11 API allow me to use an external database (i.e. can I write an ADO connector plug-in to a SQL Server database)?
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on February 03, 2005, 10:51:54 pm
Hi rfehr,

We are considering what you are asking for - either a true multi-user database, or an update capability from clients.

But it's a HUGE amount of work. We've made progress with library server/tivo server/upnp server, but are not very close to the end goal.

In summary: don't give up hope, but don't expect it tomorrow.

I don't know enought to answer your question about external databases, but I suspect the answer is no. In any case, the MC/MJ database is highly optimzed for the kind of usage it gets, and a generic database won't come close.

Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: siubing17saisai on February 05, 2005, 01:23:42 pm
I think I am reporting a new problem in regards to the library server not working in certain situations, after doing a quick search in the forum.  Anyway, I can get the client and server to stream music if the filename are in all english characters, such as the following: "Avril Lavigne - Let go 12.mp3"  However, if the filename contains chinese characters, such as the following: "黃光良 - 童話 04.mp3", the status indicating at the top (where it displays the title and album of the song it is currently playing) will remain in buffering...   [this happens when I am able to first stream an mp3 file with an english filename first, which works, and then select to play an mp3 file with a chinese filename]

If I just add a playlist to playing now, where the mp3 files have chinese characters in the filename, i'll get the following error message:

"Media center encountered errors while trying to play the last several files.
Windows Media Error:
Unknown Error (0x80070002)

Please make sure the path in your media library points to the right location."

Server is running on XP SP1 english version with chinese (taiwan) locale turned on and so is the laptop client.

Library Server Conversion settings:
Convert audio files: [YES]
Encoder: Windows Media [YES]
Quality: 128 [YES]
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: John Gateley on February 07, 2005, 09:27:41 am
I'm working on this, but it'll be a few days...

Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: rfehr on February 11, 2005, 09:50:06 pm
Hi rfehr,

We are considering what you are asking for - either a true multi-user database, or an update capability from clients.

Thanks for the response.  As I'm sure you're well aware, MC is EXTREMLY complete and compelling all on it's own as is.  There are very few features that could be added that would allow differential pricing.  I think the 'whole home' media server concept (meaning true multi-user/multi-client) is clearly one that would support seperate 'server' v.s. client pricing rather than the 'free' library server that exists today.  In fact, the value of the server (again, a 'real' multi-user server), IMHO, is far greater than that of the client.  If it twer me, I'd love to see 4 key components that are all very distinct - database, stream server (database/files in, soundcard(s) or stream(s) out), database management client (search, sort, orginizise, edit tags, create smartlists/playlists, import, export, etc., and a 'player' - simple stream sync with a very simple presentation layer that could be optimized for TV or touchscreen display/navigation.

Again, thanks for the response, love the product - keep up the good work!
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Catul on February 27, 2005, 10:31:51 am
I'm relatively new to MC (having purchased MC 11 last month) - I have the library setup on my home PC and like to listen to it on my desktop at work.  For now, I've been making a copy of the library and then copying it to my work PC, and have copied some of the audio files to a 20Gb USB drive which I keep it work.

I've been updating the ratings of songs as I listen to them at work.  Then, every once in a while, I'll copy the library back to my home PC to keep things synced up.  Obviously, this is all not an ideal way to do this.

I've discovered the Media Server and have successfully set things up.  Unfortunately, the library is now read-only on my work PC and so I can't update the ratings - that is the only thing I want to be able to do remotely - is there any way I can still do this, any work-around perhaps?  Really, anything short of going back to my old method of keeping two separate libraries and copying them back-and-forth would be great; any thoughts at all are appreciated!!

I understand there is a lot of work involved in allowing the ability to make the Library Server have write access to the library; is it any easier to perhaps allow ratings only to be updated?
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on February 27, 2005, 10:54:00 am
Currently, only playcounts and last played time is updated remotely.
There is no way to update the ratings from the clients at this time.
What you could do is run netremote from work in addition to the MC client.  Then when you listen to a song via the client, access netremote to update the rating of the song.  Netremote and girder can be purchased from  Between the forums there and this forum, you should be able to set it up easily.
Several of us have requested the abililty to update tags remotely and perhaps our wish will be granted in a future update.

Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: Catul on February 27, 2005, 03:00:31 pm
zxsix, I appreciate the reply - and thanks for the pointer to Netremote, I didn't know of that and it's really interesting, especially considering I have a Pocket PC 2003 phone with unlimited broadband access (Audiovox XV6600 on Verizon's EVDO) which would make good use of NetRemote.

I suppose the combination of NetRemote and Girder would work - it would involve finding the currently playing song in MC on NetRemote and then instructing it to update the rating through Girder, right?  Since I have remote desktop access to control my home PC through the office PC, it's probably just as easy to change the rating on the home PC directly from there.  A little cumbersome, and certainly not as clean as having the client do it.

I wonder why, if the Last Played and playcount info is updated, things like ratings can't be updated?
Title: Re: Library Server, Part 3
Post by: zxsix on February 27, 2005, 03:23:52 pm
Whatever you control in netremote is gonna happen on the server machine.  So if you display the "playing now" list, it's the one on the server, not what you're playing locally.
But, you could choose the same album or the same playlist...then on netremote simply navigate to that song you just heard on the local machine and change the rating.