More => Old Versions => Media Center 11 (Development Ended) => Topic started by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 08:22:29 pm

Title: Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 08:22:29 pm
ok i added my playlist and when i go to say dance, rock country etc.. my views are thumbnails.. it shows all the tracks on a certain cd.. but they are all scattered not in order? how do i make them in order? i went into customize this view all i have checked in there is album, artist name and tracks, and i made the sorting for... artist, album, name, then track, and i hit edit select all then hit update order but they still are not in order? Any ideas?

also i checked tag info on the cd's, and in tag info under track they are all named, they just don't show up in order.. Thanks appreciate any advise somone can give me.. kinda tough listening to some discs where the tracks NEED to be in order cause the cd tells a stroy and the tracks are all scattered ?

example Pink floyd, Queensryche,Techno songs, My son's cd's etc... if not order cd's make no sense!

Also all my views i use thumbnails, and under the thumb nail it says track name..but when i hover my mouse over it then i know my tracks ARE NOT in order
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: LonWar on November 25, 2004, 08:29:26 pm
Would you happen to have random on?
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 08:30:58 pm
i'm not sure what that is? how do i check that? turn it off FOR GOOD!

if random means shuffle, no thats turned off. this issue is in my playlists, if i pick say playlists, rock, pinkfloyd... and play the first song of the Wall, it will play it then it will play the next song in the rock playlist which is pink floyd! but it's not the right track.. but if i hover my mouse over another pink floyd track number 2 will be there, but none of my tracks are in order some discs go like this for tracks, 1 3456210987 etc.. when they should be 12345678910 etc... so some how media center is sorting it wrong..It's sorting the albums and Artists correctly just not the tracks w\in the Albums?
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: JimH on November 25, 2004, 08:55:02 pm
For disks you're having trouble with, click on the track title at the top of the screen.  You may have them sorted into alphabetical order by mistake.

You can set the default sorting for each view.  
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 09:02:20 pm
ok i tried that and looked through my cd'sTHAT is the case!! how do i turn off alphabetical sorting? where on top? can i uninstall alphabetical sorting? all my cd's tracks are in alphabetical Very smart ;)

just need to figure out how to get rid of it!

Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: LonWar on November 25, 2004, 09:15:54 pm
Click on customize current view,
(Right Click the Name or album bar)
There will be a sorting box on the lower right, Remove the sorting on Name and put it on Track #,
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 09:29:58 pm
ok i must be an idiot
not working

from your directions i click ed on a cd. then clicked on customize current view under sorting i removed name! and i put  track # first then artist then album hit ok then hit edit select all then right clicked hit update order..nothing happened?

then i restarted media center and the albums tracks are still alphabetical? all my sortings which are again track #, album, artist and seq...all have (a to Z) is that an issue?
Title: Re:Story CD's Must be in order!..But my tracks are scattered
Post by: HTPC4ME on November 25, 2004, 10:24:34 pm
ok i been playing around here, resetall playlist views..

I think what i need want

Is a name sort but it CANNOT be alphabetical.. is there a way to sort w\ name that IS NOT alphabetical? hard to program media center to not do names alphabetically? this is my issue i think why tracks aren't in order!