Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: Valerie on January 03, 2005, 01:05:51 pm

Title: Cannot get Nomad to complete a sync
Post by: Valerie on January 03, 2005, 01:05:51 pm
 :-[  I'm at my wit's end!
I have not been able to complete a sync yet.  I'm trying to load my 40Gb Nomad for the first time, with about 21Gb of music.  I am using the synchronize playlists method.  The Nomad apparently freezes after awhile and just won't accept any more songs.  I get the "server busy" notice a lot, and it keeps asking if I want to cancel the remaining transfers.  Even when I sat all day (practically) and force-fed the songs to it in small groups (I still couldn't get it to accept some songs), it still would not synchronize the playlists after the files already existed on the Nomad.  I've tried the disk cleanup, and I even reformatted it once to see if a fresh start would help.  All drivers, software and firmware are updated to the latest (as of Jan 3rd, 2005) and I downloaded the latest build of MC11.  This doesn't appear to be an MC issue, because it does the same thing with the Creative software.

I have old (1.1?) USB ports, could this be the issue?  I would like more information before I blow $50 on a USB 2.0 expansion card just to see if it helps.

Thanks in advance...

Creative Nomad Zen Xtra 40Gb
WindowsXP Home
Title: Re: Cannot get Nomad to complete a sync
Post by: SteveG on January 04, 2005, 12:05:44 pm

Hopefully others can give additional hardware advice to you that might help. In regards to MC, did you download any plugins for the Nomad? If so, remove them (from within Tools->Options->Plugin Manager->Handheld) and allow MC 11 to auto install the appropriate plugin.

Title: Re: Cannot get Nomad to complete a sync
Post by: Valerie on January 05, 2005, 02:27:40 pm

I upgraded to USB 2.0, and everything works perfectly.  I am now in total love with my new Zen Xtra -- and with MC11. ;D    The improvements in MC11 are wonderful, and when I synchronize the Nomad it appears to capture any and all changes made to my auto playlists.  WooHoo!

So to sum it all up, in case anyone else is going through this...  UPGRADE YOUR 1.1 USB PORTS TO 2.0!!!

Thanks for your reply, Steve.