Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: cattani on February 07, 2005, 06:56:22 pm
i don't understand, dfx 7 works with mc 11 ? yes or no
after i install dfx 7.255, a message appear "permision denied to use this skin", after i edit dfx_skin.txt, dfx start in same time with MC11, but doesn't any effect, don't work
ps: dfx for winamp, real media, windows media, i think musicmatch and sonique have a LOGO in corner
why for MC don't put a logo ?
fxsound is a amateur or what
you may need to go to there web site for support
any updates on this issue? please
are there any other better plugins than DFX? that can work with MC?
The DirectX plugin and afree plugin High Frequency Stimulator are as good (in my opinion, better) than DFX.
how do I get high stimulator to work with MC11? I tried adding the dll file for Hstimulator through MC11 > DSP plugins>add plugin and browsing to program files>Rgc audio>directX>hF stimulator> HF stim.dll
it is not showing up.
please help.
I think you need to install the DirectX Host Plug-in (available at the plug-ins page). At least that's what I did last week when GHammer recommended it to me. I got it showing up at the DSP Studio but unfortunately I'm completely unable to make it run... activating it does not make any effect to the playing music.
Don't know if I need to download anything else, such as an update of DirectX or something.
For Cattani: DFX 7.210 is working for me with MC.11 (196) Haven't tried 7.255 though.
Listening to: 'You Used To Love To Dance' from 'Brave And Crazy' by 'Melissa Etheridge' on Media Center 11
Actually this same thing happened to me on 10.0. And guess what that is the only file that was having permission issues.
Just thought of updating this if anybody is interested in DFX.
I emailed DFX for support, they were quite prompt for 2-3 emails going back and forth trying to find a fix. Like they helped me to uninstall the corrupted latest version (because of file permissions of skin.txt), then tried to install the previous build, but when that didn't work, they left me hanging there.
I stopped getting emails from them. I know free support cannot be afforded. But pre-sales support is more vital. they lost me there!.
Seems like this is happening to everyone who installs DFX 7.255 on Media Center. Maybe one day they will finally fix their broken installer for this plugin.
Hi there,
I have just been thru' this loop and can append below the reply from DFX which has enabled me to remove the stubborn dfx_skin. text file and install the latest version of DFX which is now working fine. Just two caveats, the removal instructions apply to XP Home and I am using MC11.248.
You will need to change the permissions on dfx_skin.txt file. To do so in Windows XP Home, please boot into Safe Mode first. You will need to restart the PC and enter Safe Mode by pressing F8. Once you are in Safe Mode, please locate the file dfx_skin.txt and right click to go to Properties.
On the Properties dialog, you should see a Security tab. Go there and make sure you give either Administrators (or Admin) or Everyone the Full Control permissions. Once you have done that, you should be able to uninstall DFX for JRiver.
Please then download the following test built:
I had the same problem. I messed around with it for about 6 hours. Why doesn't either DFX or JRiver do something about this, if only to save all the wasted time, which is worse than the money spent!
I had the same problem. I messed around with it for about 6 hours. Why doesn't either DFX or JRiver do something about this, if only to save all the wasted time, which is worse than the money spent!
Did you try the DFX support?
Teleice wrote:
"Why doesn't either DFX or JRiver do something about this"
This post sounds familiar. The problem is probably not quite the same, but similar in many ways.
Haven't visited for more than a year, but this one jumped out at me from previous experience.
The DirectX plugin and afree plugin High Frequency Stimulator are as good (in my opinion, better) than DFX.
This link seems to be broken...any chance u can tell me the name of the DirectX plugin so I can search for it on the web?
I Googled for 'RGC Audio High Frequency Stimulator' (mentioned in the post, I think)
Try this
Also note this which seems to say it is no longer available
This doesn't really help, I know. Guess it may not work anyway with the newer version of MJ or MC :)
I was able to find the is a link...
This is v1...don't know if there are any other releases