Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on February 15, 2005, 06:57:13 pm

Title: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 15, 2005, 06:57:13 pm
Unlike "Folder Sleuth" Auto Updeate Will Allow You To Have The Plug-in Search All Sub Folders (That Part Is Currently Working), And Then Import All [X] Checked Folders Into Media Center 11

As Like Folder Sleuth It Will Import Every So Many Mins, Hours Etc....

My Normal Way Of Saving To The Registry (The Other One Was A Test That Did not Work In All Cases).

Anything Else That Should Be Added?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: CDvd on February 18, 2005, 06:46:15 am
It seems very nice, thank you very much!
I'll try it as soon as I'm back to home!  ;D

I just have these suggestion/question :

- Is it possible for a program, MC or a MC plugin to be notified when something new is written in a particuliar folder?

(the same way explorer get notified and new files magically appear without the need to refresh the view (F5))

I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.

- A really nice (and usefull) addition would be to optionally perform an automatic "Rename Files from Properties" (with differents rules for differents file types) for the new imported files. (something we would probably want to do after each import)

and once again.. thanks  :)
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2005, 09:31:23 am
I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.

maybe, i will look into it.

- A really nice (and usefull) addition would be to optionally perform an automatic "Rename Files from Properties" (with differents rules for differents file types) for the new imported files. (something we would probably want to do after each import)

I don't think so, not sure i get your point, maybe an example may help me understand (a picture is a 1000 words)

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: bebop on February 18, 2005, 09:54:40 am
King, this is looking really good!  Definately something I will use.  Thanks.  I'll keep checking your page for the finished product.  B
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2005, 10:30:50 am
I have not found any probelms with it
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 18, 2005, 10:58:22 am
I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.

This will not work

1. it will only do one folder at a time
2. when you use "WaitForMultipleObjects" or "WaitForSingleObject"

this came from a developer site

The down side of calling the API is that the program becomes completely frozen and will not respond to mouse events until the folder changes.

so this may not happen

I will continue to look for more info

I don't see any changes to the program, unless someone comes up with something.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 06:00:29 am
I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.

I think I found a way to do this but, what happens is spyware software will think it is "Spyware" because it checks on the system and what is going on.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 08:43:33 am
1.0.1 does not use a timer, it checks folder change events, when it finds a event it adds it to a "To Do List" and starts scanning the folders that you placed in your list, if a folder is enabled in your list and it matches the changed folder then it will do a import on that folder only. (

since this program now is monitoring your computer you may get a warning with spyware software (i did with Microsofts AntiSpyware). the only thing it is doing is checking events, it does not spy on you and report this info to a higher god.

It Will come up as "MB ShellSpy (Key Logger)"
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 19, 2005, 09:32:55 am
I've installed this with the default options "C:\Program Files\Mark Farmer\Auto Import" and when I start MC11 it says "Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 10:35:28 am
i will play with it but it is prob looking for the ocx control

i will look at the install
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 12:26:25 pm
the install should work now (I tested it this time  ;D )

Version 1.0.2

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: GHammer on February 19, 2005, 02:44:47 pm
Stupid Great Firewall!

I'd be real interested in this one...

One day I'm sure I'll be able to visit your site again. In fact 3-4 days ago all was well.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 19, 2005, 06:00:30 pm
Ok, I've got it installed now and I can see the interface  :P

I've selected my main directory and all of the artist directories under that to watch.  I also made sure that the "watch folder" option is selected.  Note that all folders are not being watched; however, the ones I was testing were.

- Copied over the network a new album, nothing happen, nothing in the event list  :(

- So, thought I would try and copy over another album on the same machine.  Also, nothing happen :(

Any ideas?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 06:07:35 pm
nope, but you can take a text editor and "create a new file" and save it to a watched folder (that is checked)

copying a file to a watched drive will not import.

I guess that might be wanted, i was more thinking that a downloaded file would be what would be imported

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 19, 2005, 06:30:38 pm
I guess I'm a little confused. ?  What's the difference downloading a file into a watched directory compared to coping one?  They are both creating a file in that subdirectory.

Here's my configuration: I've got a media server in the basement that has all of my MEDIA  ;D on it.  I use my main computer for ripping and downloading.  So, I copy over a shared network drive any new media I want on the media server.  I was thinking that this plugin would see the new files and add them to MC.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 06:48:30 pm
I guess I'm a little confused.   What's the difference downloading a file into a watched directory compared to coping one?  They are both creating a file in that subdirectory.

yes, but the OS already knows it exists so it is not a "new created file" and thats what i had it looking for.

ok try the new version 1.0.3

i just tested it and when you copy a existing file to a watched folder it should import it.

(Disclaimer: at least it worked here)
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 19, 2005, 07:55:34 pm
Man are you quick.  Especially for something that I didn't even pay for.

Ok, part of it worked.  I was able to copy from one directory to another (watched) on the same computer and it triggered an import.  The event log showed repeated events?  Probably because of the time lag of copying all the files ::)

Start Import: 8:49:36 PM - 2/19/2005
Working On Folder: M:\MY MUSIC\ENYA\
End Import Import: 8:49:36 PM - 2/19/2005
Start Import: 8:49:36 PM - 2/19/2005
Working On Folder: M:\MY MUSIC\ENYA\
End Import Import: 8:49:36 PM - 2/19/2005
Start Import: 8:49:37 PM - 2/19/2005
Working On Folder: M:\MY MUSIC\ENYA\
End Import Import: 8:49:37 PM - 2/19/2005

It did not work copying over the network.  Which is what I REALLY want to do :P
I want to copy from my main computer to a shared drive on the computer in the basement.  The basement computer has MC and the plugin is watching those shared directories, but I guess it doesn't get the same Windows message that you are looking for when you do it locally.

Opps.  Spoke a little too quick.  MC11 does not have the new album listed in the library. ?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 19, 2005, 08:35:39 pm
what is the extender of the file?

make sure what ever the type of file it is the extender is in a extender text box.

what should happen is the files should show up in the "recently imported" play list

I just copied a mp3 to my watch folder so that got imported.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 19, 2005, 10:27:13 pm
There just mp3 files.  I'll play around more with it tomorrow.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 20, 2005, 05:54:33 am
I tweeked it a bit

once it gets done importing it will go back and check to see if there are more additions to the Todolist

I copied 11 files and all 11 was imported.

I also tested this on another computer with a new install

Listening to: 'Bali Run' from 'The Best Of Jazz' by 'Fourplay'
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mark_h on February 20, 2005, 01:31:06 pm
Just started looking at this - VERY neat idea.

However, it lacks the functionality I require, and which I feel would make it truly useful.

My system is a media server (NAS) with multiple machines accessing the music on that system.  The directory structure is

\\NAS\My Music\artist\album\*.[mp3|flac|etc]

What I'd like to do is tell Auto-Import to monitor '\\NAS\My Music' (i don't want to have to specify every directory below this), ie only the parent folder so that if any folder is added below this, ie in one of the artist directories or a completely new artist directory, that the music files in the new directory would be imported.  Right now you have to specify every directory to monitor...  which means if I add a completely new artist to my collection, auto-import will not spot them

Also, any way to have auto-import spot new files that were added while MC was inactive and import them too?

Rather than monitoring event logs, the simpler approach might be to take a map of the directory structure and simply look for changes and update/import as necessary?  This would also get around the Spyware issue   ;D


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 20, 2005, 02:20:12 pm
My system is a media server (NAS)

not sure about all this NAS Stuff

But there is a way to do one folder and all folders under it, and i can add that as an optional way.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mark_h on February 20, 2005, 03:50:50 pm
That would be truly awesome!

File monitoring is something that Windows Media Player does and which MC is sorely missing.  Your plugin is a crucial piece of software IMO.

As for NAS, there's nothing magic going on - it's just a seperate machine which holds the files and all my other machines map a drive to it, ie they all use Z: which maps to the filestore on the NAS.  So in Auto Import I might ask them to monitor Z:\My Music\ and that would be the music store on the NAS system.


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 20, 2005, 05:25:32 pm
I Am Working On It, But I Have A Real Job So, I Will Get To It Soon However
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 20, 2005, 06:33:57 pm
Ok I have no Life So 1.0.5

is up it has a two option boxes you can select to monitor one folder

there is now a check box that you can select to monitor or no monitor all sub folders

let me know
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 20, 2005, 10:27:23 pm
Installed the new version 1.0.5

I've configured it to watch my main directory M:\My Music and all subdirectories.  Now I'm getting events even when I don't add anything to that directory; however, I did notice that MC is writing/updating several files in that directory (*.jmd, etc).  So there are files being updated from MC that must be triggering the plugin.

I tried to copy over the network to the shared drive and no events happen.  Then I tried it on the same machine, and it sorta worked.  I got events showing it found new media and the name of the files; however, when I went to look at the recently imported files nothing was there.  The new album also did not show up in the media list.

1) MC is writing some files for itself in the same root directory as my music files live and is triggering events.  Then are not being imported because I'm not looking for those types of extensions.
2) Copying via a network drive from another computer is not working
3) Copying on the same computer is triggering events, but the music is not showing up in MC (at least for me  ?)

Again, I'll play around some more with it.  Thanks for you hard work.  This plugin is a must!
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mark_h on February 21, 2005, 02:50:17 am

Wow, you're fast!  ;D

Just tried 1.0.5 - set it to watch my top folder and it did indeed see that I placed new files in them, but for some reason it didn't import the files?  I copied some of the log below - perhaps it helps?

Cheers, Mark

Start Import: 08:46:45 - 21/02/2005
Working On Folder: Z:\My Test CDs\
End Import Import: 08:46:45 - 21/02/2005
EventId: 2
DisplayName: Eminem - The Eminem Show - 02 - White America.mp3
Path: Z:\My Test CDs\Eminem\The Eminem Show\Eminem - The Eminem Show - 02 - White America.mp3
PIDL: 70582316
PIDL2: 0
Watching: 10000
EventId: 2
DisplayName: Eminem - The Eminem Show - 03 - Business.mp3
Path: Z:\My Test CDs\Eminem\The Eminem Show\Eminem - The Eminem Show - 03 - Business.mp3
PIDL: 70582316
PIDL2: 0
Watching: 10000
EventId: 2
DisplayName: Eminem - The Eminem Show - 04 - Cleanin' Out My Closet.mp3
Path: Z:\My Test CDs\Eminem\The Eminem Show\Eminem - The Eminem Show - 04 - Cleanin' Out My Closet.mp3
PIDL: 70582316
PIDL2: 0
Watching: 10000
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2005, 05:23:18 am
did you hear a sound as it was being imported?

i will put more messages in there so i can tell where it is getting

seems to work here fine however

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2005, 05:46:34 am
I put 1.0.6 up it basicly has more text messages to the event window

maybe it will help tell what is going on.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2005, 05:57:02 am
So there are files being updated from MC that must be triggering the plugin.

the only thing the plug-in does is call this line, what ever mj does after that i have no clue.

     g_MJ.ImportFile (FilePathAndFileName)
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mark_h on February 21, 2005, 08:18:36 am
sent full log directly to your email.

Hope it helps!

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2005, 02:18:25 pm
Yes it did!...

I also thought about how I was going about it, and also learned a few things so the day was not wasted.

at any rate 1.0.9 should be working.

fingers crossed.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 21, 2005, 05:20:35 pm
It's offical, Yeah!!!!!

From Mark_h

Just installed 1.0.9 and that seems to work, even on the network drive!
Great work! :D

I'll have a play some more in the morning (i'm in the UK and it's now
evening) and let you know if there are any issues.

Many thanks for the rapid work on this!


ok, thanks for the Help mark!

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 21, 2005, 10:11:36 pm
I'm getting much closer  :D

1) MC is writing some files for itself in the same root directory as my music files live and is triggering events.  Then are not being imported because I'm not looking for those types of extensions.
The MC files are no longer triggering events.  This is good!  Let me ask here, were others not seeing this with prior releases?  There are several files in my main music directory that MC is writing.

2) Copying via a network drive from another computer is not working
This is still not working for me.  The monitored drive is not a network drive on the MC PC.  It's just another drive; however, it is shared on the network.  So, from my main PC I copy over a directory w/ MP3s and it's still not triggering an import.

3) Copying on the same computer is triggering events, but the music is not showing up in MC (at least for me  ?)
This is now working!  On the same computer, when I copy files into a watched directory they trigger an event and properly import into MC.  It even got the cover!!!

So, #2 is still an issue in my setup.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2005, 05:44:26 am
This is still not working for me.  The monitored drive is not a network drive on the MC PC.  It's just another drive; however, it is shared on the network.  So, from my main PC I copy over a directory w/ MP3s and it's still not triggering an import.

If changes are made by computer 1, only computer 1 will see the changes since computer 1 made the changes.

now i have no idea and do not think it will allow another computer if mc was loaded with auto import will see the changes. Since it does not sence changes on the drives it sences what that computer is doing.

that said, i could add another option to scan the drives for users that have a computer hooked to a network that share drives, but this would need to work on a timer (basicly how i had the program working first).

Edit: But A Manual Import Can Be Done Directly In Media Center

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: CDvd on February 22, 2005, 08:25:24 am
Wow.. seems to be a really nice ...

I don't think so, not sure i get your point, maybe an example may help me understand (a picture is a 1000 words)

My shuttle's power suply died last week! :'( sorry for the delay .. :)

Let's see if that's worth 1000 words :

Let's say you drop new shoots (from you camera) to a watched folder... It will be automaticaly imported... But we still have to manually do the "Rename Files From Properties" when it could (should?) be done automatically.
I don't know if it's an easy feature to add, but it would be so cool... !

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: wglong on February 22, 2005, 09:52:13 am
What are you using to watch the directories?  A FileSystemWatcher class in VB?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2005, 11:43:30 am
What are you using to watch the directories?  A FileSystemWatcher class in VB?

I was going to, but beings that this is a plug-in and not a app, and also there were some drawbacks with it from what i was reading (like the app taking all the time slices), with this being a plug-in this would also make MC not be responsive. so i went the easy route and found a ActiveX control (free) that watches the system.

It is for download on My Visual Basic ActiveX Page At (
 with some other free ActiveX Controls. I plan to expand this with some code and sample apps in the future.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 22, 2005, 11:59:32 am
Wow.. seems to be a really nice ...

My shuttle's power suply died last week! :'( sorry for the delay .. :)

Let's see if that's worth 1000 words :

Let's say you drop new shoots (from you camera) to a watched folder... It will be automaticaly imported... But we still have to manually do the "Rename Files From Properties" when it could (should?) be done automatically.
I don't know if it's an easy feature to add, but it would be so cool... !

Nice art

so what your saying is if the file extentions exist, and there were imported into MC grab the field info and rename it, if the fields exist.

There is a problem with that, since i can not get that info until MC imports it.

I am not saying no but I will need to look into it.

That sounds easy, but I am not so sure about that and the way the SDK works
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: JSmithson on February 24, 2005, 03:55:55 pm
Where can I find this PlugIn??  I didn't find it at  SpartaSoft or at the PlugIn page.....
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on February 24, 2005, 04:52:56 pm
It is so

Look Again

I could Give You A Direct Link But That Would Be Cheating
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: msnell on March 09, 2005, 08:58:43 am
I just installed Auto Import v1.0.10 for MC11. I am getting the same error message which wglong saw earlier in this thread.

"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.

The previous fix came in version 1.0.2, so I'm wondering if this problem got reintroduced in the latest version. The strange thing is that it works on one of my PCs, but not the other.

Any thoughts on a fix I can implement or any word on a new version which might fix this?

btw...Kudos to KingSparta...I have to say that your plug-ins are the best thing to ever happen to MJ & MC.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 09, 2005, 10:22:00 am
I just installed Auto Import v1.0.10 for MC11. I am getting the same error message which wglong saw earlier in this thread.

"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.

The previous fix came in version 1.0.2, so I'm wondering if this problem got reintroduced in the latest version. The strange thing is that it works on one of my PCs, but not the other.

Any thoughts on a fix I can implement or any word on a new version which might fix this?

btw...Kudos to KingSparta...I have to say that your plug-ins are the best thing to ever happen to MJ & MC.

Running Any Anti Spy Software?

If So:

Turn Them All Off

Then Re-Install
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 12, 2005, 08:47:52 am
"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.
I get the same thing here. Only running Girder and Powerstrip.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 12, 2005, 09:50:25 am
it is kind of hard to fix problems when users like "msnell" are non responsive

if you wish to help install the plug-in and look for


let me know what you find
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 13, 2005, 12:14:22 pm
they both exist. I have tried registerying mbshspy.ocx but this does not fix it.
Hope this help.
If you need me to try anything else let me know.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 13, 2005, 12:18:39 pm
what OS are you using?

version of MC?

exact error message?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 13, 2005, 12:25:04 pm
Code: [Select]
Media Center Registered 11.0.201 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\

Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 1272 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 303 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2900.2573 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.041130-1729) / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2900.2578 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.041130-1729) / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive E:   Mode:ModeSecure  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Drive F:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  No burners found.
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None

Error message says: "Interface Plug-in 'Auto Import' could not be found or created."

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 13, 2005, 12:29:16 pm
just tried the latest version and I still get the error
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 13, 2005, 01:57:00 pm
i sent you a message (private mail)

take that info and save it to


then dbl click on it

then run mc11

and see if it works

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 13, 2005, 02:16:09 pm
i just tried this install on a clean computer it installed and worked correctly

if you are using any programs that may block the install in any way to include any ad-ware type programs it will fail.

i sugest you uninstall the plug-in from add-remove programs in windows

then uninstall it under plug-in manager within MC

then remove the folder

c:\program files\Mark Farmer\Auto Import\

then download a new copy from my web site 2 times

(on the first time it may be real quick, and it really did not download due to a bug in windows)

then install

if you have the new build, you should see a file "Registry.reg" in the "Auto Import" folder

if you dbl click on that file it should attempt to register the plug-in (and the install program should be doing this) i included it just in case it may help.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 13, 2005, 02:34:34 pm
All I have running on this computer is MSN Messenger and the bare services. I did exactly as you said and it still doesn't work.
I have tried it on another computer (fresh install) and it does the same thing. Both these copies of XP are patched up to date also.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 13, 2005, 05:37:26 pm

does any of my other plug-ins work for you?

you maybe missing some files i need to include with this install

if you could copy the following keys by using Export in regedit and sending it to me at

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JRiver\Media Jukebox\Plugins\Interface\Auto Import
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Jukebox\Plugins\Interface\Auto Import

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 13, 2005, 06:00:54 pm
I took out some un-needed refrences

maybe that is it?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 14, 2005, 01:02:48 am
I'm afraid its still not going King, I have e-mailed the reg files.
Is this one of those problems that is getting to you know?  ;)

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 14, 2005, 07:40:55 am
I'm afraid its still not going King, I have e-mailed the reg files.
Is this one of those problems that is getting to you know?  ;)


yes it is

if it is not because the registry, and it is registered correctly

i will need to need to try thins on another computer.

if you go to my web site, you will see "Visual Basic" if you go into the ActiveX controls, you will see the control "mbshspy" maybe if you install it from that package and let me know if that helps.

here is a direct link
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 14, 2005, 11:02:40 am
do you have a file called


this is the Internet explorer browser control and the plug-in uses it.

I can not install this file.

if you do what version is it, right click properties
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 14, 2005, 12:47:58 pm
Tried the mbshspy package installer which reported to have installed correctly, this has not fixed it.
My SHDOCVW.DLL file is version 6.0.2900.2573.

I feel like I am personally responsible for causing you greef now, sorry if this is the case.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 14, 2005, 12:58:55 pm
I feel like I am personally responsible for causing you greef now, sorry if this is the case.


No worry, I am still having New York Strip Stake, Rice, Green Beens, And Diet Coke for dinner

can't think of anything else.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: msnell on March 15, 2005, 09:29:58 pm
Sorry for the non-response KingSparta. I  didn't have a chance to try your suggestion before I left town for a few days.  I can see you've been trying all kinds of things with Monkeyboy who seems to have the exact same problem as me. I've also tried 1.0.11 and the registry key addition with no success.

Now that I have access to my computer, I'd be happy to look up any information or try things to help you find the source of the problem.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Dragyn on March 16, 2005, 05:50:52 am
I also get that same error message...hmm..  :-\
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 16, 2005, 05:54:59 am
I can't figure out why
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Monkeyboy on March 16, 2005, 12:37:04 pm
msnell and Dragyn, have you fiddled with your XP installtions at all?
registry tweaks, or disabled any services?

I install from a custom made unattended cd I made which disables a few services as standard and has a few tweaks here and there. But there are no major changes and I have not had any side effects with any other programs.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: msnell on March 16, 2005, 08:35:17 pm
Mine is a pretty standard install with all the latest patches. I am using the same OS (XP Pro) with all the latest patches on another PC. Auto Import seems to instal and run fine on it. The main difference between the two is the apps running on them.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: RobOK on March 20, 2005, 04:38:57 pm
It would be nice to watch two folders (i.e. one for music and one for podcasts), as I see it , the program cant do that right?

I like it though, I worked around by moving podcasts directory under my music.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 20, 2005, 06:12:48 pm
It would be nice to watch two folders

it should watch all folders
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: fatt_fill on March 28, 2005, 09:49:03 am
Hi guys and gals.

I was having the same problem as Monkeyboy and msnell with XP Pro.  I uninstalled the plugin using Winows Add/Remove and from MC's Plugin Manager.  Then killed all processes that aren't needed, and CLOSED MEDIA CENTER.  Installed the plugin again, open MC and clicked 'Start' in the Plugin Manager.  And now it works!!!

However! - I get loads of random black boxes in place of what I assume is supposed to be text (see below)

Any ideas?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 28, 2005, 01:46:41 pm
However! - I get loads of random black boxes in place of what I assume is supposed to be text (see below)

I think I can fix that, it is a windows xp\skin\visual basic problem

1. what skin are you using?
2. I take it you have windows XP?
if you have windows xp what theme are you using?

I will try to reproduce it

thanks for the install tips.

my personal feelings is media center should not be running when installing any plug-in. i think because it is running in mode "1" (running all the time) media center should not be running. i think i remember a problem before and this was the solution.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: msnell on March 28, 2005, 03:11:24 pm
Thanks for the suggestion FF. I just tried it, but I get the same error message. I tried things in the order you suggested, as well as several other variations. In all cases I get the same error message as before.

I did my installs with and without MC running, with and without a reboot after the uninstall, and with and without killing every running process I could recognize and safely turn off.

One thing which seemed to be a little different between mine and yours though...When I follow your instructions and remove the plugin from the Windows Add/Remove, it no longer exists in the Media Center plugin list (under Interface). If I swap your order and remove from the Media Center plugin list first, it still shows up in the Windows Add/Remove for me to uninstall.

In any event neither order works for me. I just thought this difference might provide KingSparta with some more insight into the problem I'm seeing.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 28, 2005, 05:11:29 pm
all well, back to the drawing board
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: fatt_fill on March 29, 2005, 07:14:36 am
Sorry to hear you still have the problem msnell - you may well have been write about the order in which to remove something - I probably did it the way you suggested.  It's just a hunch but I'd say adaware was my problem - probably blocking registry modifications.

King - re my skin - I am using XP Pro and have the Opus skin applied - entitled CodeOpusC in the display properties.

Hope it helps :-)

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 29, 2005, 04:12:24 pm
Sorry to hear you still have the problem msnell - you may well have been write about the order in which to remove something - I probably did it the way you suggested.  It's just a hunch but I'd say adaware was my problem - probably blocking registry modifications.

King - re my skin - I am using XP Pro and have the Opus skin applied - entitled CodeOpusC in the display properties.

Hope it helps :-)


try the new build .12

maybe the check boxes look a bit better (not black)
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: fatt_fill on March 30, 2005, 08:55:23 am
King - I've downloaded the latest? version from your website.

It was marked as "Auto Import (Version 1.0.11)" but it does link to version .12.
0.12 does fix my problem re. the black boxes  :)  I also use Lyrics Finder (2.0.0) and Bios (2.0.1) and have the same problem with the black boxes and my skin on those, but they seem to work fine with whatever blind setup I have done - hehe

Thanks for such a quick fix, and with your continued efforts in producing such useful plugins - you should be on the MC payroll  ;)

Thanks again
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 30, 2005, 01:59:32 pm
I also use Lyrics Finder (2.0.0) and Bios (2.0.1) and have the same problem with the black boxes and my skin on those

I will take a peek at them, if your skining then thats the problem things just don't want to get along

Edit: Bios Finder And Lyrics Finder Should Be Fixed Now, Let Me Know

you should be on the MC payroll

I tried, but Jim did not like my Blue Yugo, they don't just hire anyone a J River.

PS: besides I am not qualified.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: MGD_King on March 30, 2005, 03:20:45 pm
This seems like a really cool PlugIn! Does this PlugIn only work with MC11? Has anyone tried it on MC10 or 9? Seeing as how it's an ActiveX control I would think it would work depending on how those versions handle plugins. I'll give this a try and find out and report my findings here.  ;D
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on March 30, 2005, 03:36:23 pm
Has anyone tried it on MC10 or 9?

It only works with MC11
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: avid on April 13, 2005, 09:20:41 am
Just discovered this, and it is just what I wanted. But on my first attempt to use it (once I got it configured) I copied in a new folder with 12 media files. But the plug-in only imported one of the files (the last).
Code: [Select]
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Mary Black\Looking Back\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Mary Black\Looking Back\12 - Ellis Island.wma
This is with version 1.0.12. Any ideas?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on April 13, 2005, 05:33:19 pm
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: avid on April 14, 2005, 12:47:07 am
I'll try it again this evening and post back again in detail with what happens then. But yesteday I dragged a folder (in Explorer) with 12 media files into the watched folder, and only one of the 12 files got imported to the library.

Guessing - This is the sort of thing that would happen if (say) you had a single path buffer for the path to a newly added file waiting to be processed.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: avid on April 14, 2005, 12:58:39 pm
OK - I tried it again. This time I copied a folder with 7 WMAs into my watched area (F:\Music). This time the plug-in found 4 of them:
Code: [Select]
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Air Born.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Another Night.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Aristillus.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Chord Change.wma
The newly copied directory contains:
Code: [Select]
Directory of F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness

14/04/2005  18:51    <DIR>          .
14/04/2005  18:51    <DIR>          ..
07/09/2004  20:55         4,825,351 Air Born.wma
14/03/2004  17:40             2,301 AlbumArtSmall.jpg
14/03/2004  17:40             8,427 AlbumArt_{81CE45FE-2CBF-4622-9021-00FADA4031
14/03/2004  17:40             2,301 AlbumArt_{81CE45FE-2CBF-4622-9021-00FADA4031
07/09/2004  20:55         6,558,401 Another Night.wma
07/09/2004  20:55         1,861,259 Aristillus.wma
07/09/2004  20:55         6,474,735 Chord Change.wma
14/03/2004  17:40               277 desktop.ini
14/03/2004  17:40             8,427 Folder.jpg
07/09/2004  20:55         8,775,489 Lunar Sea.wma
07/09/2004  20:55         6,928,923 Song within a Song.wma
07/09/2004  20:55         1,986,773 Spirit of the Water.wma
              12 File(s)     37,432,664 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  43,459,280,896 bytes free

Clearer? Any ideas?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on April 14, 2005, 01:04:33 pm
Clearer? Any ideas?


It looks like the OCX only seen 4 of the files (for some reason) that is out of my control (maybe) I will look at it sometime.

My main project it to move my web site to a web host.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: avid on April 14, 2005, 01:48:17 pm

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on April 17, 2005, 07:24:23 pm
Same error: "Interface Plug-in 'Auto Import' could not be found or created."

I get this one one machine of mine but not on the other.  Hardware-wise they're not similar, but they've got similar software & all updates have been applied to both.

Unfortunately, the one machine I want it to work on, it doesn't and the one that I was just toying around with it & don't really need it, it actually works.

So I'm willing to help debug this issue, just tell me what I can do to help.

All 3 files you've listed previously exist (same vers on Both Machines):
winmm.dll (5.1.2600.2180)
mbshspy.ocx (
shdocvw.dll (6.0.2900.2627)

I tried to run the registry thing you mention in a previous post but I don't see it in the Auto Import folder. I'm running v1.0.12.

Anything else I can try for you?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on April 17, 2005, 07:26:21 pm
I am Stumped
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on April 17, 2005, 07:46:39 pm

Here's sysinfo for the NON-working machine if you need

Code: [Select]
Media Center Registered 11.0.241 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\

Microsoft Windows XP  Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 2991 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 522 MB, Free - 266 MB

Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2900.2627 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050309-1648) / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2900.2620 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050225-1820) / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping /   Drive G:   Mode:Normal  Type:Auto  Speed:Max
  Digital playback: Yes /  Use YADB: Yes /  Get cover art: No /  Calc replay gain: Yes /  Copy volume: 32767
  Eject after ripping: Yes /  Play sound after ripping: No 

Burning /  Drive G: LITE-ON  LTR-52246S         Addr: 0:0:0  Speed:52  MaxSpeed:52  BurnProof:Yes
  Test mode: No /  Eject after writing: Yes /  Direct decoding: Yes /  Write CD-Text: Yes
  Use playback settings: No /  Normalization: None
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on April 18, 2005, 12:23:16 pm
normaly that means it can't find something in the registry or a needed file is not found.

Like I said No clue
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mjcumming on April 19, 2005, 08:37:02 pm

I am also have the same problem with MC 11, latest rev as of today and the latest version of your plugin.  WinXPSP2..

My library is stored on a network drive, I wonder if the problem is related to that?  What WinAPI functions are you using to watch for library changes?

Also, I am not doing this by a mapped drive but by supply the computername\directory

I am guessing this could be part of the problem.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: avid on April 20, 2005, 01:13:54 am
Hi Mike,

Can you clarify? Is your "same problem" the same as the most recent (can't find plug-in), the same as mine (only some files are recognised when multiple ones are added) or the same as some earlier one in the thread?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mjcumming on April 21, 2005, 09:10:35 am
Its the can't find plugin message.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mooseman on May 12, 2005, 01:39:52 am
I installed 1.0.12, and it seems to work fine for test files I copy into a directory it's watching, but for some reason it isn't picking up files being created by podcast software.  I've tried both iPodder and RSSRadio, but files downloaded by these applications just aren't being recognized by Auto Import.

Any ideas?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: mooseman on May 18, 2005, 01:48:39 am
Also, even with m4p, m4a, and m4b, the plugin does not detect files downloaded into a watched directory by iTunes from the iTMS either.... :'(
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Sniffy on May 22, 2005, 03:33:40 pm
Just a little problem.
I put avi and mpg in the imported format.
I try several .avi files and only one works.
Here is the events list :

In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: L:\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'avi'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\La nouvelle star 2005 - le jury pète les plombs (fin de l'épisode 3).avi
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: L:\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'avi'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Myriam - Think La_nouvelle_star_21-04-05_M6.avi
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: L:\Lost Saison 1\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'ra'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Lost Saison 1\Lost - 1x10 - Raised By Another Lol Xvid.avi
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: L:\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'ra'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder2
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: L:\Collateral - Fr - (By Jack_Sparrow).avi
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Collateral - Fr - (By Jack_Sparrow).avi
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Collateral - Fr - (By Jack_Sparrow).avi
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Collateral - Fr - (By Jack_Sparrow).avi
Watched Folder: False
Not Importing File: L:\Collateral - Fr - (By Jack_Sparrow).avi

The last two sentences repeat 20 times.

Thanks for the reply
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on May 23, 2005, 12:54:56 pm
Some Users Have Stated They Could Not Install The Plug-In

Just In The Off Chance I Took The "Theme: Sunflower" Out Of The Html Code This May Be One Rason It Would Work On One And Not On Another Mach.

If you have had this problem please try this and see if it works now.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on May 23, 2005, 03:03:28 pm
Still had the same problem as before.  Any other ideas?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on May 23, 2005, 05:32:28 pm
Nope, I did not think that was it anyway, But it was the only thing i could think of...
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on May 31, 2005, 01:47:43 am
I have just installed this plugin  (V 1.0.14) and get the same error;

"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created"

Running MC 11.0.278 on XP Home SP2 + all MS updates.

No spyware/adware or anti-virus software installed on this PC.

Anything I can test/send to help diagnose the problem, just let me know.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 09, 2005, 01:51:04 am
OK now I'm confused too!

I have installed the plugin on a different PC and it works (or at least it loads, I haven't tried actually using it yet). 

Only problem now is that the PC I need it to work on is the one where it won't load.

I'll do some further testing to see if I can find a difference that would be causing the problem.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 09, 2005, 05:12:00 pm
no clue, I am baffled to a point where i want to put it (the program) in a box and put it under the bed.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 09, 2005, 05:56:05 pm
Pleasse don't do that!

Is there any debug logging we can enable in MC11 to do further testing?  (Matt/JimH???)

I'm not sure how plugin loading works, but I'd assume either MC can't locate the plugin file, or the plugin starts to load and can't find a support file required.

I'll keep looking as I really need this functionality.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 09, 2005, 06:12:49 pm
Is there any debug logging we can enable in MC11 to do further testing?  (Matt/JimH???)

don't think they can help
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 09, 2005, 06:31:15 pm
It was just a thought.

Could it be an issue with the MBShSpy app you're using?   Or is MC not even getting this far before the error is displayed?

What about if the plugin just polled the monitored directories every x minuts to look for changes?

I'm happy to test a version without MBShSpy to see if this solves the loading problem.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 09, 2005, 06:34:33 pm
What about if the plugin just polled the monitored directories every x minuts to look for changes?

thats how it worked before, i may need to go back to it...
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 10, 2005, 10:39:44 am
I've written my share of code in my dim dark past.

It's always funny how the simple little projects seem to just keep growing!

I for one would be happy wth a "Poll Every x Minutes" option if it means it will install and run for everybody.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 10, 2005, 02:49:08 pm
yes, i agree
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 11, 2005, 12:30:04 pm
Do you Have A "winmm.dll" on both Computers?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 11, 2005, 12:58:38 pm
Yes, it's on both

version: 5.1.2600.2180
Win XP SP2
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 11, 2005, 02:19:50 pm
thats not the same file
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 11, 2005, 02:34:40 pm
Yes, it's on both

version: 5.1.2600.2180
Win XP SP2

I shouldn't be allowed to type the morning after a heavy night of partying.  Anyway. I mean the file was winmm.dll NOT winmm32.dll I think i was just adding 32 to the end of everything.

So .... I have winmm.dll on both PCs (the one that works & the one that doesn't).
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 11, 2005, 03:43:10 pm
I am working on a new version anyway

It will work with a count down timer, and import at a user selected time

and scan all folders selected by the user
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 11, 2005, 07:42:24 pm
version 2.0.0 is up beta, i did not change the help files yet

If someone tests it out let me know how it goes...
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 11, 2005, 08:07:42 pm
Same error as before on the PC that didn't like it before:

On the PC that Auto Import Used to work on, I now get this error on startup:
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 11, 2005, 09:07:34 pm
well i guess it was not the activex control (even if it had it's own problems)

i will look into it more tomorrow.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 12, 2005, 05:14:32 am
I took out the traps and found a few problems, put 2.0.1 on the site

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 13, 2005, 04:36:20 am

I still get the same interface could not be found/created error as before as well;


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 13, 2005, 05:35:42 am
Snuffy2 how about you?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 13, 2005, 08:47:36 am

I still get the same interface could not be found/created error as before as well;


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 13, 2005, 09:16:03 am

When I search the registry, some entries are "Auto Import.ocx" others are "AutoImport.ocx" (without a space), also you seem to use Media Jukebox, not Media Center. 

May have nothing to do with the problem, but I think we're all a bit at a loss.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 13, 2005, 11:37:41 am
also you seem to use Media Jukebox, not Media Center.

The SDK Still Uses Media Jukebox In The Registry To Allow Plug-Ins To Register..

"Auto Import.ocx" others are "AutoImport.ocx"

That Could Be A Problem....

Can You Copy The Key And The Key Location For Me, Just Paste It Here In The Forum.

Because I Don't Have A "AutoImport.ocx"

Maybe you should remove it, and maybe it will work
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 13, 2005, 11:45:08 am

Snuffy2: your still getting a error 5?

On the computer you said it was working on?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 13, 2005, 01:03:05 pm
I'm sorry,

No error 5 on the Working PC. It appears to be working on the working PC.

On the not working PC, I'm still getting the same error "Plugin could not be found ....."

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 13, 2005, 01:59:05 pm
I'm sorry,

No error 5 on the Working PC. It appears to be working on the working PC.

On the not working PC, I'm still getting the same error "Plugin could not be found ....."


can you do a search for "AutoImport.ocx" to see if you have that in your registry using "regedit" in "run"
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 13, 2005, 03:12:11 pm
can you do a search for "AutoImport.ocx" to see if you have that in your registry using "regedit" in "run"

Nope no reference to "AutoImport.ocx" Just references to "Auto Import.ocx"
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 13, 2005, 03:32:21 pm
Sounds Like A Red Herring

I Am Going To Rip The Search For Sub Folders Out And See What Happens.

And Put A Manual Add Folders In, Maybe Thats What Is Causing The Problem.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 13, 2005, 08:42:16 pm

Have already deleted the entries, and also tried putting an AutoImport.ocx in the Auto Import Directory.  Didn't fix problem.  Entries seemed to be under Explorere so they shouldn't be an issue anyway.

Can you put some message boxes in the plugin at various stages so we can help identify where it fails?

I'm more than happy to help debug this issue, so feel free to email me any test versions you'd like me to try.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 14, 2005, 01:51:59 pm
I have ripped out the folder search option (maybe it will return later)

And now a button will pull up a folder browser

click on a folder, ok and it is added.

if you need to scan sub folders you need to add them manualy as well.

Version 2.0.3

I am hoping this will fix the reason it works on some but not other systems.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 15, 2005, 01:36:55 am
Bad news I'm afraid.

I uninstalled the 2.0.1 plugin and installd 2.0.3 and still get the same MC error about interface plugin can not be found or created.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 15, 2005, 06:15:47 am
Bad news I'm afraid.

I uninstalled the 2.0.1 plugin and installd 2.0.3 and still get the same MC error about interface plugin can not be found or created.


Same .... Plugin cannot be found .....
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 15, 2005, 02:04:12 pm
maybe I will need to rename it.

Yuck, Yuck, Yuck
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 15, 2005, 06:05:58 pm
I went back And Changed The Control Name To "MC Auto Import"

And Built A New Install File

Then Ran The Install File

The Project Installed, Registerd, And Ran Correctly.

make sure if it installes or not that you have version 2.0.4
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 15, 2005, 06:56:52 pm
Still no luck Mark.

Tested on both my MC systems, works on one and not the other.

Can you give me a list of every file that should be installed?  The install seemed to go a bit quicker on the system it's not working on so I'm wondering if maybbe a support file isn't being installed for some reason.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 15, 2005, 07:11:16 pm
Do Both Of You Have The Latest Microsoft Internet Explorer?

All Other Files It Needs Are Installed By The Installer.

That's What Is So Strange, there Is Nothing In There That Should Be Doing This.

If You Know Visual Basic 6, I Would Be Happy To Allow Anyone To Figure it Out If They Have The Time. I Am Baffled.

have you tried other plug-ins of mine on both computers?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 15, 2005, 07:31:48 pm

the rest of the files are installed by the installer
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 15, 2005, 11:39:01 pm
Both machines have the latest IE.

I've tried your MoveFolder.jpg plugin (use it all the time), it works on BOTH machines without a problem.

I don't have shdocvw.oca on either machine, but I do have a shdocvw.dll, which is older on the PC that isn't working.

The PC not working doesn't have the file msstdfmt.dll at all for some reason.

Have copied the 2 files from the working PC to the other, un-installed and re-installed plugin and it still doesn't load.

What other files does the installer install?  I know I've had problems in the past when writing VB code that things like the versions of ctl3d32.dll and commdlg.dll can cause some strange things to happen.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 16, 2005, 05:59:12 am
I just found a file that the folder.jpg plug-in has and the autoimport does not have "ole automation"


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 16, 2005, 07:38:54 am
Not sure what you're getting at Mark, but have checked both PCs and this file is installed on both.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 16, 2005, 01:42:42 pm
i will work on it more
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: jwaters on June 16, 2005, 04:30:18 pm
Any chance you could post old builds on your website?  I installed this a couple weeks ago and it worked great.  Then, I attempted to install on another PC (with the newer version), and have gotten similar errors that others have reported.  The ability to scan sub-folders is important to me, and it seemed to work fine awhile ago.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 16, 2005, 05:32:11 pm
The ability to scan sub-folders is important to me

i will put it back in when i can
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 17, 2005, 03:07:40 am

I think I might install VB6 on the machine it doesn't work on and try creating the package on that machine.

I guess the question is, are you happy to send me the source to test with?  (I promise I won't  do anyting I shouldn't with it!)

If you're OK with it, can you email me on richard_palmer(at)

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 17, 2005, 05:36:44 am
sure, give me a day i will send it
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 17, 2005, 07:19:00 pm

It's been a long time since I've done any VB code (I think it was VB4 when I was coding!) and I haven't done anything with MC plugins.

But hey, I'm sure I'll pick it up again when I get into it...  might have a few silly questions along the way, so be gentle on me!

Anyway, let's hope we can get to the bottom of this!

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 17, 2005, 07:35:46 pm
i am going to make one last attempt tomorrow to get it to work for the people who are having problems.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 18, 2005, 07:53:06 am
Code: [Select]
It's been a long time since I've done any VB code (I think it was VB4 when I was coding!)

VB4 will not work, You Would Need VB6

At Any Rate, I Put A New Build Up

I Used A Completely New Shell From A Working Plug-In And Pasted The Code Into It.

I Deleted All Of My Installs, And Installed It On two Computers It Worked Fine.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Bluesman on June 18, 2005, 10:57:01 am
It works fine for me with 2.08 (actually marked as 2.09 in plug-in manager).
Couldn't get the previous build to import anything (2.04 I think)
I'm not searching sub folders, just one directory with about 1250 files in it, I placed 4 extra files into it and it found them , no worries
I'm new to MC but this is great to have devoted users provide useful applications like this.
thanks , this will be invaluable.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 18, 2005, 11:32:22 am
I know about the version # problem (between the installer and plug-in) On the next build.

Couldn't get the previous build to import anything

yes, I forgot to add "*." to the user extenders, dumb on my case

I also put back in Search For Sub Folders.

glad it is working for you

i am hoping this one will work on rpalmer68's and a few others computers

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: jwaters on June 18, 2005, 01:18:22 pm
Works great for me.  No more errors.  Sub-folders are being scanned.

Thank You.  This is a hugely valueable plugin!!!!

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: jwaters on June 18, 2005, 02:37:42 pm
I may have spoken a little too soon....  When I first set it up with a directory to scan, it automatically imported the items.  However, as I add new files to that directory, it's not picking the new files up. 

In playing around with it, it seems that if I change the folder to scan, then change it back, it will pick up the files on the first pass, but doesn't catch new files added on subsequent passes.

Anyway, hope this helps to troubleshoot.  Thanks for all the hard work, KingSparta!
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 18, 2005, 04:00:20 pm
do you just have one import folder?

this maybe a bug in VB6, i may need to do a refresh on the folder

EDIT: Ver 2.0.10 Added A Refresh When The Folder Is Selected

also you can check

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\JRiver\Media Jukebox\Plugins\Interface\Auto Import\PluginMode

And make sure it has a "1" in it

A 1 means the plug-in will run all the time, and some of the first recent builds I forgot to change it to a "1"
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 18, 2005, 10:25:40 pm
2.0.10 still doesn't work on my system, I still get the same MC error.

I have installed the plugin on 3 different XP systems, it works on two and doesn't work on the 3rd (the one it needs to workon of course!)


Will the plugin run within VB6 to see if it is generating an error, or do you have to compile it for it to run from MC only?

Snuffy2 - Is the latest version working for you?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 19, 2005, 06:55:52 am
you must compile to a OCX

here is a link to the VB6 runtime files;en-us;290887

try installing it on the computer it does not run on

there is just no reason it should not work.

2.0.11 is latest, 2.0.10 would import 2 folders of the same name
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 19, 2005, 08:15:45 am

I have already installed the VB6 runtime files.

I'm at a loss too, just can't see what's different between my three PC's that would cause the plugin not to work on one of them.


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 19, 2005, 08:22:32 am
I have already installed the VB6 runtime files.

I'm at a loss too, just can't see what's different between my three PC's that would cause the plugin not to work on one of them.


one thing you could do is install all of the plug-ins and see what ones do not work.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Bluesman on June 19, 2005, 09:00:05 am
Latest build works fine but in the log it just says it is importing from the folder, no details of files/filenames or no. imported.
Is this correct?
It would be handy to know how many have been imported.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 19, 2005, 09:20:31 am
thats correct

But i Feed it all files in the folder, MC only imports new files it does not already have.

so it is a bit hard to know what it already has without doing a bunch of things, and that would slow things down if you would need to do a search of the database for every file, for no reason other than to put the name in the log.

the sdk DOES NOT supports it but when you use

                g_MJ.ImportFile (filepath & Filename)

if it had a

results = g_MJ.ImportFile (filepath & Filename)

where maybe "0" = not imported and else = imported
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 19, 2005, 11:47:41 am

In playing around with it, it seems that if I change the folder to scan, then change it back, it will pick up the files on the first pass, but doesn't catch new files added on subsequent passes.

how is the latest build working for you?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 19, 2005, 06:33:05 pm
I have installed the following plugins now;

Auto Import
Spell Check
The Master
Move FolderJPG
Cover Art Finder

Of the above Spell Check and Auto Import give me the Error "Interface Plugin xxxx could not be found or created" the others work as expected.

Snuffy2 - Could you try the same and see what you get?  We seem to be the only ones with this problem now.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 19, 2005, 11:30:33 pm
Sorry, been on a business meeting since Wed. I'm back now & hopefully will get a chance to look on Monmday or Tuesday at the latest.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 20, 2005, 06:02:17 am
the only thing is

I built Auto Import From "The Mater" Framework, and does not need any controls that "The Master" does not already use.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 20, 2005, 07:55:54 am

I have instaedl VB6 on the non-working machine and the plugin still doesn't work.

Is there anything common between the spell check and import plugins that might provide a clue?

Is theres omething in the registry that could be wrong, maybe even a MC entry required that mikght be wrong or missing?

Just clutching at straws now, but there must be something in the environment that's stopping the two pluging from running.

Let's see how Snuffy2 goes.....

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: jwaters on June 20, 2005, 10:00:24 am

how is the latest build working for you?

The latest build seems to fix the earlier problem I had with it not refreshing the directory after the 1st pass.  I haven't had time to test much else, but for now looks like all is well!

Thanks again.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 20, 2005, 05:18:41 pm

I have instaedl VB6 on the non-working machine and the plugin still doesn't work.

Is there anything common between the spell check and import plugins that might provide a clue?

Is theres omething in the registry that could be wrong, maybe even a MC entry required that mikght be wrong or missing?

Just clutching at straws now, but there must be something in the environment that's stopping the two pluging from running.

Let's see how Snuffy2 goes.....


This is bugging me, i may create a few builds, with basicly nothing, and then add to it step by step....

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 20, 2005, 07:38:34 pm
I'm happy to do this and test each stage if you want me to.

Otherwise, feel free to email me a number of .ocx files I can drop in and test for you.

Could it be registry related, or do you think it's in the code somewhere?

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 21, 2005, 02:35:01 pm
OK, I had a chance to try out Auto Import 2.0.11 and still the same error.  In addition, I tried the spell check & also got the same error.

In addition, I will be happy to try out any versions or partial versions to try to debug this version.

If you'd like, feel free to email me: snuffy2 AT gmail DOT com

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 21, 2005, 03:04:34 pm
I prob will make a few builds on sunday, and will provide a link to them to both of you so you can download them, and test.

normaly I do little if anything at work but I have been training Termite techs since march so i can only do this when I have time.

The good thing is i am taking some vacation soon  ;D in july, aug, and sep (a week each) before i lose it all.

if i can do it sooner i will.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 21, 2005, 05:20:04 pm
Have tried the Beta, V3.0.0

Uninstalled V 2.0.10, and installed beta version.

Have checked version in plugin manager it states 3.0.0

Still get the same error.

Thanks for your efforts with this, it's really wierd!  At least there's 2 of us with problems, so it's not just my PC.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 21, 2005, 05:38:50 pm
let me strip it down a bit more

3.0.1 I took the browser out
3.0.2 I Took The Check ListBox Out
3.0.3 I took the Read\Write Registry Modual Out
3.0.4 Took The Tab Control Out

The Only Code Left Is

Public g_MJ As MediaJukebox.MJAutomation
Public Function Init(ByVal MediaJukebox As Object) As Variant
    On Error Resume Next
    ' set the global Media Jukebox object on init
    ' (Media Jukebox will call this function when the plugin starts)
    Set g_MJ = MediaJukebox
End Function
Private Sub UserControl_Show()
    On Error Resume Next           '
    Call ThisAppInfo
End Sub
Private Sub ThisAppInfo()
    On Error Resume Next           '
    AppInfo = App.Title & " - " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision
End Sub

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 21, 2005, 06:23:03 pm
OK we're onto something!

3.0.2 is the key.

3.0.1 fails, 3.0.2 and above load OK.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 21, 2005, 06:53:49 pm
the only problem with that is the listbox control is included with the visual basic 6 runtime files.

I am using visual basic 6 (SP6)

i am wondering if your runtime files are dated, maybe you can check on if you have the latest SP6 runtime files.

I think MS has a link for it.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 21, 2005, 07:07:09 pm
Have just installed the full VB6 SP6 on the machine and now 2.0.11 works!

Previously I installed the VB6 runtime files as per your link from MS, and this didn't work.

So we now know these is a VB6 support file that is required that the distribution isn't installing.  And I'd say it's one of the common control or dialog files.

The question is, which file?  It's a but extreme to have to install VB6 & SP6 to get the plugin working.

Now that my PC works, I guess Snuffy2 is the only one that can test this.

Snuffy2 could you email a directory listing of you system32 directory to me, and I'll compare it to mine to see if I can spot the offending file.


Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 21, 2005, 07:23:43 pm

Snuffy try installing this, and then try using auto import 2.0.11

this is the visual basic runtime files for Visual basic 6.0 SP6
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 21, 2005, 08:09:41 pm
This will be interesting, as this is the same download I installed without success.

Anyway, let's see how it goes.

BTW: Mark if you ever come out to Sydney Australia, I owe you a beer!

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 21, 2005, 08:26:54 pm

Small "bug" in 2.0.11.

If I only have the countdown timer enabled the import doesn't run, I have to have the "Import at time" enabled as well.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Twit on June 21, 2005, 11:00:46 pm
I've been watching this thread and you may have hit on the answer.

My one machine (VB6 is installed) works no problems. The other with the VB6 runtimes does not.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 22, 2005, 05:44:05 am
If I only have the countdown timer enabled the import doesn't run, I have to have the "Import at time" enabled as well.

I will Look At It Later

Also last night i tried to find out what file holds the listbox control, still searching.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 22, 2005, 09:38:42 am

Snuffy try installing this, and then try using auto import 2.0.11

this is the visual basic runtime files for Visual basic 6.0 SP6

OK So I installed the VB6 Runtimes & rebooted
then installed 2.0.11. Still got the same error.  I do have VB6 (full prog) running on my working PC so I'd agree that there must be a file missing.

I looked to try 3.0.0 - 3.0.4 but couldn't find them anywhere.

Here is a link to my system32 directory (from the non-working PC) as requested by rpalmer.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 22, 2005, 10:27:33 am
I think this article might be the key to the whole issue:

I'd say some of the ocx files are the wrong version for the plugins compiled with VB6 SP6.

Try copying the controls from your working PC to the non-working one and registering them.  Maybe do one at a time so we can determine which it is.

When I do a compare of your system32 dir and mine it's the comct332.ocx, comctl32.ocx and comdlg32.ocx that are either different or missing.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 22, 2005, 11:24:13 am
I think this article might be the key to the whole issue:

I'd say some of the ocx files are the wrong version for the plugins compiled with VB6 SP6.

Try copying the controls from your working PC to the non-working one and registering them.  Maybe do one at a time so we can determine which it is.

When I do a compare of your system32 dir and mine it's the comct332.ocx, comctl32.ocx and comdlg32.ocx that are either different or missing.


I just included some of the common dialogs in version 2.0.12 to see if that would fix the problem.


2.0.12 should also fix the problem you noted, (ref the both check boxes needed to be checked)
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 23, 2005, 01:29:35 pm
Testing 1, 2, 3, 4
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: rpalmer68 on June 23, 2005, 05:27:15 pm
2.0.12 fixes the problem, thanks.

Can't test if the common dialog instal works, Snuffy2 is the only one who can test this now.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Twit on June 23, 2005, 10:52:47 pm
Still won't work. I even copied the 3 files suggested but richard and registered them.
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 24, 2005, 10:03:51 am
I just included some of the common dialogs in version 2.0.12 to see if that would fix the problem.


2.0.12 should also fix the problem you noted, (ref the both check boxes needed to be checked)

Doesn't seem to fix it. Sorry. What else can I test for you? Anything manually?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 10:47:05 am
Doesn't seem to fix it. Sorry. What else can I test for you? Anything manually?

What Are The Full Version #'s of the following files in your \system32\ folder?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 24, 2005, 11:46:21 am
What Are The Full Version #'s of the following files in your \system32\ folder?

comctl32.dll - 5.82.2900.2180
comctl32.ocx -
comct232.ocx -
comct332.ocx -
comdlg32.ocx -
comdlg32.dll - 6.0.2900.2180
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Twit on June 24, 2005, 12:02:02 pm
I know this is not a big help BUT I created an install package on the computer with VB6 installed. Using the example in the vb98 folder. "VB Enterprise Edition Controls.vbp". This i then installed on the other computer and now ALL versions are working v2x & v3x.

The install files are:


And  Msstdfmt.dll.

Not a huge help but it is one of those files that is causing the problem.

Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 12:03:49 pm
comctl32.dll - 5.82.2900.2180
comctl32.ocx -
comct232.ocx -
comct332.ocx -
comdlg32.ocx -
comdlg32.dll - 6.0.2900.2180

Everything Is The Same, but I have this version

comct332.ocx -
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 12:11:23 pm
Twit Can Anyone download and install the Sp6 install or does it look if you have visual basic installed?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 24, 2005, 12:14:44 pm
comctl32.dll - 5.82.2900.2180
comctl32.ocx -
comct232.ocx -
comct332.ocx -
comdlg32.ocx -
comdlg32.dll - 6.0.2900.2180

Everything Is The Same, but I have this version

comct332.ocx -

Was the new version of comct332.ocx included 2.0.12? If not, can you try including it in 2.0.13 (& registering it in the install)?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 12:38:38 pm
Was the new version of comct332.ocx included 2.0.12?

no, acording to some text that is for the "Coolbar" control
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 01:08:32 pm
If not, can you try including it in 2.0.13 (& registering it in the install)?

It is now in 2.0.13
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 24, 2005, 01:44:56 pm
It is now in 2.0.13

Website says 2.0.13, but installer says 2.0.12. It also doesn't work (same error). Also, I checked comct332.ocx and it was still Did you not put 2.0.13 on the website yet? Or does the new installer not install comct332.ocx correctly?
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 02:20:59 pm
make sure you acualy downloaded the file

The Browser Does Not Always Download The File if A File With The Same Name Is In The Browser Cash.

If the Installer does not say 2.0.13 then the browser did not download the file.

I Just Uploaded It Again, There Was A Problem
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 24, 2005, 03:25:36 pm
Still no go  ? ? ?

Twit listed a bunch of files that he installed onto his nonworking PC that "fixed" his problem. I could do that, but I'd rather try to help you pinpoint the issue (no offence intended).  So I compared the versions of the files Twit listed between my working & non working PC (a number of files were missing on the nonworking PC). Hopefully this list will help you narrow it down:

Code: [Select]
Working Not Working
COMCAT.DLL 4.71.1460.1 5.0.2600.1
MCI32.OCX Not There
MSCHRT20.OCX Not There
MSCOMM32.OCX Not There
Msmapi32.ocx Not There
msmask32.ocx Not There
MSRDC20.OCX Not There
Msstdfmt.dll Not There
PICCLP32.OCX Not There
Richtx32.ocx Not There
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 24, 2005, 04:47:41 pm
they are missing because projects only install in the install packet what is needed.

I will try to build a packet using the Microsoft installer and see what it includes, then use that info.

A Test Build: Import-14.exe ( Import-14.exe)

Files Included:
; begin VB system files
Source: "c:\vbfiles\stdole2.tlb";  DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regtypelib
Source: "c:\vbfiles\msvbvm60.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
Source: "c:\vbfiles\oleaut32.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
Source: "c:\vbfiles\olepro32.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
Source: "c:\vbfiles\asycfilt.dll"; DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile
Source: "c:\vbfiles\comcat.dll";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; end VB system files

; Start Install Of Common Controls
Source: "c:\Windows\System32\comctl32.ocx";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; UpDown & Animation
Source: "c:\Windows\System32\comct232.ocx";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; Coolbar
Source: "c:\Windows\System32\comct332.ocx";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; Common dialogs
Source: "c:\Windows\System32\comdlg32.ocx";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; Tab Control
Source: "c:\Windows\System32\TABCTL32.OCX";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; Microsoft VB6 Installer Called For The Following Files
Source: "c:\VBSP6\MSSTDFMT.DLL";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
Source: "c:\VBSP6\msstkprp.dll";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
Source: "c:\VBSP6\VB6STKIT.DLL";   DestDir: "{sys}"; Flags: restartreplace uninsneveruninstall sharedfile regserver
; End Common controls
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: Snuffy2 on June 25, 2005, 10:49:21 am
2.0.14 WORKED!!!  ;D I guess I was just missing a few files (or just 1 key one).  I'd bet I'm not the only one with these issues, so maybe inclusing those VB6 files in future installs would be beneficial.

I haven't actually gotten a chance to mess with the program. I'll get to that after this weekend.

Anyway, thanks so much for debugging this!! I'm sure it was a true PITA.

Thanx Again
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: KingSparta on June 26, 2005, 08:25:45 am
I guess thats good news....
Title: Re: New - Auto Import
Post by: betonmoewe on September 22, 2005, 11:39:52 am

Can someone help me please ....?

I have downloaded the latest version of your autoimport plugin (2.0.15) but it doesn't work .... .The installation worked fine without error, but if I open the plugin, the "main tab" is EMPTY. The "setup" and "start" page have entries (like witch file endings and at wich time the plugin should run), but I have no possibility to select the dirs and all the other stuff. I use MC 11 (314 and the normal release version) under both versions the same behaviour.

I have found this thread and after readeing all the posts,  I have downloaded and installed the latest vb6 runtime from microsoft ... nothing changed

how can I bring this plugin into work ?