I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.
- A really nice (and usefull) addition would be to optionally perform an automatic "Rename Files from Properties" (with differents rules for differents file types) for the new imported files. (something we would probably want to do after each import)
I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.
The down side of calling the API is that the program becomes completely frozen and will not respond to mouse events until the folder changes.
I know near nothing about windows programing but I'm pretty sure there's a way to know when new files are added to a folder without having to scan every so sec/min/hour.
I guess I'm a little confused. What's the difference downloading a file into a watched directory compared to coping one? They are both creating a file in that subdirectory.
My system is a media server (NAS)
So there are files being updated from MC that must be triggering the plugin.
Just installed 1.0.9 and that seems to work, even on the network drive!
Great work! :D
I'll have a play some more in the morning (i'm in the UK and it's now
evening) and let you know if there are any issues.
Many thanks for the rapid work on this!
1) MC is writing some files for itself in the same root directory as my music files live and is triggering events. Then are not being imported because I'm not looking for those types of extensions.The MC files are no longer triggering events. This is good! Let me ask here, were others not seeing this with prior releases? There are several files in my main music directory that MC is writing.
2) Copying via a network drive from another computer is not workingThis is still not working for me. The monitored drive is not a network drive on the MC PC. It's just another drive; however, it is shared on the network. So, from my main PC I copy over a directory w/ MP3s and it's still not triggering an import.
3) Copying on the same computer is triggering events, but the music is not showing up in MC (at least for me ?)This is now working! On the same computer, when I copy files into a watched directory they trigger an event and properly import into MC. It even got the cover!!!
This is still not working for me. The monitored drive is not a network drive on the MC PC. It's just another drive; however, it is shared on the network. So, from my main PC I copy over a directory w/ MP3s and it's still not triggering an import.
I don't think so, not sure i get your point, maybe an example may help me understand (a picture is a 1000 words)
What are you using to watch the directories? A FileSystemWatcher class in VB?
Wow.. seems to be a really nice ...
My shuttle's power suply died last week! :'( sorry for the delay .. :)
Let's see if that's worth 1000 words :
Let's say you drop new shoots (from you camera) to a watched folder... It will be automaticaly imported... But we still have to manually do the "Rename Files From Properties" when it could (should?) be done automatically.
I don't know if it's an easy feature to add, but it would be so cool... !
I just installed Auto Import v1.0.10 for MC11. I am getting the same error message which wglong saw earlier in this thread.
"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.
The previous fix came in version 1.0.2, so I'm wondering if this problem got reintroduced in the latest version. The strange thing is that it works on one of my PCs, but not the other.
Any thoughts on a fix I can implement or any word on a new version which might fix this?
btw...Kudos to KingSparta...I have to say that your plug-ins are the best thing to ever happen to MJ & MC.
"Interface Plug-in "Auto Import" could not be found or created.I get the same thing here. Only running Girder and Powerstrip.
Media Center Registered 11.0.201 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\
Microsoft Windows XP 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
AMD Athlon 1272 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 523 MB, Free - 303 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2900.2573 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.041130-1729) / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2900.2578 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.041130-1729) / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive E: Mode:ModeSecure Type:Auto Speed:Max
Drive F: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Use YADB: Yes / Get cover art: No / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / No burners found.
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No / Normalization: None
I'm afraid its still not going King, I have e-mailed the reg files.
Is this one of those problems that is getting to you know? ;)
I feel like I am personally responsible for causing you greef now, sorry if this is the case.
It would be nice to watch two folders
However! - I get loads of random black boxes in place of what I assume is supposed to be text (see below)
Sorry to hear you still have the problem msnell - you may well have been write about the order in which to remove something - I probably did it the way you suggested. It's just a hunch but I'd say adaware was my problem - probably blocking registry modifications.
King - re my skin - I am using XP Pro and have the Opus skin applied - entitled CodeOpusC in the display properties.
Hope it helps :-)
I also use Lyrics Finder (2.0.0) and Bios (2.0.1) and have the same problem with the black boxes and my skin on those
you should be on the MC payroll
Has anyone tried it on MC10 or 9?
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Mary Black\Looking Back\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Mary Black\Looking Back\12 - Ellis Island.wma
This is with version 1.0.12. Any ideas?In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Air Born.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Another Night.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Aristillus.wma
In Sub: ExtractFolderName
Extracted Folder Name: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\
In Sub: MatchExtender
Matched Extender: 'wma'
In Sub: CheckIfWatchedFolder
Watched Folder: True
Importing File: F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness\Chord Change.wma
The newly copied directory contains: Directory of F:\Music\Camel\Moonmadness
14/04/2005 18:51 <DIR> .
14/04/2005 18:51 <DIR> ..
07/09/2004 20:55 4,825,351 Air Born.wma
14/03/2004 17:40 2,301 AlbumArtSmall.jpg
14/03/2004 17:40 8,427 AlbumArt_{81CE45FE-2CBF-4622-9021-00FADA4031
14/03/2004 17:40 2,301 AlbumArt_{81CE45FE-2CBF-4622-9021-00FADA4031
07/09/2004 20:55 6,558,401 Another Night.wma
07/09/2004 20:55 1,861,259 Aristillus.wma
07/09/2004 20:55 6,474,735 Chord Change.wma
14/03/2004 17:40 277 desktop.ini
14/03/2004 17:40 8,427 Folder.jpg
07/09/2004 20:55 8,775,489 Lunar Sea.wma
07/09/2004 20:55 6,928,923 Song within a Song.wma
07/09/2004 20:55 1,986,773 Spirit of the Water.wma
12 File(s) 37,432,664 bytes
2 Dir(s) 43,459,280,896 bytes free
Clearer? Any ideas?
Media Center Registered 11.0.241 -- C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\
Microsoft Windows XP Workstation 5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
Intel Pentium 4 2991 MHz MMX / Memory: Total - 522 MB, Free - 266 MB
Internet Explorer: 6.0.2900.2180 / ComCtl32.dll: 5.82 (xpsp_sp2_rtm.040803-2158) / Shlwapi.dll: 6.00.2900.2627 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050309-1648) / Shell32.dll: 6.00.2900.2620 (xpsp_sp2_gdr.050225-1820) / wnaspi32.dll: N/A
Ripping / Drive G: Mode:Normal Type:Auto Speed:Max
Digital playback: Yes / Use YADB: Yes / Get cover art: No / Calc replay gain: Yes / Copy volume: 32767
Eject after ripping: Yes / Play sound after ripping: No
Burning / Drive G: LITE-ON LTR-52246S Addr: 0:0:0 Speed:52 MaxSpeed:52 BurnProof:Yes
Test mode: No / Eject after writing: Yes / Direct decoding: Yes / Write CD-Text: Yes
Use playback settings: No / Normalization: None
Is there any debug logging we can enable in MC11 to do further testing? (Matt/JimH???)
What about if the plugin just polled the monitored directories every x minuts to look for changes?
Yes, it's on both
version: 5.1.2600.2180
Win XP SP2
I still get the same interface could not be found/created error as before as well;
also you seem to use Media Jukebox, not Media Center.
"Auto Import.ocx" others are "AutoImport.ocx"
I'm sorry,
No error 5 on the Working PC. It appears to be working on the working PC.
On the not working PC, I'm still getting the same error "Plugin could not be found ....."
can you do a search for "AutoImport.ocx" to see if you have that in your registry using "regedit" in "run"
Bad news I'm afraid.
I uninstalled the 2.0.1 plugin and installd 2.0.3 and still get the same MC error about interface plugin can not be found or created.
The ability to scan sub-folders is important to me
It's been a long time since I've done any VB code (I think it was VB4 when I was coding!)
Couldn't get the previous build to import anything
I have already installed the VB6 runtime files.
I'm at a loss too, just can't see what's different between my three PC's that would cause the plugin not to work on one of them.
In playing around with it, it seems that if I change the folder to scan, then change it back, it will pick up the files on the first pass, but doesn't catch new files added on subsequent passes.
how is the latest build working for you?
I have instaedl VB6 on the non-working machine and the plugin still doesn't work.
Is there anything common between the spell check and import plugins that might provide a clue?
Is theres omething in the registry that could be wrong, maybe even a MC entry required that mikght be wrong or missing?
Just clutching at straws now, but there must be something in the environment that's stopping the two pluging from running.
Let's see how Snuffy2 goes.....
Public g_MJ As MediaJukebox.MJAutomation
Public Function Init(ByVal MediaJukebox As Object) As Variant
On Error Resume Next
' set the global Media Jukebox object on init
' (Media Jukebox will call this function when the plugin starts)
Set g_MJ = MediaJukebox
End Function
Private Sub UserControl_Show()
On Error Resume Next '
Call ThisAppInfo
End Sub
Private Sub ThisAppInfo()
On Error Resume Next '
AppInfo = App.Title & " - " & App.Major & "." & App.Minor & "." & App.Revision
End Sub
If I only have the countdown timer enabled the import doesn't run, I have to have the "Import at time" enabled as well.
Snuffy try installing this, and then try using auto import 2.0.11
this is the visual basic runtime files for Visual basic 6.0 SP6
I think this article might be the key to the whole issue:
I'd say some of the ocx files are the wrong version for the plugins compiled with VB6 SP6.
Try copying the controls from your working PC to the non-working one and registering them. Maybe do one at a time so we can determine which it is.
When I do a compare of your system32 dir and mine it's the comct332.ocx, comctl32.ocx and comdlg32.ocx that are either different or missing.
I just included some of the common dialogs in version 2.0.12 to see if that would fix the problem.
2.0.12 should also fix the problem you noted, (ref the both check boxes needed to be checked)
Doesn't seem to fix it. Sorry. What else can I test for you? Anything manually?
What Are The Full Version #'s of the following files in your \system32\ folder?
comctl32.dll - 5.82.2900.2180
comctl32.ocx -
comct232.ocx -
comct332.ocx -
comdlg32.ocx -
comdlg32.dll - 6.0.2900.2180
Everything Is The Same, but I have this version
comct332.ocx -
Was the new version of comct332.ocx included 2.0.12?
If not, can you try including it in 2.0.13 (& registering it in the install)?
It is now in 2.0.13
Working Not Working
COMCAT.DLL 4.71.1460.1 5.0.2600.1
MCI32.OCX Not There
MSCHRT20.OCX Not There
MSCOMM32.OCX Not There
Msmapi32.ocx Not There
msmask32.ocx Not There
MSRDC20.OCX Not There
Msstdfmt.dll Not There
PICCLP32.OCX Not There
Richtx32.ocx Not There