Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on February 15, 2005, 06:59:38 pm

Title: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: KingSparta on February 15, 2005, 06:59:38 pm
I was thinking of tinkering with a way to view the currently playing music and any images that happen to be in the same folder with the media file like:

Folder.jpg, Front.jpg, Back.Jpg, images etc...

Any Ideas?
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: Alex B on February 15, 2005, 08:53:15 pm

MC sends any single image or several images to a slideshow if a play command is given for the images during the audio playback. The current audio playlist in Playing Now does not change.

The build in slideshow timer and transition options are good, so in my opinion it would enough if the plug-in could just start the images playback when a track change occurs.

All track related images must be started with a single play command. That way they will automatically replace the previous image files list in a slideshow and MC will take care of the image playback.

The plug-in should read the folder path when a new audio track starts playback, find all image files (*.jpg and preferably *.gif too) from the track folder and give the images a play command. I have no idea if that is possible, but it would be almost perfect.

Currently I do that manually when I play full albums. I select the audio files and images and right-click play them, but that doesn't work for various playlists.
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: datdude on February 15, 2005, 09:48:57 pm
I am working on a track info template and thought that it would not be too hard to implement some sort of mouse over the main cover art image and randomly cycle through images that would be in the artist folder.  It would work so that if you don't have extra images for a certain artist or album it just continues to show the cover.  Problem is I don't have any additional pictures and my files are only in one folder as of now.

Does anyone know where to a group of nice photos for each artist and potentially the rest of the album insert pages?
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: Alex B on February 15, 2005, 10:31:29 pm
I have used mostly a scanner for the album images, but for example: ( (

"cover art" or "CD cover" or "album cover" Google searches will find more if needed. Some of the "cover art" sites try to send macro viruses, so it is good to update the virus scanner before.

Usually the artists' official sites have press photos.
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: modelmaker on February 16, 2005, 03:45:40 pm
Don't forget: & The Amazon sites- all great for cover art.
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: datdude on February 16, 2005, 07:07:56 pm is great as well cover art.
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: KingSparta on February 16, 2005, 07:22:45 pm
interesting on how they store the art

Note The 304 (Last 3 #) in the file name is also the folder that it is in

Ad Image: Is GIF 68 x 63

View Info About The Item: 125 x 125

some of them have large images 500x500
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: geekbeats2 on March 05, 2005, 04:57:25 am
ive been asking for this of J river for the past year aswell as the ability to jump up a directory so that the 'Artist.jpg' can be shown. I recently discovered some other jukebox programs that allow me to browse via my artist folder.jpg images as thumbnails which made me very very happy! The idea goes like this, Within the =Genre folder= is the =Artist folder= and within this folder are the =Album folders=.

Each Artist directory has an image of the artist named FOLDER.jpg. Each Album directory has an image of the cover art named FOLDER.jpg aswell as the full size front, back, tray scans. Please make an option that allows the artist image (folder.jpg) in the artist directory to be shown alongside the cover art! :)
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: jjvv on June 13, 2010, 01:38:10 am
I've been a user of MC for years, but only recently started trying to use many of its features.

I would like to have MC be able to cycle through various images that are related to the artist while a track plays. If I understand this thread properly, I think that is the idea being discussed here. If so, I fully support the idea - would love to have that as a feature.

If the capability I describe already exists, please tell me how I can configure MC to do it.

Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: newsposter on June 13, 2010, 03:59:42 pm
not meaning to hijack the thread...


Can MC 'play' a standard windows screensaver (.scr) and/or a flash animation in a smaller window or pane inside of a skin?

I'm thinking that kind of capability might open up a whole new area of customization.
Title: Re: New Project - Front.jpg, Back.jpg
Post by: lostvibrations on September 04, 2010, 05:44:40 am
Any progress on this? I'm trying to find a way for MC to show more than just the front album art when browsing/listening to music.
