Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on March 02, 2005, 12:44:03 pm
In A Few Days I Will Put More Info Here With Pictures For Bios Finder.
If You Wish To Help Upload Bios Data Please Let Me Know And I Will Send A Link Soon For Bios Finder.
I Need Users With Lots Of Files And Lots Of Bios Since Currently I Have No Data.
I have about 31,000 files, 5000 of which have bios filled. Can run the plugin whenever you need.
I have a lot of bios-data too.
Please let me know if i can help.
Will your new software pull the existing bio's from those of my files which contain bio's and submit it?
Also if it goes out and gets and Artist Bios It Only Does I Once, And Then Uses The Local Data To Save Bios To The Rest.
I also have a ton of Bios.... Let me know....
Thanks KS
Bios Finder Is Up For Download.
Please Upload All Files With Bios
Let Me Know How It Works Good, Bad Or Ugly (
The download link points to Auto Import...
Fixed Now
thx. running it now on all my files.
EDIT: nevermind. It's now submitting and receiving; 14 and 2 respectively so far.
Could Be, I Submited 15,000 Of My Own Files With Bios
Is it helpful to send you the Events List when its done? I've seen a few errors go by.
No Not Really
All that is Prob a connection error and it could not upload or download, maybe due to The bad connection.
I have it try twice, and then move on.
could be due to server timeout, etc...
Hi King,
When I goto all I am seeing is a Black screen? Are you having any problems?
Nope, Flash
fyi, I just ran it and it submitted 1560 bios and received 60
fyi, I just ran it and it submitted 1560 bios and received 60
It should get better with time
Sorry if this is a lame question but... I ran Bios finder and it worked great except a few bios are wrong (example Willie Nelson with a Ray Charles Bio) Where and how can i go in and manually fix these Bios.
Same thing with Lyric finder.
I am using the latest build of MC11
Same thing with Lyric finder
Lyrics Finder Does Not Find Bios, But I Will Look At The Other This Is Due To Users Who Have Wrong Bios And Submit it.
Just Let Me Know The Artist Name As you Have It In The Artist Field And I Can Find It And Correct It.
Edit: Willie Nelson Bios Has Been Deleted, Correct Your "Willie Nelson" Bios and run the program again, and it will submit corrected ones.
Thnx for the quick response. ;D
The other one I noticed is Merle Haggard County Singer. His Bio said he was in a 60's phycidelic (sp?) band in San Francisco but I'm gueesing thats wrong too.
I will be glad to give you info on the ones I have but I would still like to know where I can edit them myself in MC11 and even add some that I have. Is it somewhere in the Tag info and I'm just missing it?
I will be glad to give you info on the ones I have but I would still like to know where I can edit them myself in MC11
Action Window, File Properties, Tag Info, Extended, Bios, Edit
You May Also Want From Time to Time In Bios Finder, Is "Delete Artist Data"
Because It Will Pull From The Already Downloaded File First, Before Going On The Internet.