Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: tmarnik on March 14, 2005, 06:33:37 pm

Title: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: tmarnik on March 14, 2005, 06:33:37 pm
I have been looking for a skin or a plug-in for MC 10 that will make it look and behave like the dedicated jukeboxes you find in bars.

I'm a long time user of MC and really love it, but the UI just does not cut it for parties.  I have a Rowe/AMI jukebox in my gameroom that plays 45 and CDs.  I've connnected a PC to it and put a little flatscreen monitor on top so I can use MC to play any song in my collection through the jukebox.

It really works great except for one thing - the UI is too difficult and intimidating for guests at parties.  They have too much trouble finding stuff and getting it to play and somebody inevitably asks me to switch back to the 45s so they can pick songs.  This is frustrating for me because I have over 4,000 songs in MC and only 100 45s.

I have been searching around for a front-end that would solve this problem but I can't seem to find anything.  I'm really surprised that no one else seems interested in using MC this way.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: JimH on March 14, 2005, 07:01:28 pm
Hit F11 a couple times until you get Theater View.  Would that work?  You can modify the appearance by right clicking.  MC11's navigation has been improved.

Another possibility is MC11's Library Browser.

Then there's NetRemote or MusicLobby.
Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: datdude on March 15, 2005, 01:12:17 pm
Library browser works ok except that you canont sort by a playlist so for example every song that has an album field shows even though I don't have the album for it.  Also the user cannot click straight through to the next level instead having to highlite and then at the top click the selection.  It should by default go genre-artist-album-tracks.  If you could make the album thumbnail view in the media library have a click through to the tracks than that would be sweet and the library browser would have its own purpose. :)
Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: tmarnik on March 17, 2005, 08:43:28 am
Thanks for the replies.

Hit F11 a couple times until you get Theater View.

I have been playing with TheaterView, and its nice, but it doesn't really fit the bill.  For one thing, it's pretty slow, but the main thing is that the navigation is still not very jukebox-like.

MC11's navigation has been improved.

Another possibility is MC11's Library Browser.

I haven't tried MC11 yet, I'll check it out when I get a chance.

Then there's NetRemote or MusicLobby.

I've looked at MusicLobby - I haven't actually tried it yet, but it looks the closest thing I've seen to what I'm talking about.  I'm just having trouble convincing myself it could possibly be worth $120.

I've tried Netremote on a PPC.  I'll take another look at using it on a fullscreen.

If you interested, here's a screenshot of the kind of interface I'm talking about.

The problem with this one is that it's a standalone program.  It won't work with MC and it you have to manually load up the music library.

Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: broncodan on March 23, 2005, 01:20:49 am
I would love to see something like this also.  That screen shot is awesome.  Keeping my fingers crossed that someone could come up with something similar....
Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: hit_ny on March 24, 2005, 03:44:10 am
Agreed, i think the library browser could be souped up to do exactly this.

To Present a Jukebox like interface, who knows maybe replace the name library bowser with Jukebox, combine it with Party mode so no edits can be made and it could be the ideal interface for parties.
Title: Re: True Jukebox Style Plug-in?
Post by: risingdamp on March 30, 2005, 05:31:57 am
I love the picture you posted tmarnik - that sure would look great.  NetRemote is the answer for you as it can do all of that - and I mean all of that.  Every button in that picture could be made to operate MC exactly as you would expect using NetRemote. 

It interfaces brilliantly with MC and you can easily make an interface that looks like that one.  In fact I would suggest you cross post at the netremote forum on because someone might just make it for you.  If I had time and a large touch screen I'd make it myself.