Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: finiteyoda on April 16, 2005, 07:48:38 am
I'd been looking for a nice iTunes skin for MC, and recently set about creating the most authentic iTunes skin for MC as possible (this was not easy, and of course, the final result is not perfect):
A few elements are based on seviien's MiTunes (I think just the progress bar and scroll bars) and everything else has been created from scratch. 90% of my skin is based off of actual Panther screen captures I took (brushed metal and aqua dialogs), and a few things from iTunes 4.7.1 (Win version). I've tried to keep this as close to the Mac version of iTunes as possible, altho since I was working from the Win version, there may be a few differences (min/max/close buttons are right-aligned, for instance, b/c of problems with menus when left-aligning these buttons). Main window is brushed metal, dialogs are all aquafied. You WILL need the LucidaMAC font to see dialog captions properly, but if you don't, they won't look *too* terrible ;D If you wanna use a different font, just edit the main.xml file with notepad.
Hopefully, some day there'll be a way to change the media buttons, make the playerbar so it doesn't have to fill the whole width of the window, and maybe even add javascript or something so we can add playlist/shuffle/repeat buttons etc at the bottom!
Very pretty, thanks!
haha, no problem ;D it was my first skin too, so took a while... the SDK is definitely in need of an update. there's at least a couple bugs too, sometimes causing MC to crash. it definitely takes some testing and tweaking to figure out what some of the stuff does. i think to change the white, just do a search and replace for FFFFFF in the main.xml file, replacing it with whatever value you like. For the aqua controls, which are blue/white, I guess you could just run a Hue Adjust command in Photoshop, on either the blue or white parts.
In reality, Macs have a lot of white, which is why I guess the skin came out that way... a lot of people were mad when brushed metal came along and ruined a lot of that :P if anyone has a particular color scheme they'd like, I can try making it tho. i don't really have anything to go off of tho, and not sure what color would be good......
Great new skin! I was looking for one for a while!
Bug: hour glass image when waiting is not transparent.
I'm really not keen on all that white. too much glare for any prolonged library work for my liking, so I set about changing the background colour....
Can't agree any more with this and is the main reason i stick with thunderbird.
The difference is literally night & day ;)
Bug: hour glass image when waiting is not transparent.
Which hourglass? The mouse cursor? On my comp, the mouse cursor when waiting is just the standard windows one... I'm not aware of any hour glass image defined in the skin. Where are you seeing this at?
You WILL need the LucidaMAC font to see dialog captions properly
Ok, I give.
Anyone have a link to download this font?
Try this link:
I *think* you can install by going to C:\Windows\Fonts, and using the Install Font command from the menu.
You know, I couldn't help but notice when designing this skin that there's no "repeat song" mode for Media Center like there is in iTunes... I really wish they'd add such a thing!! I hate having to clear out my Playing Now to do this, or creating special playlists... such a bother :'(
Which hourglass? The mouse cursor? On my comp, the mouse cursor when waiting is just the standard windows one... I'm not aware of any hour glass image defined in the skin. Where are you seeing this at?
the hour glass when waiting for library when updating a view or gathering information or analyzing devices. Its in a pop up window and integrated part of MC. It happens most when loading a large folder in the My Computer part since it takes a while.
Really nice skin, well done. ;D
huh, strange. my "check for updates" window is unskinned, and it has a magnifying glass over a computer, not an hour glass. I don't even know how you'd change it in the xml, or why it's wrong for you but looks ok on mine... maybe a more experienced skinner out there knows more about this?
Love the skin, THANKS!! Is there a way to easily make the lines of txt alternate between white and grey like in the real itunes?
I imagine if you check the "Show Gridlines" checkbox in the Options dialog, that would give you the desired effect. It's in the "Tree & View" section of the Options dialog.
any update for media library skinned tabs ?
I imagine if you check the "Show Gridlines" checkbox in the Options dialog, that would give you the desired effect. It's in the "Tree & View" section of the Options dialog.
Nope that doesn't do it.
To allow the gridlines to display you'll have to change the skin to show a color. That is the file MAIN.XML (probably in the C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\MegaSkins\iTunes directory).
I modified the following line to add the GridlineBack term and give it a nice light blue grid.
- <LIST>
<Colors Text="000000" back="ffffff" SelectedText="FFFFFF" SelectedBack="3875D7" Current="000000" GridlineBack="EBF8FF" />
regards Bernie...
I'm not sure the original poster actually wanted gridlines. I think they wanted the alternating lines of white and grey/blue
I'm not sure the original poster actually wanted gridlines. I think they wanted the alternating lines of white and grey/blue
Gridlines ARE the alternating lines of colour in the list. ;)
That did it! Thanks!! -David ;)
any update for media library skinned tabs ?
Pink Waters, what do you mean by "media library" skinned tabs? The regular dialog tabs are skinned as close as I could get them to official aqua, but I'm not sure what you mean by "media library" tabs.
Regarding gridlines, I had no idea they were alternating colors :P The contrast on my lcd was so high that they all looked white to me... I changed the skin to add the GridlineBack attribute, and set it to just a "little" more gray, which is how I thought it was supposed to look (rather than blue-ish, which is how Win iTunes looks to me).
Gridlines ARE the alternating lines of colour in the list. ;)