Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Lexi on May 25, 2005, 03:57:34 pm
I use the Aruba Track Info. Is there a way to add the Lyrics to this Track Info?
Maybe scrollable Lyrics?
Would be realy great.
When you click the lyrics tab, there are up and down arrows, They are to the left of the "Main" button,
I'm assuming you are using the Multi Info track....(I think that's the only info plate for Aruba)
If you are wanting to add lyrics, try King Sparta's website for the plug in,
There is a thread called Index to what's here at the top of the board.
Hi imjustagamer,
Thanks for your quick reply.
But i didn't mean the multi Track Info. There are other Track Infos called Aruba and Aruba II (you can find them in "Skins&Plug-ins"). At the moment these Track Infos don't have the ability to show the Lyrics. But I would like them to do that especially Aruba, not Aruba II.
I hope someone can help me!
I downloaded the Multi-Track Info files because I thought they would allow me to see lyrics in Playing Now. But there are no instructions and I do not understand how to install/use this. There are just tons of files that I don't know quite what to do with.
Can someone help me?
Put all the files in a folder Named "Multi Info" and put it in:
C:\Program Files\J River\Media Center 11\Visualizations\Track Info
Beautiful. Thank you. I knew it must be something as simple as that.