Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: Snarglefarg on June 06, 2005, 08:37:53 am

Title: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: Snarglefarg on June 06, 2005, 08:37:53 am
If the AudioScrobbler plugin is active, but there is no login info, when the song stats get submitted (when 50% of the song has played) MC11 crashes.

Is it the plugin itself that's crashing or is it MC11? Who would be responsible for fixing it?

The reason this is somewhat of an issue is that occasionally, my AudioScrobbler login info disappears (their issue). If I forget to check and I start playing a song, MC11 crashes after 50% of the song has played. It's especially annoying if I connect via the Library Server and have to reconnect and download my 16MB database all over again.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: LonWar on June 06, 2005, 10:04:37 am
It's the plug in.... You'd probbably be better off posting on the Audioscrobbler sight....
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: Snarglefarg on June 06, 2005, 02:06:08 pm
Ok thanks!
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: foodog on August 18, 2005, 10:27:27 pm
In MC11, where do you enter your AudioScrobbler login information? In the plug-in manager screen, I don't see any where you can input the data.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: modelmaker on August 19, 2005, 01:37:59 am
Go to the bottom of the tree to Plugins and just click on Audioscrobler and voila! :)
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: Marty3d on August 19, 2005, 06:15:32 am
I've noticed some strangeness with the Audioscrobbler plugin as well..but I've come around it by always shutting MC down and restarting it after starting or stopping the plugin...
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: 221bBS on August 19, 2005, 09:07:46 am
Anyone know who the author of the plugin is?
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: Tyler Campbell on August 20, 2005, 01:05:40 pm
The plug-in crashes for me when I'm a client using the library server (which is how I use MC for 8 hours a day, 5 days a week). I, too, posted on the a/s site long ago without any response. Good luck!
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: danrien on December 13, 2005, 11:07:35 pm
Post on the A/S site, but do not hold your breath.
I have long had issues with this, especially as the A/S plugin occaisionally loses the login info (it simply is blank suddenly for no apparent reason) causing the MC crash at 1/2 point in the song. Re-entering the login info only seems to stick until I close & re-start MC, then it once again vanishes (sometimes . . . making it more irritating).
I posted there twice with little or no response, so eventually gave up. I have discontinued the use of A/S.
I do hope they can get it fixed properly at some point.

me too.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: iCamp on December 14, 2005, 02:31:55 pm
Anyone out there able (and willing) to write a proper AudioScrobbler plug-in? 
I'll happily pay you in thanks!   ;D
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: Marty3d on December 14, 2005, 05:14:26 pm
Me too! So I don't have to:
1. Start MC
2. Activate AS plugin
3. Shut down MC
4. Start MC and listen to my music
5. Shut down AS so my girlfriends' crappy songs doesn't end up on my AS account :)
6. Restart MC
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: gk666999 on December 20, 2005, 05:39:48 am
Count me in as well. Extracting [Number Plays] field info from MC would be the hottest feature
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: GHammer on December 21, 2005, 05:52:08 am
I can see where that would be a useful addition.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: zxsix on December 29, 2005, 07:40:25 pm
I believe I have solved this disappearing login issue.   I can't fix the plugin, but I have a workaround.
Here's what I found.....

When you go into the plugin settings and fill in your login/password info, or change the options and click the apply button, it saves to the audioscrobbler.ini file located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\Library\audioscrobbler.ini

Now, I noticed that when starting up MC and pulling up the plugin settings again, the login/password is of course blank now.  Turns out it was attempting to read, and not finding, the audioscrobbler.ini file because it was looking for it here:

E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\audioscrobbler.ini.    (note the lack of the Library folder in the path).

So, here's the fix.  Substitute your own paths.
Go into MC and edit the audioscrobbler plugin settings.
Fill in your login info.  Click the login and apply buttons.
Leave MC as is....
Using windows explorer, find your audioscrobbler.ini file in a path similar to above, in the Library folder.
Copy that audioscrobbler.ini down one level to the Media Center 11 folder and save it there.

Now close MC and restart.
Check to see if the login info is still there.
High-five me if it works.

Please test and report your results.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: LonWar on December 30, 2005, 06:53:19 am
I believe I have solved this disappearing login issue.   I can't fix the plugin, but I have a workaround.
Here's what I found.....

When you go into the plugin settings and fill in your login/password info, or change the options and click the apply button, it saves to the audioscrobbler.ini file located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\Library\audioscrobbler.ini

Now, I noticed that when starting up MC and pulling up the plugin settings again, the login/password is of course blank now.  Turns out it was attempting to read, and not finding, the audioscrobbler.ini file because it was looking for it here:

E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\audioscrobbler.ini.    (note the lack of the Library folder in the path).

So, here's the fix.  Substitute your own paths.
Go into MC and edit the audioscrobbler plugin settings.
Fill in your login info.  Click the login and apply buttons.
Leave MC as is....
Using windows explorer, find your audioscrobbler.ini file in a path similar to above, in the Library folder.
Copy that audioscrobbler.ini down one level to the Media Center 11 folder and save it there.

Now close MC and restart.
Check to see if the login info is still there.
High-five me if it works.

Please test and report your results.

Thanks, I will give it a whirl.... But wouldn't that only be the problem if it crashed 100% of the time?
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: zxsix on December 30, 2005, 11:59:19 am
That's what I thought at first, but I've been going on several weeks where it would never remember my login info.
I started playing around with a file monitoring program and noticed that it was reading and writing to different file paths.
I've started MC at least 15 times since I copied the file and it's worked 100% now.
Maybe a fluke?  Sure.  That's why I need you guys to confirm.   :P
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: danrien on January 02, 2006, 08:54:38 pm
I believe I have solved this disappearing login issue.   I can't fix the plugin, but I have a workaround.
Here's what I found.....

When you go into the plugin settings and fill in your login/password info, or change the options and click the apply button, it saves to the audioscrobbler.ini file located here:

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\Library\audioscrobbler.ini

Now, I noticed that when starting up MC and pulling up the plugin settings again, the login/password is of course blank now.  Turns out it was attempting to read, and not finding, the audioscrobbler.ini file because it was looking for it here:

E:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\J River\Media Center 11\audioscrobbler.ini.    (note the lack of the Library folder in the path).

So, here's the fix.  Substitute your own paths.
Go into MC and edit the audioscrobbler plugin settings.
Fill in your login info.  Click the login and apply buttons.
Leave MC as is....
Using windows explorer, find your audioscrobbler.ini file in a path similar to above, in the Library folder.
Copy that audioscrobbler.ini down one level to the Media Center 11 folder and save it there.

Now close MC and restart.
Check to see if the login info is still there.
High-five me if it works.

Please test and report your results.

seems to work, thanks! another wierd thing that fixes it (if you wanna call it that)... if u reinstall the plug-in, it for some reason reads the log-in info from the original audioscrobbler.ini file in the Library folder! 
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: zxsix on January 02, 2006, 09:21:17 pm
Reinstalling the plugin would only work 1 time for me, then back to the missing info.  Copying the .ini to the alternate location has been 100% for me since I posted the workaround.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: runemail on January 04, 2006, 08:36:56 pm
If one of my other computers handshakes, it fucks up and i have to re-login.
And this stupid plugin throws away its cache when i login again :(

Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: zxsix on January 04, 2006, 09:20:19 pm
As I understand it, that's a limitation of the service, not the MC plugin.
I read a bit on the forums but I'm not real clear on all the intrincacies yet.  One thing that's a problem for me is if I listen on the ipod all day, and unknown to me someone listens in MC during the day I will lose submissions.  All the entries on the ipod will be timestamped older than the most recent one  sent by MC, and therefore they will all be rejected.
I think they need to take portables into consideration and be a bit more liberal on the submission policy.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: GHammer on January 06, 2006, 08:11:03 am
I think it is time that they sell themselves to Yahoo or Google.
Title: Re: MC11 Crash when AudioScrobbler not logged in
Post by: runemail on January 06, 2006, 05:08:21 pm
I think it is time that they sell themselves to Yahoo or Google.

Why? Do you think it would improve the service?(or did you forget the :) ?)

I don't think so.
Both companys have a non existing customer support(you get what you pay for). And it would probably be filled with advertising and tied to a music store with plenty of not-so userfriendly DRM.

Someone would then make a better (but not as popular) clone, like is a clone of flickr for the yahoo haters.

What we need is a better plugin!
A good plugin would be able to cache submissions when ipod were disconnected, or you could set it to only submit at certain times.
But yeah, i agree that the submission policy is a bit anal.

from forums:

That sounds familiar, I just fixed the same issue in XBMC last week. The plugin just needs to do a new handshake when it receives a "Bad Authorization" error (and cache the track that failed to submit).
This happens when you're not playing audio for a while (20/30 minutes?), the session just times out, or when you start another player that does a handshake on startup (like ITunes with iscrobbler installed) invalidating the original session.