Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: finbom on July 08, 2005, 05:27:25 am
Hi! I am brand new to this great software called "jriver mediacenter 11" and have downlaoded the demo for our company.
We are looking for a software that can play filmclips, musik, show pictures and powerpointslides..
Mediacenter does all exept being able to include powerpoints.
I noticed that there is an folder in the media library called documenrs but my powerpointfiles does not show up there.
So I wonder..
Can jriver mediacenter play Microsoft powerpoint presentations?
Regards, Magnus Finbom
Import Media
Click on advanced,
look for
MS Office Files, and make sure that box is checked.
Then selext the folders you want to scan and press start.
It will import your PPT files and when you want to play them, it will launch power point and play the file back.
You need to have office installed as MC does not have a viewer.
Cool, sometimes its really simple. :-)
I adjusted and the files shows up now. But they does not autoplay when powerpoint is launched. I assume that this not is related to mediacenter, or is there some kind of configuration that can be done?
Regards, Magnus Finbom
If you select play, the file should automatically start in power point.
Name your powerpoint .pps and not .ppt. It will launch directly the presentation.
Great! Thanks! :-)