Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: UnknownID on August 02, 2005, 11:56:26 am
While putting the finishing touches on a skin I am developing, I have run into a problem with the TrackList placeholder.
This is my code which is big enough to show 5 entries in the playlist.
<Entry Type="Tracklist" Name="Tracklist" Rect="11,7,575,93">
<Colors Background="333333" HighlightBackground="666666" Text="FFFFFF" HighlightText="FFFFFF" Selected="FFFFFF" />
<Font Facename="Tahoma" Size="11" Weight="100" Italic="0"/>
Here is the problem:
When I switch from Standard View to MiniView and go to my PlayList window (where the aforementioned code is contained), I am unable to select the last track in the grouping of 5 (i.e. I have five tracks queued up and I cannot click on the 5th track) until MC advances to the next track or I scroll up or down a page.
I have some new info:
It works correctly when clicking on the TIME on the 5th track, but not the TRACK NAME in the above scenario.
BullishDad is having the same problem. His confirmation of the issue is here: