Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: mdshullaw on August 11, 2005, 02:37:00 pm
Hello. I downloaded the cover art finder plugin from your website, but I don't understand how to use it. I can go into the plugin, and I see the options for entering artist, song, album, and other info, but I can't type in them. Is there a way to send a song to the plugin so it will search for the cover art? Thanks.
Did you read the help file?
It tells you how
Did you read the help file?
It tells you how
I'm not certain where the helpfile is located.
Look On The "Start Page"
The Web Browser Looking Page.
The First Page When You Open Up The Program.
There should be a link called "Help"
On most plug-ins of mine
Basically Put all Files In "Playing Now"
change settings
Press batch
Okay I was toying around with the Cover Art plugin and I did put everything into the Playing Now & pressed batch.
Am I supposed to change a setting to album because it looks for cover art to every file which takes a LONG time.
MC seems to just search albums when I highlight all my album covers in thumbnail view.
I could be wrong or don't know how to fully use your plugin; also is it generally more effecient than the MC album cover search?
many thanks,
Just an idea:
It would be cool to auto-grab high-res coverart from "the enemy" ;D