Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: zxsix on August 11, 2005, 03:55:24 pm
For our example, assume MC is installed in
D:\program files\j river\media center 11\ and
cover art is stored on a different drive in
F:\mp3\cover art
In MC's options under File Locations, I have f:\mp3\cover art set correctly as the location for cover art.
If I select an album and right click it and choose get from internet, it saves the cover art image in f:\mp3\cover art and the database lists that as the location for the art for each file. Good so far.
Here's the bug.
I run atagger and check the box for cover art (among other things). I don't have cover art for an album. Atagger finds cover art and displays the image. I accept to update with changes.
Looking at the database now, it's showing D:\program files\j river\media center 11\data\cover art for the location of the image and that's also where the file is located on the hard drive.
It should have saved the file in f:\mp3\cover art and referenced that location for the tracks in the database.
Is there a registry setting somewhere that I can hack to change the location for atagger's reference? Or is this hardcoded and something that @l@n will need to address?
I'll need to take care of it. I've already begun working on it (not a tough update) in the current development version but some "enhanced" web lookups have aTagger broken right now. :(