Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: KingSparta on September 07, 2005, 05:59:15 am
I was thinking that a user who had a website (storage area) could create there own pod-cast, and they would need a way to generate a pod-cast play list.
so lets say in media center you created a play-list for the week, month, year etc...
lets say this list has 365 media files in it
and you wanted to create multiple play-lists
you could use a program that would take this list and create lets say 365 pod-cast play lists from today's date to a year from now.
you could set this Plug-in to include so many files within each one of the play-lists so if today's play list may include 7 files, tomorrow could include 7 files but drop one file, and pick a new file to play into the list. once you run out of files it would continue generating play-lists taking files from the beginning of the list.
so you may have a setting for, number of play lists, number of files in a play list, increment file (#1 in the case above it would be 1).
so when a user logs onto a page you could create (in this case a index.html) to redirect to one of 365 pages, or maybe 12 pages for 1 play-list for each month.
this code put in a index.html would redirect a user to one of 12 html pages depending on the month of the year
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- Begin
function monthPage() {
today = new Date();
m = new Array("Index-01.html","Index-02.html","Index-03.html","Index-04.html","Index-05.html","Index-06.html","Index-07.html","Index-08.html","Index-09.html","Index-10.html","Index-11.html","Index-12.html");
window.location = m[today.getMonth()];
// End -->
<body onload="monthPage()">
maybe this plug-in could also generate html pages for you to increment the play-list.
I like to see people think about ways to use RSS! Here are some thoughts about what you're proposing...
Why limit the feed to just seven items? Your feed could literally contain hundreds of items and the aggregators are then free to choose how you consume them. Almost every aggregator out there marks as "read" those items you view. The only downside to having hundreds of items in a feed is that the whole feed must be downloaded each time. But practically this is usually never a problem.
I think the use case for podcasts is when you want to create new content on a regular basis. For example, each day something else gets added to the feed. So I like the idea that your plugin would add something new each day - I just don't think it should remove the old stuff.
I'd be curious to learn if other MC users would find this useful. Personally, I wouldn't because I don't have any "podsafe" audio to share. OTR isn't copyrighted, right? But what else is there in a typical user's library that can be shared without bringing down the wrath of the RIAA?
Why limit the feed to just seven items?
I never said that, that was a sample
I was going to limit the auto generated rss feeds to 32786 ;D
that may be a bit overboard.
I just don't think it should remove the old stuff.
that could be selectable
OTR isn't copyrighted, right?
It really depends, most old series are not they fall under the old copyright laws
but some people may have private music or music they share with Select family members, speaches etc.... for there own use.
so you don't need to limit this to just one area.
I started working on it today, and it is comming along
I am creating a way to also build HTML page by basic html code that can be modified by the user and saved, so it can rebuild code and add items to the page from the template code the user can provide.
well see, it is just something to play with right now that i will find usefull
once i get something going that works i will put some images out so people can see what it does and can do for them if they wish to make podcast lists from media in there library.
Here Is A Picture Of What I Have SoFar
Am I Missing Something?
It is coming along
today i got it to:
Create the xml\rss podcast playlists in a batch
As it is creating the podcast playlist it also will ftp upload the media files
When it is done crating the podcast playlist it will then upload the playlist to your web site.
Updated The Images, And Added one showing the plug-in uploading the Media and data files to the ftp account
Below Is A XML\RSS File Generated By The Plug-In
I did find out some programs it does not matter if there is spaces in the URL, and some like ITunes for one does not like spaces, so the default "%20" is inserted in the urls when the rss file is being built.
Note the "length=" field, this is the size (in bytes) of the mp3 file.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<rss version="2.0" xmlns:pp="">
<channel><title>Sparta Old Time Radio PodCast</title>
<description>PodCast Play List</description>
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 12 Sep 2005 14:02:22 -0500</lastBuildDate>
<pp:media image=""/>
<title>Nick Carter, Master Detective - 1945-02-18 (0171) - Mind Over Murder</title>
<description>Nick Carter, Master Detective - 1945-02-18 (0171) - Mind Over Murder</description>
<pubDate>Thu, 12 Sep 2002 14:37:16 -0500</pubDate>
<enclosure url=",%20Master%20Detective%20-%20Mind%20Over%20Murder.mp3" length="9312384" type="audio/mpeg" />
<pp:media image=""/>
<title>Tarzan of the Apes - 1951-01-11 (0001) - Tarzan and the Decoy</title>
<description>Tarzan of the Apes - 1951-01-11 (0001) - Tarzan and the Decoy</description>
<pubDate>Fri, 13 Sep 2002 14:37:19 -0500</pubDate>
<enclosure url="" length="6187018" type="audio/mpeg" />