Devices => Androids and other portables => Topic started by: Seviien on October 21, 2005, 12:06:07 am

Title: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 21, 2005, 12:06:07 am
Using 11.1.38 and the latest ipod firmware on a 4G...

Everything synchs up great... but the ipod will always overwrite any changes made to ratings within MC.

1. Synch ipod before going to bed
2. wake up and change the rating on a song
3. listen to ipod at work
4. synch ipod again

The playcounts and everything update, but the song rating I changed in the  morning will revert to what it was when i last synched up the ipod.  As such, it becomes very difficult to adjust ratings within MC.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on October 24, 2005, 09:54:50 am
2. wake up and change the rating on a song

On the iPod or in MC?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 24, 2005, 01:49:26 pm
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on October 25, 2005, 11:32:46 am
This should work in the next build of MC 11.1.

PS Do you have 'Sync data to PC' checked?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 25, 2005, 04:55:36 pm
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on October 26, 2005, 09:25:46 am
OK. Please update after the installation of the next 11.1

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 26, 2005, 06:45:33 pm
Works like a charm.  Thanks Steve :)
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 27, 2005, 10:15:39 pm
Using build 11.1.44 i'm having the same old problem again.  With update MC from portable option checked, the ipod is overwriting any changes I have made to ratings in MC when I synch.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on October 28, 2005, 10:46:06 am
We will check this out.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Matt on October 29, 2005, 12:18:04 pm
This should be fixed now in 11.1.46.  Let us know what you find.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 29, 2005, 04:20:06 pm
I initialized my ipod with this build, but I'm still not noticing a difference.  Should I have "Update MC From Portable" checked or not?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: JustinChase on October 29, 2005, 06:35:47 pm
Should I have "Update MC From Portable" checked or not?

Yes, if you want to copy changes made on the iPod to reflect in MC.

No, if you want changes made in MC to reflect on the iPod.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: betonmoewe on October 30, 2005, 01:19:13 pm

is it maybe possible, to change the behaviour a little bit ?


Rating on ipod, no rating in MC -> copy rating from ipod to MC
Rating in MC, no rating on ipod -> copy rating from MC to ipod
Rating in MC and on ipod is there but different ->
start a dialog and ask for the direction for the rating copy with the option to select this for only this file or for all further files with diggerent ratings

(maybe with the possibility to deselect this behaviour in the global option menue for the people who uses "no rating" as a normal rating level ??)

is there a way to implement this behaviour in 11.1 ?

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on October 31, 2005, 01:18:09 pm

Rating on ipod, no rating in MC -> copy rating from ipod to MC

This should currently work if you have 'Sync data to PC' checked and the time of the last sync is longer ago than the last time you modified the MC file

Rating in MC, no rating on ipod -> copy rating from MC to ipod

This should currently occur during a sync and the file should be resent.

Rating in MC and on ipod is there but different ->
start a dialog and ask for the direction for the rating copy with the option to select this for only this file or for all further files with diggerent ratings

This could be implemented, but may not be necessary. Currently, MC checks the date modified for a file against the time of the last sync. If the date modified is more recent, the sync defaults to the MC rating so that the system relies more heavily on modifications made in MC as being definitive instead of what is happening on iPod.

I concede it would be more accurate to provide user control, but it is also potentially more for users to understand and maintain. We will revisit this and your point is well taken.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: betonmoewe on October 31, 2005, 05:41:11 pm
Hi SteveG

but maybe you can make it is just configurable to choose the weight (ipod or MC). I use normaly only my ipod to rate my music (is it ok for my lesson on the cross trainer or not ...). But accidently I had select a rating in MC for some songs ... after sync my correct rating was gone :(
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on October 31, 2005, 07:34:04 pm
Not sure if this is related or not...
Both my ipod and my PC corrected for daylight savings time, yet when I synch the ipod, songs are showing up as having been played an hour before when they actually were.  I vaguely remember daylight savings time being a problem last year too.

It seems there's some sort of issue with the time checks.

Is there anyway to do cause the ipod to forget what time it is?  I've tried doing a firmware reflash and a hard restore, but that doesn't seem to do it...
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 01, 2005, 09:20:26 am
What Time Zone setting have you selected on iPod? The one for your time zone or the one for your time zone + (DST)?

Is there anyway to do cause the ipod to forget what time it is?  I've tried doing a firmware reflash and a hard restore, but that doesn't seem to do it...

Can you clarify what you are asking here?


Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 01, 2005, 01:06:05 pm
The ipod is on eastern time.  It had been on eastern (DST), but it automatically updated itself over the weekend -- as did my computer.

What I'm asking is if there's a way to get the ipod's internal clock to forget what time it is.  I think that clock is somehow out of synch with MC, though I'm not sure how or why since both the computer and ipod display the same time.  A disconnect between the clock on my ipod and my pc would explain the improper time stamps on last played information and may have something to do with why I'm having issues with the ipod ratings over-writing what's in MC.  Though that last bit would seem to imply that the ipod is actually set on time ahead of the computer, and I know that’s not the case since the last played information from the ipod is an hour behind.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 02, 2005, 09:36:52 am
The ipod is on eastern time.  It had been on eastern (DST), but it automatically updated itself over the weekend -- as did my computer.

So the selection in 'Settings' auto switched from Eastern(DST) to Eastern over the weekend?

What I'm asking is if there's a way to get the ipod's internal clock to forget what time it is. 

Not that I know of.

Let me clarify your current situation. Your iPod time and PC time are both correct. On iPod your time setting is for 'Eastern' with no (DST) and when you sync, the last played times are an hour behind the actual time. Correct?


Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 02, 2005, 10:17:10 am
That is correct.

It's a 4G clickwheel running 3.1 firmware if that helps at all...
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 03, 2005, 01:40:02 pm
I made changes to resolve this which will show up when album art support is added.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 03, 2005, 02:32:21 pm
This = daylight savings time or the general ratings funkiness?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 04, 2005, 09:38:36 am
Daylight savings time. Can you specify what you mean by general ratings funkiness?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 04, 2005, 12:15:48 pm
The ratings on my G4 ipod are still overwriting any revisions made to MC when I synch with the "update info to MC" box checked.  I thought the daylight savings time problem might be related or part of a bigger issue involving the time checks MC does to see which rating is more recent.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 04, 2005, 02:36:56 pm
Do you have 'save info to tags' selected in MC?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 04, 2005, 02:40:52 pm
I don't think so...
I take it that makes a difference?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 04, 2005, 06:47:54 pm
Doesn't seem to make a difference if save info to tags is checked or not.  Even after  saving the tag info of all files and initializing the ipod.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: JustinChase on November 05, 2005, 05:23:37 pm
The ratings on my G4 ipod are still overwriting any revisions made to MC when I synch with the "update info to MC" box checked.

That's what your telling it to do. ;)

Uncheck the option, and MC will send info TO the iPod FROM changes made in MC, which is what it sounds like you want.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 05, 2005, 05:27:34 pm
I just want it to update playcounts and last played data though.  If I make a change to a rating on the ipod, it'd be nice to see it reflected in MC, but not at the cost of losing the ability to rate things in MC.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: JustinChase on November 05, 2005, 05:36:04 pm
I agree, but i'm not sure how MC checks last modified date betweent he two.  I know MC checks, but can't remember what the default behavior is supposed to do.

I would also like MC to allow changes on both devices/computers and automatically keep whatever has changed most recently (or ask which I want to keep).

Not sure if that can be done, but it would be nice.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 06, 2005, 05:55:36 pm
When 'Sync data to PC' is checked, MC compares the time of the last sync to the date modified on the file in MC. If the last sync is older than the date modified and the rating is different on the iPod from MC and the rating on iPod is not 0, then MC will update MC with the rating from iPod.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 06, 2005, 06:41:06 pm
If the last synch date is older than the date last modifed in MC, wouldn't that mean that the user has altered the file in MC since the synch?  Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the ratings in that case?   If not, you really can't alter ratings in MC without also updating it on the ipod.

Is there any way to make it so that the date last modified in MC is checked directly against the date modified on the ipod?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 07, 2005, 12:44:00 pm
If the last synch date is older than the date last modifed in MC, wouldn't that mean that the user has altered the file in MC since the synch? 


Wouldn't it make more sense to keep the ratings in that case?

In this case, MC keeps it's rating and does not overwrite with iPod's rating.

Is there any way to make it so that the date last modified in MC is checked directly against the date modified on the ipod?

The date modified field does not appear to autoupdate on the iPod, so this is not possible at this time.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 07, 2005, 02:22:31 pm

In this case, MC keeps it's rating and does not overwrite with iPod's rating.

That seems to refute an ealier post...

If the last sync is older than the date modified ... then MC will update MC with the rating from iPod.

Sorry, I'm easily confused :)
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 07, 2005, 02:55:04 pm
Sorry for not speaking accurately before.

I should have said...

If the last sync is MORE RECENT  than the date modified and the rating is different on the iPod from MC and the rating on iPod is not 0, then MC will update MC with the rating from iPod.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 07, 2005, 07:42:19 pm
If that is the case... then it would seem my MC is somehow not properly reporting the time a file is modified or when the synch occurs.  Oddly, the date modified it is reporting properly in the "date modified" field.  Any idea on what would cause somehting like this or how to fix it?

After synching and disconnecting my ipod, I even went into the system time, skipped ahead a year, and then re-synched.  The ipod ratings still overwrote my MC...
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 07, 2005, 08:33:44 pm
I reinstalled MC to no avail...
If it makes any difference, I'm using the sych option where we specify the playlists we'd like to see synched
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 08, 2005, 09:50:32 am

Here is a test I just ran using 11.1.50. I am curious what your results are doing this same test.

1) Start with an iPod with no files on it and a playlist with 4 files all rated '5'. 'Sync data to PC' should be selected. 'Auto-Delete tracks not in library should be deselected.

2) Sync the playlist with iPod.

3) In MC, modify the four files to a rating of '3'.

4) While disconnected, modify the rating on an iPod file to '1'.

5) Close MC. Reconnect iPod

6) Resync.


The four files are resent to iPod and now all have the rating of '3' (Which was set in MC) and MC continues to show the playlist with four files rated 3.

Please let me know how your results turn out with this test.


Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 08, 2005, 06:49:21 pm
Upon resynching, the song rated as 1 star on the ipod was rated as 1 star in MC.  The other 3 songs in MC reverted back to being rated as 5.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 09, 2005, 11:32:34 am
Do you have 'Save tag info to file' enabled?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 09, 2005, 01:10:37 pm
If either the itunes file from the ipod or the library file in MC would be useful, I can pass them along, Steve.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 10, 2005, 02:20:48 pm
Can you try resetting the devices in MC and then let MC detect your iPod. After this do the test that I mentioned earlier. Then, go to the registry under CurrentUser\Software\JRiver\Media Center 11\Portable Devices\Detected Devices and you should see one item listed. If you open it, you should see a 'Last Sync Timestamp'. Take note of that value. Then, in the registry go to CurrentUser\Software\JRiver\Media Center 11\Properties and see if you have a setting for 'Handheld - Sync Last Time'. If you do, take note of it.

Complete the test and see what results you get.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 10, 2005, 09:01:19 pm
Test conducted at 9:58 pm EST

Last Synch Timestamp:  38666.913738425923

I did not have a registry entry for 'Handheld - Sync Last Time' in the directory you specified.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 11, 2005, 08:46:58 am
Were the results of the test the same (after the reset)?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 11, 2005, 01:38:53 pm
The results I described were for after the reset; I never checked the registry before resetting.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 14, 2005, 01:10:52 pm
What iPod and firmware are you using?
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 14, 2005, 03:02:19 pm
I think I installed with the latest ipod updater.  The ipod is saying that it's sofware version 3.1 (4G)
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 15, 2005, 09:25:27 am
On your iPod, can you go to 'Settings->about' and give me the model number?

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 15, 2005, 09:46:44 am
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: SteveG on November 15, 2005, 01:26:01 pm
Thanks. I think I got this now. Try tonight's build and you should be all set.

Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 15, 2005, 02:19:24 pm
I'm totally relieved to know that there really was a problem and that I'm not crazy... well, maybe I still am ;)  But at least my ipod is all spiffy now.  Thanks for digging into this, Steve.
Title: Re: iPod Ratings & Alpha Builds of 11.1
Post by: Seviien on November 15, 2005, 08:00:10 pm
Works beautifully.  Thank you, Steve :)