Windows => Third Party Plug-ins, Programs, and Skins => Topic started by: sparq on November 02, 2005, 01:44:57 pm
Where can I find information how to make a skin?
Can't find it anywhere ?
this will lead you to the published jriver sdk...
I have read some comments in the recent past that it might not be entirely bang up-to-date. It might help if you use it in conjunction with one of the main.xml files from one of the default MC skins. The Aruba skin is the most recent of those and might be the best one to choose.
Beyond that, I can't help much more, but that should be enough to get you rolling. If you happen upon any specific questions along the way, ask them here and with any luck, one of the current skinners (seems to be just beatnik atm) will stop by and assist you.
good luck, and just holler if you need a beta tester ;)
Thanks :)
Thanks for the link, marko! I have been toying with the idea of making a skin....I have manged to make new images for a mini skin that I like ...and have had some success in making windowblinds, so it will be a great help!
The skin I changed (for personal use only) was caliper....I made a new body image in gold,and silver and changed the buttons... and figured out how to save it and apply it with the new name. But I really would like to make one from scratch..
Ok..bit the bullet and am trying to make mega me skin. I have managed to figure most of it out, and making the images was not bad (I used Aruba as a template for all the sizes0 and for the most part is is quite straight forward.
so here's my question: the drop down menus...what images skins those and the menu items?
For the life of me, I can't seem to find those.
Are there transparency constranints ( I am making WB5 skins at the moment and they support transparent /per pixel images).
Menu_Back.bmp/gif seems to do it for some of them
<Colors Text="000000" SelectedText="E6EBF3" SelectedBack="004289" Disabled="bdcce0" Separator="8bb2e1"/>
<Entry Name="Back" Bitmap="Menu_back.gif" Margins="1,1,1,1" DrawMode="REGION_E_HSTRETCH,REGION_E_VSTRETCH"/>
Thank you! Now I can get on with making my player to match my new skin!! ;D
Whoopee!!! Got my first mega skin done! Now a few questions about mini skins....
How the heck do you get the play, next, stop, previous button positons to move?? I have tried editing the xml file (using x as left and y as top) but nothing happens!! I have saved it and then applied, but the darn things just won't budge!!
Am I missing a step? Where do you give the dimensions of your player body image?
Can you use .png's for the body image or is it restricted to .bmp?
I had a play around and they do move but it's an optical illusion!
Take a look at SonixMedia.
If you look at MainBody.gif you'll find that there is a fixed Play button
on the main body.
If you then look in Main.xml you'll see that play.gif is overlaid ontop of this.
If you move the position of Play.gif but only by say 10-20 pixels you can
see that the button does indeed move, however you can still see the fixed image in the
background. Hope that helps
Thanks Mr. Chriz.....
Sheesh...who would have thought that a little mini player would be harder than a windowblind!!! :o
Whoopee!!! Got my first mega skin done!
How bout a pic? ;D
Hi Gamer!!
Here it is: (providing of course I remember how to do this!!)
Maybe this will work better:
Thanks Jim!! ;D
Am in the process of moving and all my little memo books with instructions on how to do things are in a box....hope it wasn't marked misc....there seem to be alot of those!! ;)
You matched it well with your WB skin.
Looks Good!
Thanks gamer! I am a customization nut! Started making blinds last spring...the first were ,admittedly, somewhat terrible! Just had the start panel, menu's and taskbar skinned!! Now the only bits I am still stuggling to learn how to skin are toolbar icons and animations. Making my player match my desktop is just the logical next step.
Now if I can only get that mini skin to do what I want it to!!
Now the only bits I am still stuggling to learn how to skin are toolbar icons and animations.
Check this out:
Any use?
Thanks Epf...
I can use all the help I can get at this point! ;)
I use the guys and gals at SkinArtistry's workshop as my usual sounding ground and testing area, alas, it has been hacked once again and now will be shutting down come Feb. 14th. Hackers make me angry! >:( Why destroy someone's hard work?!
It is/was a fabulous site to go. Good people, great workshop and tutorials. I'm going to miss it. :'(
I like it. Its always nice to see something heading off in a new direction, have seen so many metal skins before, and while they truly did reach perfection, they were nearly all metal, and I've always wanted more variety.
I've toyed with the idea of trying some skinning, but I still cant quite decide to do it. If I ever do, you can be sure they'll be something different.
Go for it, Tab! I just love seeing the new stuff people come up with.....I admit that I tend to make my skins a bit "girlie" ;D but then again...I am of the female gender and like variety on my desktop!
Well I went for it :) Its not finished but am using it and like it. I'm convinced no-one else wll like it though, as it goes in the oposite direction to all the finely crafted skins I see people designing for MC, its about as basic as I could get. Maybe we'll see when I get it finished some time. :)
Well I went for it :) Its not finished but am using it and like it. I'm convinced no-one else wll like it though, as it goes in the oposite direction to all the finely crafted skins I see people designing for MC, its about as basic as I could get. Maybe we'll see when I get it finished some time. :)
Well I'm sure we're all intrigued anyway!
Be good to see a screenshot :)
Well I'm sure we're all intrigued anyway!
Be good to see a screenshot :)
Yes, I realised I put myself in a position there. I cant really post it yet as it still is borrowing some bits from another skin that I haven't replaced yet. Once done I shall post! But, you wont like it, its kinda win3.1 at night time.
Well, its ready to post. But I dont see how to post a pic here. Will have to put it on the site and come back here.
Here it is:
Click the 'skins' link, and expect retro
Very black! =)
It's a bit like how I have my Windows Tile bars.
I always have my Window Bars set to fade
from Red to Black, my computer doesn't really handle
the Windows Duplo stuff too well.
I find a black background much more comfortable to work with than the default grey and white. It also stays in the background, as backgrounds are meant to.
If it were possible to do dials on MJ/MC skins I'd make a 1920s radio version with knobs for volume etc, but I dont suppose its possible.
That's a mini skin. They're completely freeform. Doof did an iPod once.
That's a mini skin. They're completely freeform. Doof did an iPod once.
I'm not sure I understand you Jim. Its certainly low on graphic content :)